Potato Labella: description and characteristics of the variety, reviews

4.02.2018 Potatoes

Description of Labella potato varieties, photos and reviews are interested in an increasing number of Russian gardeners. Labella variety is ideal for producing a high-quality and tasty crop that can be obtained in the shortest possible time.Description of Labella potato variety, photos and reviews indicate that it is this vegetable crop that is becoming increasingly popular among Russian gardeners. Many beginner gardeners are interested in how the Labella differs from the other varieties and what the proper cultivation of this vegetable crop should be.

Description and characteristics of Labella potatoes

Labella is distinguished by semi-upright bushes of medium height, which greatly simplifies the work of gardeners and allows you to abandon additional strengthening. The potato peel may be red, but the pulp on the cut will be yellow, although the starch content in this variety never exceeds 15.8%. It should be noted that in most cases the weight of potatoes reaches about a gram.

Important! Labella is one of the most suitable varieties of potatoes for sale, as the marketability reaches 91-92%, keeping quality is 98.

Potato Labella: yield, origin, taste

Labella is a potato variety that came from German breeders. Solana, an active leader in the invention of high-yielding hybrid varieties, has proposed Labella for potato lovers.

Labella was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2011, and it is recommended for farms and large industrial complexes in the field of agriculture, but if desired, it is also possible to grow vegetables on personal yards.

Labella is characterized by impeccable taste characteristics: bright and with a sweetish notes, not watery. Potato is suitable for cooking, frying and baking.

Growing rules

Labella potatoes need to be grown according to a certain agricultural technique to obtain a quality crop.

  1. Potatoes will only grow successfully on loose and fertile soil, and you need to take care of the possibility of optimal permeability to moisture, air, heat.
  2. Spring work with planting material begins about 3 weeks before the intended planting of potatoes. Only high-quality varietal material is used for planting, so healthy medium-sized tubers are chosen. In an extreme case, you can cut large tubers, whose weight exceeds 90 grams, into 3 parts, taking into account the location and number of ocelli in each segment. Tuber cutting is carried out only on the day of planting.
  3. Labella seed is planted to a depth of 6 - 8 centimeters.

Proper cultivation creates the basis for the subsequent receipt of a quality crop.

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Care Rules

The Labella potato variety needs comprehensive care, on which the quality of the resulting crop directly depends.

  1. Hilling. This procedure contributes to the formation of additional shoots, increases the yield by about 30%. In this case, the earthing up guarantees optimal protection against spring frosts.
  2. Watering. It is recommended to water the potatoes only in drought.
  3. PreventionIt is extremely important to carefully monitor the health status of potato bushes. When the first signs of disease or damage appear, protective measures are carried out using special means.
  4. Soil cultivation is also required, as it is aimed at removing weeds, improving air access to potato tubers.
  5. Fertilizing is a must for every gardener. It is advisable to carry out a 3-fold fertilizer: when planting tubers, when buds appear and at the flowering stage for accelerated tuber formation (mullein or bird droppings solution). Fertilizers are best absorbed after irrigation or rain, so the soil must be moistened.

An integrated approach is aimed at full-fledged and high-quality potato care, due to which the yield indicators are significantly improved.

Diseases and Pests

Labella is one of the best varieties of potatoes, as it is resistant to diseases and pests. However, for prophylaxis, a single treatment with herbicides is recommended.

Labella can suffer from pests. Colorado beetles and wireworms are especially harmful. For this reason, it is desirable to carry out prophylaxis against insects.

Without fail, harvested potatoes are evaluated for quality, since any diseased or diseased tubers are undesirable to eat.



“Labella is one of the most worthy varieties of potatoes. I was able to appreciate the rich and tasty harvest, but at the same time you need to understand the importance of comprehensive care and prevention to prevent the risk of contracting diseases and pests. In fact, even a novice gardener will appreciate the German Labella variety. ”


“In the past few years, Labella has become more and more popular, because it is ideal for active cultivation in Russia. Ease of care guarantees the possibility of growing potatoes even by novice gardeners, and this variety deserves special attention due to the decent yield results, the quality of the grown potatoes and its impeccable taste characteristics. ”

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