Potato: benefits and harms to the human body

22.06.2019 Potatoes

Eating potatoes, its benefits and harms force scientists to conduct research for hundreds of years. There are many reasons for the American vegetable. The negative side is that the fetus enters the body as a fast carbohydrate, which raises blood sugar levels. The positive aspects include the presence of vitamins, amino acids, chemical elements.

What kind of vegetable is potato?

Potato is a vegetable that is rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Salts of potassium, calcium, vegetable protein have an alkalizing effect. The most important element of potatoes is starch. It is starch that makes people gain weight. Salads, side dishes, casseroles, omelets, pancakes, zrazy are made from vegetables.

The benefits and harms of potatoes depend on the variety and storage method. Storage in the light of the root crop contributes to the accumulation of the toxic substance corned beef.

There are foreign clinics that treat baked vegetables. Vegetable without fear can be given to children. Proper cooking without a lot of fat and salt is only beneficial. However, there are a number of diseases in which it is better to refuse a vegetable.

The benefits of raw potatoes

Raw potato tubers contain more nutrients than heat-treated potatoes. The tubers contain vitamin C, which begins to break down at 60 degrees. If you consume raw vegetable juice, then you can saturate the body with antioxidants, protect blood vessels, bones from destruction.

Many confectionery products are prepared on the basis of potatoes, because it is from it that they receive potato molasses.

Raw tubers should not be taken as food if they are old, have begun to sprout, contain solanine, green on the outside.

Apply raw vegetable:

  • with inflammation of the joints;
  • with hair loss, sagging skin;
  • with periodontal disease, scurvy.

Raw tuber strengthens the immune system, helps to cope with chronic fatigue. A vegetable helps to improve metabolism and remove excess fluid from the body, have a therapeutic effect on all organs.

When raw potato juice is used

The benefits of potatoes for the body lies in its juice. Raw vegetable juice is not the most pleasant fluid that can enter the body. Potato juice is especially useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Juice reduces acidity due to alkaline compounds. Cheese juice helps to cope with gastritis, stomach ulcers, intestinal disorders. In addition, the juice is useful for flatulence, constipation. Drinking potato juice is necessary 30 minutes before a meal of 100-125 grams.

If a person suffers from hypertension, it is necessary to take the juice of raw tubers as a source of acetylcholine, which reduces pressure.

In gynecology, juice is used to treat cervical erosion, inflammation of the appendages.

In cosmetology, juice is used to eliminate acne, potatoes are useful for improving complexion, combating skin pigmentation, freckles.

To obtain juice, it is best to use varieties of pink and red root vegetables. Juice should be drunk freshly squeezed, because after 10 minutes more than half of the nutrients are lost.Treatment is best done from June to February. If you apply the root crop in another month, it can cause harm to the body. The duration of use is 10-14 days.

How to make potato juice

Freshly squeezed juice cannot be stored even in the refrigerator. Drink liquid immediately. At least two medium-sized tubers are used to make juice. It is best to take tubers of pink, red color and not use yellow varieties, and a greened fruit can not be used as food.

You can get the juice in any way: grind it with a blender, through a juicer, a meat grinder, a grater. The resulting slurry can be laid in cheesecloth and squeezed juice into a glass. You need to drink the juice before the liquid begins to darken or change color.

Potatoes can be salted at any stage of cooking. In order for the root crop to boil better, a pinch of sugar is added to the pan.

How to apply potatoes during a diet

Those who are on a diet think that it is better to refuse potatoes. It turns out that if you choose a variety, method of preparation, then the vegetable during the diet will bring no harm, but benefit.

If you replace potatoes with bread or pasta, then it is possible to lose weight. This is due to the content of resistant starch, which, when ingested, behaves like fiber. Starch prolongs the feeling of satiety, helps not to take extra food after the main meal.

The intake of nutrients in the vegetable reduces blood cholesterol, blood pressure and destroys inflammatory processes. Potato has beneficial properties on the cardiovascular system.

Nutritionists recommend consuming vegetables during the diet so that fiber nourishes the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Regular consumption of boiled product improves the digestive tract, improves well-being.

What harm can potatoes do?

Potato can bring harm to human health if it is improperly stored, prepared. Chrolophyll and solanine, which are formed when stored in sunlight, are poisonous compounds. These two poisons are not destroyed by heat treatment.

The consumption of fried potatoes, fries, chips, as well as dishes with fats can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Potatoes can be harmful if keep it in the refrigerator, the beneficial properties of the vegetable for the human body will begin to be destroyed. Cold temperatures hydrolyze contained in starch vegetables to sugars, which can lead to obesity. Due to the high glycemic index when using the vegetable, blood sugar may increase, so it can not be eaten with diabetes.

With all possible harm, doctors do not recommend completely abandoning potatoes. It is better to refuse for one month, after introducing the baked vegetable into the diet. If during its application there will be no deterioration, then you can introduce this product into the diet a little bit. Useful potatoes can only be understood empirically.

To make the potato tastier, when cooking, add a whole head of onion, several branches of greens to the pan.

Calorie tubers

The nutritional value of a vegetable depends on the method of preparation. During heat treatment, the amount of vitamins decreases, and caloric content increases significantly. This is due to a change in the glycemic index during cooking.

The calorie content of raw tubers is 70 kcal. The glycemic index of the crude product contained is 40 units. Baked potato due to starch increases calories up to 110 kcal. The glycemic index is 80 units.

At the same time, the boiled fruit contains 86 kcal. Such a product is indicated for dietary use. Its glycemic index is 90. Fried vegetable is the most high-calorie, harmful. In this potato 190 kcal. It is, of course, delicious, but this leads to the habit of eating it.It is not the potatoes themselves that are harmful, but the addiction to fatty foods.

Healthy Potato Varieties

The taste of potatoes depends on the variety, ripening time. The earlier a vegetable ripens, the less starch, more juice. The most delicious are late varieties.

Non-compliance with the storage conditions gives the vegetable a sweet taste. This taste occurs when frostbite of fruits.

Yellow varieties are the most boiled and sweet. They contain a large amount of carotene. Red varieties are rich in antioxidants, well stored, have a delicate taste. The white fruit is rich in vitamin "C", it is juicy, contains a moderate amount of starch.

Sweet varieties

Adretta is an early yellow vegetable that exhibits benefit and harm to the body. The taste does not change during prolonged storage. When freezing, the fruit does not become sweeter, does not acquire an unpleasant taste. The root crop does not get sick, tolerates an unfavorable climate.

Vineta is an early and fruitful yellow variety. Fruits weigh up to 100 grams. The variety is not afraid of disease.

Zekura is an early yellow variety with good flavor characteristics. The fetus is stored for up to 6 months, retains health benefits.

Sante is a thermophilic yellow fruit. With long storage does not lose taste, attractive qualities. The potato tastes good, the weight of the tuber is 70 grams.

The most delicious varieties

It is impossible to highlight the most delicious varieties, but you can focus on general preferences.

Picasso is a delicious root vegetable. The fruit resembles the artist’s coloring. The variety is medium late, ripening in at least 110 days. The color of the potato is cream.

Pai - a fruit that is quickly prepared, has a root mass of up to 400 grams. Tolerates even adverse storage conditions.

Impala - a crop in the southern regions can be obtained 2 times per season. It contains a large amount of starch, a delicious fruit.

Varieties for mashed and frying

Varieties that literally crumble during cooking are suitable for mashed potatoes.

These varieties include:

  • Riviera;
  • bellarose;
  • Tiras.

These yellow disease resistant fruits are well stored.

To speed up the process of cooking a vegetable in water, you can add a piece of butter. Fat increases the boiling point, so that the product quickly reaches readiness.

Varieties suitable for frying:

  • rosara;
  • anosta;
  • ariel.

The fruits have a balanced taste, grown in the CIS. Vegetables do not boil during frying, which is very valuable for lovers of crust.


You may be interested in:

When choosing a variety, storage, cooking, potatoes are a useful product for children, the elderly, as well as those on a diet. Cooking without oil and with a minimum amount of salt will allow you to get a daily intake of vitamins and minerals without harming the body.

Raw potato juice is a folk remedy. Raw fruit and its juice are used to treat various diseases of the digestive tract, joints, genitals.

The choice of variety according to its purpose will help to prepare dishes that are delicious, nutritious, satisfying and presentable.

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