Potato Zhukovsky early: variety description, photo, reviews

19.01.2018 Potatoes

In the modern world, the role of the most diverse cultivated plants is great, a special place among which is early Zhukovsky potato. It is our description of the variety, characteristics, characteristics of planting, care and storage that our article is devoted to. Here you can view photos and read reviews of people.

People who tried to plant early Zhukovsky potatoes in their plots talk about the description of the variety that struck them, characteristics. They assure that even from the photo you can appreciate the beauty and originality of the plant, and what can I say if you try it. Reviews about the culture are only positive.

Description of potato Zhukovsky early

Zhukovsky early potato, the description of which is of interest to many gardeners, is notable for its unpretentiousness. An excellent harvest can be obtained throughout the Russian Federation, excluding areas of the Far North. The potato crop ripens within a 2-month period after the process of digging into the ground.

The Zhukovsky potato variety, the photo and description of which is already capable of causing appetite and a desire to taste its taste, was developed in the early 90s of the last century by a group of Moscow breeders. After successful trials in 1993, Zhukovskaya potato was added to the State Register of the Russian Federation. It was bred specifically to grow in temperate climates, characterized by a small summer period.

You should know! You can eat delicious potato dishes from Zhukovsky potatoes all year long, provided that it is properly grown and stored.

The Zhukovsky potato variety, characteristics, reviews, the photo of which is striking in its originality, has a number of advantages, so a large number of amateur gardeners and professional breeders choose it:

  • tubers have beauty and accuracy in appearance. The fruit is characterized by evenness and thinness of the skin. It is pink in color, but there are specimens that have a richly reddish hue. Each of the potato varieties weighs from 165 to 200 g. There are fruits of both round and oval shape, characterized by harmony;
Important! In the process of testing, it was proved that Zhukovsky potatoes cannot be boiled during the preparation process. This is also confirmed by ordinary people who tried to cook this variety.
  • on the surface of the tuber, one can sometimes observe the presence of small eyes, which can be located throughout the vegetable. The tubers have a white flesh that does not become dark in color when cut with a knife;
  • potato bushes are of medium height and are characterized by semi-spreading. The stem has branches, dark green leaves grow on each branch. They are large in size, have dissections, visually you can see the veins and a small amount of the gun. Flowering of a cultivated plant is observed for a short period of time. The corolla of flower inflorescences has a red-violet color, the tips are whitish. The culture does not produce flowers from flowers;
  • Zhukovsky potato variety ripens within 55-65 days after the tubers are planted in the ground;
  • each of the bushes is able to give from 9 to 11 fruits. There are specimens that can produce up to 15 tubers;
You should know! Yields are not affected by soil content.
  • the variety perfectly resists the influence of pathogenic bacteria and potato pests;
  • can give an excellent crop even in drought conditions and with a decrease in temperature to plus 10 degrees Celsius;
  • You can store tubers without any problems for almost a year. However, they do not rot.
Important! If you slightly scratch the surface of the root, this will not contribute to its death, even in long-term storage.

Advantages and disadvantages of Zhukovsky potato

Each person who feasts on the roots of this early variety of potatoes will be amazed at the accuracy of their appearance and the short maturity. Potato variety Zhukovsky early is characterized by a number of advantages:

  1. Resistant to dry conditions.
  2. Productivity Stability.
  3. Early ripening of fruits.
  4. Stretching of the fruiting process.
  5. The variety is distinguished by the safety of its presentation for a long time.
  6. Resistance to the effects of nematodes, late blight, potato cancer, mechanical damage.
  7. It can be stored for a very long time without loss of taste.
You should know: negatively affects the taste of tubers, if you delay the harvest for a long time.


Like other garden crops, early Zhukovsky potatoes have a small number of negative sides:

  1. Almost does not resist the negative effects of late blight, alternariosis.
  2. It is characterized by average taste indices of root crops.
  3. Tubers can rot with excess moisture in the soil.
Tip. To reduce the risk of rotten and slightly rotten fruits, root crops should be harvested in a timely manner.

Growing Secrets

Zhukovsky early potato, the characteristic of which is characterized by increased resistance to low temperatures, compared with other varietal varieties, can germinate quite early. Amateur gardeners planted prepared seed fruits in mid-April.

Important. It is better not to cut the root crops prepared for seed, since such specimens can rot or produce a small number of stems during germination, which will significantly affect the yield reduction.

To quickly seed seed tubers, they should be put ahead of time in prepared boxes and left in favorable room conditions for 2 weeks. At this time, the seed potatoes should be covered with something that helps scatter the sun's rays. For rapid germination, periodically moisturize and turn over the potatoes.

Simultaneously with the above manipulations, they should be disinfected. A potassium permanganate solution is perfect for this procedure. Disinfection of the fruit is carried out 1 time within 7 days. In parallel with this, treatment is carried out against a variety of diseases and potato pests. For this purpose, you can use chemical specials. drugs. They can scare away parasitic insects and reduce the risk of a wide variety of diseases that lead to the death of the plant.

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After the formation of sprouts with a length of 1 cm, root crops should be planted on the prepared site, after digging it up and making various fertilizers.

Tip. If potatoes have many sprouts, then such bushes will contain more fruits in the future.

Potato variety Zhukovsky, whose characteristics indicate the possibility of early planting, is still afraid of frost. It is usually planted in mid-April. Recently, in all regions of the Russian Federation, excluding the territory in the south, frosts are often observed almost in April - May.To reduce the risk of freezing, cover the area with special material containing agronomic fiber.

Care Rules

Potato Zhukovsky, whose variety description is unpretentious, can be grown without any problems. In order to grow a large crop, it is necessary to perform the main stages of care.

  1. The territory between the rows is weedy from weed grass and the soil is loosened. These measures will help better cultural growth.
  2. Potato Zhukovsky, whose characteristics indicate the possibility of cultivation even in arid conditions, should still be watered. The amount of water should be moderate. You should know. If the summer is dry, then for every square meter it is necessary to add 5 liters of water.
  3. It is considered important to cultivate a potato crop. This helps protect the tubers from excess moisture. In this case, aeration of the root system occurs. The hilling process should be carried out 2-3 times per season, which contributes to the safety of the plant and an increase in the mass of potatoes. The procedure must be carried out during the appearance of flowers on the bushes. Subsequently, the manipulation can be repeated if necessary.
  4. Potato variety Zhukovsky early, the characteristic of which includes little resistance to the influence of pests, must be protected from parasites (Colorado potato beetle and bear). It is these pests that cause great harm to plants. It is necessary to scare off or destroy these insects, using special. drugs.

The ripening period of early Zhukovsky potatoes varies from 55 to 65 days after the appearance of the first bores.

Important. In mid-summer, when the tops begin to turn yellow, it is recommended to cut it. The fact is that the formation of root crops has already occurred, and this measure will help protect potatoes from late blight.

Harvesting and storage

After Zhukovsky early potato has ripened, gardeners begin to wonder when to dig and how to do it. At the end of the ripening period, you can harvest mechanically or with a shovel. Reviews of ordinary people about the early Zhukovsky potato variety only confirm the long duration of storage of tubers in a cool place. For this purpose, potatoes can be placed in the basement. It should be ensured the optimal temperature regime due to which the root crops will have a presentable appearance and better taste.


Zhukovsky potato, a characteristic of the variety, reviews of which are presented in large numbers on the Internet, is chosen by many gardeners for planting in their summer cottages. Amateurs who planted an early Zhukovsky potato variety in their gardens say that the characteristics of the root crop influenced their choice. Their reviews indicate that the culture is able to give a large crop of tasty and original fruits with a minimum amount of physical costs.

Svetlana Petrovna, 58 years old, Voronezh:

“Absolutely by chance I heard about Zhukovsky early about potatoes. On the Internet I found a description of the variety, looked at numerous photos and read the reviews left by users. My husband, daughter, and I myself love pink potatoes. We have a small plot, only 5 acres, and the harvest was so large that it was enough not only for our family, but also for a neighbor who asked me to sell several bags. The potato lay perfectly, did not rot, small sprouts appeared only in February. It was also attractive that during the cooking process, no digestion and darkening of the product occurs. I advise everyone. ”

Peter Vasilievich, 63 years old, Khabarovsk:

“After retirement, I became interested in gardening and gardening. Recently, her daughter said that she bought potatoes Zhukovsky. She praised and showed photos so that I decided to try to plant seeds. But first I read the description of the variety in order to become more familiar with all the pros and cons. ”

It turned out that the reviews are completely positive.He planted and did not lose. Only 2 months later I tasted her taste. I advise everyone!

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