How many days after flowering do you start digging potatoes for storage

16.01.2018 Potatoes

Potato fruits are underground, only the aerial part is visible - stems and leaves. Is it possible to determine by the "tips" whether the vegetable itself has grown? Before flowering, he gives all his strength to the growth of shoots, and only with the beginning of budding do small tubers form.

As soon as the flowers fall, the potatoes begin to grow actively. To try young, not yet ripened potatoes, it is important not to miss the time - this phase of maturity lasts only 2 or 3 weeks.

Young potatoes are a real treat. In addition to the delicate taste, it contains many vitamins, trace elements, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, fiber. Of course, after heat treatment, some of the substances die. The skin during this period is very thin, easily damaged. It is usually not cleaned, but scraped off with a knife.

What are the signs of potato ripening

Potato ripening is determined by the condition of the tops. When the bush reached its maximum size, the flowers fell off about 2 weeks ago, the stems began to fall apart a bit, the first yellow leaves appeared - it was time for trial digging. The fact is that external signs are very arbitrary. If the root crops are too small, then it makes sense to wait until the desired size for another week or two, as needed.

What potato harvesting methods are there?

The most popular method is ordinary shovel digging. With this method, the bush is dug out completely. Young potatoes are usually not procured for the future, so the harvesting volumes are appropriate.

There is a way to dig up potatoes without loss for a crop not yet matured. With a shovel, a hole is made near the bush, not far from the tubers. By hand, to the touch, the largest potatoes are determined, gently broken off and removed; small potatoes remain to grow further. Under the roots they add earth, the bush is watered and spud, slightly compacted.

When can I dig young potatoes?

If you start to dig up the potatoes too early, then the root crops will be too small and watery to taste. As they ripen, starch accumulates in them, they become denser.

The period of digging of young potatoes depends on the timing of planting, which, in turn, depends on the weather and on how warm the ground is and what the weather was.

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Varieties with different ripening dates have a “young" period at different times. Early ripening varieties are ready for the first digging already in 35-40 days after planting, later - in 50-60 days.

In central Russia, in particular in the suburbs, the climate is quite severe. Potato planting time - end of April - first half of May. This is provided that the frost has passed and the soil has warmed enough. Accordingly, the potato will grow about 2 months, you can start harvesting: early varieties by mid-July, late varieties closer to August.

Harvesting and storage rules

The strongest bushes are selected for digging. This is not a sign of ripening, but the tubers will be larger. Harvested young potatoes are harvested only "for food". It is stored poorly, it will quickly become loose, darken and become soft, so do not make reserves for the future. But a small amount can be loosely packed (for example, paper) and stored in a cool place - a refrigerator or a cellar for vegetables. Strong tubers are selected for storage without damage and dark spots.


Among gardeners, young potatoes are always popular. A root crop of precisely this degree of maturity is especially appreciated for its special taste and high content of valuable elements.

“In Siberia, the time of young potatoes comes in different ways. It depends heavily on the weather - 2-3 weeks after flowering, if it is cold outside, tubers can be very small and watery for a long time. Anyway - every year we look forward to the first potato harvest. In late July or early August, it’s time to go to the country. ”


“You can start digging potatoes soon after flowering, the tubers are still small, but very tasty. Potatoes grow very quickly - every few days the peel becomes coarser, the potatoes are larger and denser. Early varieties are very convenient - ordinary blooms do not have time, and this one can already bloom. Her cleaning can begin in June - July. "

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