Dates of planting cauliflower for seedlings in 2019

8.02.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Cauliflower is in great demand not only because of its taste. Its inflorescences are appreciated for the presence of proteins, vitamins, alpha amino acids. The energy value of the product is very low.

Therefore, the vegetable is indispensable in baby and diet food. When self-sowing for full heads, it is worth adhering to the optimal planting dates. The time for planting cabbage for seedlings in 2019 depends on several factors.

Sowing seeds by region

All varieties and hybrids of vegetables are biennials. However, heading out with multiple inflorescences occurs in the first year. For planting cauliflower, it is important to create the optimal level of humidity and air temperature. And also prepare a nutritious soil mixture. Depending on the region, seeds are sown at different times. At the time of planting seedlings in open ground in most of the territories of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the age of seedlings should be no more than 65 days. In this case, take into account the precocity of each variety or hybrid.

Precocity Sowing seeds Seedling planting dates Age of plants at the time of planting in a permanent place
early From March 1 to April 1 From April 28 to May 20 28-58 days
mid-season From April 1 to May 10 From May 15 to June 20 32-42 days
late From May 1 to June 15 From May 25 to July 10 28-36 days

In the southern regions

In southern areas, you can use the seedling method of cultivation. In this case, the root system will not be fibrous, and the central root will penetrate deeper into the soil. Plant the seed immediately in a permanent place, observing the distance between rows of 40 cm - 65 cm. When planting, take into account the characteristics of each variety or hybrid, as well as the fertility of the soil. So:

  • on heavy clay soil, observe the distance between plants 25-70 cm;
  • on light sandy loamy soils, planting density can be increased by growing a crop at a distance of 40-55 cm from each other.

Sowing in the southern regions can be done already in April 2019. When the first or second pair of true leaves appears on young plants, thin out the cabbage, leaving a distance of 12-18 cm between each. Last thinning is carried out when four or five pairs of true leaves grow on the plants.

On a note!
Removal from the rows of excess plants should be carried out only after abundant watering. Perform the procedure carefully so that the remaining seedlings do not injure the root system. Remote plants can be transplanted to another site.

In outskirts of Moscow

Growing cauliflower for seedlings in the Moscow Region is carried out only by the seedling method. In apartment conditions, it is problematic to grow good seedlings due to low humidity and high temperature conditions. Best sown in greenhouses or greenhouses. In the presence of heated shelters, the sowing time of cauliflower is March 15-25.

If there is no possibility of heating, there are no greenhouses, the time for sowing seeds in the Moscow region and in the Middle lane should be postponed. Carry out foil crops in the garden from the last decade of April. In these regions, you can sow several varieties or hybrids at once, differing in terms of maturation. And you can sow a new variety every two weeks.When planting, observe the distance between the seeds, which should not exceed 3-5 cm. If you have a glazed loggia in the middle lane, you can sow the seeds at home. Start landing from the last April decade until mid-May.

In the Urals

In Siberia and the Urals, gardeners successfully grow cauliflower. The main thing is to choose varieties and hybrids adapted for cultivation in these regions that have a short ripening period. Most often, gardeners use a seedling method. However, a better head is formed from seeds sown in a permanent place, the plant is less sick.

Recommended planting dates for the regions are from the first to the last ten days of May. During summer-autumn cultivation in these regions, sow cabbage on the beds from June 25 to July 15. Experienced gardeners plant seeds in early May. Sown areas are covered with a film or agrofiber, fixing the covering material on stakes, metal rods.

Grow seedlings in Western Siberia due to the harsh continental climate is not easy. However, when buying hybrids adapted for growing in these regions, you can achieve 90-95% seed germination worthy of the crop.

On a note!
Suitable varieties and hybrids for cultivation in the Siberian harsh climate are: Bruce F1, Baldo F1, Vinson, Incline F1, Koza-Dereza.

In the St. Petersburg region

The temperate-cold climate in the Leningrad Region forces gardeners to grow cauliflower by the seedling method. Sowing seeds for seedlings in this region is carried out from March 20 to April 20.

However, many summer residents cultivate the vegetable by direct sowing in the ground. Ultra-early varieties and hybrids mature well in the fall. And because of the cool climate, the inflorescences will not be loose. In addition, due to constant rains, the vegetable will have to be watered much less. Seeds are sown at a constant place in the ground from late May to late June.

In Belarus and Ukraine

On the greater territory of these states, climatic conditions are similar to the Central zone of the Russian Federation. Belarusian and Ukrainian gardeners are happy to work on their plots, growing all kinds of vegetables. In these countries, summer residents are experimenting with different varieties and hybrids of cauliflower and get high-quality crops. The sowing of the crop begins from March to July, depending on the characteristics of each variety, as well as the growing conditions.

The dependence of planting on cultivation conditions

In regions with a harsh climate, cabbage is most often grown in heated film or arched shelters. And in the southern regions, the vegetable is cultivated in the open ground. The timing of planting seeds also depends on these factors.

  • at open ground cauliflower Feels good, because she can not stand even the slightest shading. On days when sowing seeds to a permanent place will be safe because of the threat of frost, the night air temperature should be at least +14 degrees. In almost all regions, sow ultra-early cauliflower hybrids in open ground in May 2019 and until mid-summer;
  • in arched and film shelters, vegetables are cultivated mainly in the northern regions. In the southern regions, when growing cabbage in summer in greenhouses, the plant poorly forms an ovary due to the increased air temperature under cover. Crops in the greenhouse should be in March 2019. In case of winter cultivation - sow the seeds in June 2019 to mid-October.
On a note!
If when growing vegetables in a greenhouse due to the high temperature the head is poorly shaped, feed the plants with chelated fertilizer with a high content of potassium Plantafol 0 + 25 + 50.

Lunar Landing

The growth and development of all living organisms depends on the state of the Queen of the Night, her phase and being in the zodiac sign. The influence of the night luminary on plants is very large: when it decreases, the juices of each culture go to the root system, and during the growing phase they rise to the vegetative part.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is best done in the growing phase.The best time for her to change to a permanent place is when the Queen of the Night is in the sign of the Virgin. These are the most favorable days for planting any plant. At this point, the root system of the culture is quickly restored, the process of photosynthesis is accelerated. Planting cauliflower for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar is an opportunity to get strong plants and a plentiful harvest.

Month Sowing seeds Pick Planting seedlings in a permanent place Adverse days for any work
March 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 26, 28, 30 5, 6, 21
April 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 29 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 29, 30 4, 5, 19, 20
May 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 2, 3, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, 30 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 5, 6, 19
June 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29 2, 5, 12, 15, 28, 29 2, 11, 12, 15, 28, 29 3, 16, 17, 18

Cultivation Features

For active growth and the formation of ovaries, cauliflower requires sufficient watering. An important point at the initial stage of growing seedlings is to prevent the drying of the upper layer of soil. When the soil dries, the vegetable forms a small underdeveloped head of cabbage. Another important point when growing a crop is compliance with the temperature regime. For young seedlings, an established air temperature below + 5- + 6 degrees can lead to plant disease or complete death.

Seed preparation

Gardeners with experience grow cabbage, starting with the hardening of seed material. To do this, you need:

  • soak the grain for 10 minutes in hot (about +55 degrees) water;
  • after time, place in ice water;
  • determine for 20-24 hours in a solution of one of the growth stimulants;
  • dry under running water;
  • sow into the prepared soil mixture, observing a distance of 1, 5 cm by 2 cm.

On a note!

Seeds purchased from specialist stores are usually treated with fungicides and fertilizers. Therefore, such seed material does not need to be soaked.

Seedling Care

There are two ways to grow strong cauliflower seedlings from seeds: in a common large box or in separate containers. The first method is associated with the risk of injury to the root system of plants after diving and transplanting to a permanent place. Vegetables sown in separate containers will not be affected. And each plant can be dug into the ground without even pulling it out.

The best temperature for germination is + 22- + 26 degrees. After the appearance of loops of shoots, the capacities are determined at the most illuminated place, the temperature is reduced by several degrees. In the case of sowing grains in a common container, after the appearance of the second or third pair of true leaves, seedlings should be peaked in separate cups. At the age of seedlings of 20-30 days, fertilize with complex fertilizer.

Adult Care

Agricultural technology during the cultivation of cauliflower must comply with some rules:

  • dig the area where the vegetable will be grown. Fertilize per square meter: 10 g of saltpeter, 25 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium;
  • ten days after planting seedlings, carry out the first top dressing per 10 l of water: 10 g of urea, 25 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium;
  • the whole growing season to control soil moisture, which should be at least 65% -75%;
  • after watering, carry out loosening of the soil;
  • get rid of pest invasions with the help of preventive spraying with insecticides;
  • spray biofungicides against damage by pathogens and viruses.
On a note!
To form a good head out, cauliflower needs to grow from 15 to 22 leaves. During this period, the plant must be fed with nitrogen. In the future, exclude nitrogenous fertilizers.

Some summer residents begin the season of cultivating cauliflower in February on the windowsill under fluorescent lamps. Only in this way will it be possible to grow a full-fledged crop of vegetables already in June 2019. Therefore, you should carefully read the rules and timing of sowing the crop for seedlings.

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