Sowing calendar for June 2019

15.05.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Before going to the summer cottage in June 2019, gardeners and gardeners should look into the lunar sowing calendar. It will be possible to find information about favorable and unfavorable days. In this regard, it is worth planning the work.

Compared to May, June is a less busy month. But you can’t relax. Diseases and pests can destroy crops.

Things to do in June for gardeners

At the beginning of summer, summer residents have no time to be bored; they need to take care of the plants.

First of all, you must perform the following steps:

  • Trim bushes and trees. Secateurs need to cut dry branches to living tissue. As soon as the shoots appear, you need to choose the most powerful, and remove the rest. All sections should be treated with garden var. If the trees were badly damaged during the winter, they will have to be dug from the site.
  • To do reproduction. Green cuttings are the easiest way to get young seedlings.
  • Take care of raspberries. As soon as the bushes reach a height of 1 m, the tops must be cut off. This will allow the bushes to branch and bear fruit throughout August.
  • Prepare for the frost. At the beginning of the month, the cold may still return. Therefore, the bushes should be covered with protective material or doused with cold water.
  • Conduct treatment from diseases and pests. Scab can damage the apple tree and pear, and gooseberry - powdery mildew. For prevention from fungal diseases, treatment of plants with Bordeaux fluid will be required.
  • Water the bushes. Watering should be of high quality and timely.
  • Loosen and mulch the soil. The lunar sowing calendar will tell you when to perform the procedures in June 2019. These activities are important and will help protect plants from weeds.
  • Take care of garden strawberries. It must be watered in a timely manner, protected from pests and diseases, and mulched.
  • Weeding. Weeds prevent plants from developing normally, so you need to get rid of them in a timely manner.
  • Pay attention to vaccinations. If in the spring the gardener planted trees, then the time has come to look after the crops. They need to be examined and weak vaccinations removed.

Gardeners have no time to rest in June. Trees and bushes need care. If all activities are carried out on time, the result will not be long in coming.

What to do gardener

With the advent of summer, the gardener also has a lot of work. The first thing to do is:

  • Sow greens, vegetables. A good time for planting late varieties of cabbage, beans, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, pumpkins.
  • Protect crops from frost. Despite the warmer weather, the threat of frost has not yet passed. Plants must be covered with protective material.
  • Thin out the beets. To root crops were large, crops should be thinned out. The procedure should be performed in the evening, on a cloudy day.
  • Watering. In hot weather, crops need timely watering.
  • Take care of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers. Potatoes need to be spudded, tomatoes - to tie and remove stepchildren, and cucumbers - to pinch.
  • To fertilize. You can feed seedlings with mineral or organic compounds. In addition, it is allowed to use folk methods.
  • Conduct pest control. At this time, Colorado beetles and butterfly whites begin their vigorous activity, and can damage the crop.
  • Protect crops from disease. Phytophthora and powdery mildew are the most dangerous.
  • Weeding. It is necessary to get rid of weeds as they appear.

June is a rather tense period, summer residents have no time to be bored. To get a good harvest, you will have to make every effort.

Lunar calendar for June 2019

The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for June 2019 is presented in table No. 1. Everyone can get acquainted with it.

Events must be carried out not only with an eye on the moon, but also in what zodiac constellation it is located.
date of Moon phase Zodiac sign What to do on the site
01.06 Waning calf

It is necessary to complete the planting of seedlings, to finish their pruning.

Florists will also have something to do. On a flowerbed, it is worthwhile to plant bulbous plants.

You need to work with the root system carefully.

02.06 Waning calf
03.06 New moon Twins On this day, experts recommend refusing to perform any work. It is best to restore order on the site and prepare new beds.
04.06 Growing Twins

If tomatoes, cabbage, bell pepper have not yet been planted, you should definitely do this. Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers will also bring great benefits to plants.

Gardeners can graft trees, gardeners can improve the flowerbeds.

05.06 Growing Cancer
06.06 Growing Cancer
07.06 Growing a lion

The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for June 2019 recommends broccoli, spinach, asparagus to be planted on these days. From feeding crops will have to be abandoned.

There is also enough work in the garden. Summer residents can trim a mustache from a strawberry.

08.06 Growing a lion
09.06 Growing Virgo If the weather allows, you should definitely go to the cottage. These days, you can plant any crops, and soon you will be able to harvest a good crop. Also, experts recommend feeding root crops, and extend the arrows of garlic.
10.06 First quarter Virgo
11.06 Growing Libra

Summer residents can plant legumes, mustard, medicinal herbs.

Gardeners have no time to be bored. It is a good time to root the cuttings. Here's what you have to give up, is the pruning of trees.

12.06 Growing Libra
13.06 Growing Scorpio

If the sowing of land plants is not finished, you should definitely do it. Watering and loosening the soil will also be successful.

Gardeners can plant seedlings with a closed root system. Cutting branches and tubers is highly undesirable.

14.06 Growing Scorpio





16.06 Growing Sagittarius The day before the Full Moon is considered dangerous. Astrologers recommend at this time to refuse to perform any work. If nevertheless the summer resident arrived at the site, then you can do the following: carry out the processing of crops from pests, remove weeds, collect medicinal herbs.
17.06 Full moon Sagittarius Why not take a day off today. After all, any work in the country can not be done anyway.
18.06 Waning Capricorn The day after the Full Moon is also considered dangerous, so summer residents will have to relax a bit.
19.06 Waning Capricorn

Watering, loosening, thinning out crops will be successful. But you must carefully work with the root system.

Florists can transplant perennial herbs, collect medicinal plants.

20.06 Waning Aquarius

The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener of Moscow for June 2019 recommends in this period to do soil cultivation, weeding. The formation of cucumbers, pinching zucchini will be successful.

It's time to pick the berries. Gardeners can do useful work.

21.06 Waning Aquarius
22.06 Waning Aquarius
23.06 Waning Fish Watering and top dressing are allowed. It is advisable to refuse other works.
24.06 Waning Fish
25.06 Third quarter Aries During this period, you should not plant crops and engage in their rooting. Anyway, it will not be possible to get a good result. It is best to concentrate on pruning the garden, picking berries, loosening the soil, removing weeds from the site.
26.06 Waning Aries
27.06 Waning Aries
28.06 Waning calf It is advisable not to touch the root system. The rest of the work can be done as needed.
29.06 Waning calf
30.06 Waning Twins The last June day will be able to spend in the country. In addition, there is still a lot of work. Why not reap a crop, for sure, he is already ripe. You can also get rid of weeds, water and feed the plants.

Following the recommendations of astrologers, it will be possible to get a good harvest. All necessary information is collected in the table.

Landing in the Urals

The lunar sowing calendar for the Urals for June 2019 is also compiled. Gardeners and gardeners who do not have greenhouses can plant seedlings of pepper and tomatoes on the beds. At the beginning of the month it is allowed to sow cucumbers, turnips, radishes, greens. In table No. 2, it will be possible to find all the information of interest.

The culture Favorable days for landing
Fruit trees, bushes 4, 9, 10, 12, 16
Cucumbers, pumpkin, squash, strawberries, grapes 4-6, 9, 10, 12, 13-16
Tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant

·        5, 6, 9, 10, 12-15


Onions, radishes, carrots, garlic, radishes, radishes 18, 24
Potatoes 18, 24
White cabbage 5, 6, 12-15
Cauliflower, broccoli 4-6, 9, 10, 12-16

·        4-6, 9, 10, 13-16


In table No. 3 you can find information about the most successful and unsuccessful days. Summer residents of the Urals should pay special attention to it. If you follow the advice of astrologers, you can get the most out of your detail.

Month The best days to land Dangerous days to land
June 5, 6, 13 2, 3, 11, 17, 19, 28, 29

You may be interested in:
The climate in the Urals is special. Summer residents have to work hard to get a good harvest. All procedures must not only be coordinated with the lunar calendar, but also pay attention to the weather.

Frosts can come back at any time, therefore cultures need special protection. In June, do not remove covering material from seedlings, it will help protect plants from frost.

Before you go to the cottage, you need to look into the lunar calendar. It will turn out to find the recommendations of astrologers for every day, and perform work only at a good time.

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