Landing calendar for April 2019

18.03.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

In April, the duration of daylight hours almost doubles; for gardeners and gardeners, a period of active work begins. She is in the garden, greenhouse and at home on the windowsill. The result will be much better if the schedule of planting and other gardening events for April 2019 will be compiled using the lunar calendar. It is worth cultivating the land, diving seedlings, and pruning on favorable days.

Some tips to the summer resident

While the earth in the garden and the vegetable garden is damp after the snow that has recently come down, it is not necessary to walk around it idly. When dry patches appear, you can recognize them by the whitish ridges. The soil must be loosened for the first time. In April, the most favorable days for earthworks will be 1-6, 9-19, 22, 23, 27-28.

landing calendar April 2019

Until the soil has warmed up, soil microorganisms do not work, and garden trees and shrubs already need nutrients. They need nitrogen at this time. Trunk circles should be cleaned from last year's leaves, sprinkle fertilizer over the entire area of ​​the trunk circles:

  • ammonium nitrate - 1 tbsp. l / m²;
  • sodium nitrate - 2 tbsp. l / m²;
  • calcium nitrate - 2 tbsp. l / m².
Sodium and calcium nitrate are brought under fruit trees, if the soil is acidic.

The most suitable days for mineral dressing in April are given in the table.

Moon Zodiac sign Day

Is growing










calf 7
calf 8
Cancer 11
Cancer 12
a lion 13
a lion 14
a lion 15
Virgo 16
Virgo 17
Libra 18

On these days, it is useful to feed perennial crops (vegetables, flowers):

  • rhubarb;
  • sorrel;
  • irises;
  • tulips;
  • daffodils;
  • peonies;
  • wild strawberry.

In 2019, April 7 is the holy feast of the Annunciation. For farmers, this is an important date. Previously, it was on this day that the first spring field work was planned. At the Annunciation there are signs:

  • frost - a good crop of cucumbers;
  • damp weather - to the mushroom summer;
  • red circles around the sun - to the crop.

In April, it is worth covering beds with perennials (onions, batun, strawberries, sorrel) with a film, this will accelerate the ripening of the crop by at least 10 days.

For the second spring month, it is necessary to plan the processing of boles and skeletal branches of garden trees (whitewashing, cleaning), removal of winter shelters from roses, clematis (April 9-21). On the same days, it is good to do sanitary pruning:

  • remove broken branches;
  • on the berry shrubs cut the tops of last year's branches, affected by powdery mildew.

On warm April days 4-6, 19-24, treat trees and shrubs from pests.

How to process trees and bushes

work in April

In the garden, damaged by pests and fungal infection, spray the bushes of black, red currants, gooseberries with an emulsion made from soap and kerosene:

  • kerosene - 100 ml;
  • liquid soap - 50 ml.

Ash and soap liquor works well for the treatment and prevention of diseases. In 10 l of water add 1 kg of ash, boil, cool, add 50 ml of liquid soap.

In April, the bark of adult trees must be treated (washed) with a solution of copper sulfate. Add 100 g of the product to a bucket of water. Scrape off the bark with a brush, a wooden scraper, and a rough burlap. To collect and pour out the remains of leaves from under bushes and trees on a compost heap.

With trees affected by frost and rodents that have received sunburn, they work individually:

  • remove diseased tissue;
  • clean before the appearance of healthy wood;
  • the wound is covered with garden paste RANNET.
Composition RANNET: copper sulfate, growth regulator, adhesive substance.

After sanitary pruning, spray all garden crops with a solution of nitrafen (water - 10 l, 300 g). Sprinkle the branches covered with moss with iron sulphate:

  • water - 10 l;
  • tool - 300 g.

Apple trees and pears in April are processed from a gall tick. The pest hibernates in the kidneys. Over the summer, an adult gives several generations. Trees are sprayed with 30 Plus. It is considered the best remedy for wintering pests. It acts as an insecticide and ovicide. Destroys adults, larvae, eggs.

To whitewash the stem and skeletal branches, a mixture is prepared:

  • lime (chalk) - 3 kg;
  • clay - 3 shovels;
  • copper sulfate - 300 g;
  • water.

Water must be added in such a quantity that the consistency of the ready-to-use solution resembles liquid sour cream.

Planting seedlings

In the southern regions planting seedlings since the first days of April, they are engaged in Central Russia, suitable weather for this occurs in the second half of the month. At this time, it is better to plant 2 summer seedlings. They have a powerful root system.

landing calendar April 2019

In April, pits prepared in the fall, apple trees and pears can be planted in Siberia. There it is easier to grow seedlings on a dwarf rootstock. Trees grow in height no more than 2 m. It is easy to care for such a crown. Just harvest.

In the Novosibirsk region, Altai and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, apple trees are planted as a gift to gardeners, Altai ruddy, Slim, pear varieties - Taiga and Severyanka. Favorable days of April for planting seedlings - 17, 18. The moon grows, is located in the fertile sign of Libra.

Greenhouse schedule for April

On days when interference with plant life is undesirable (1, 4-6), they process the greenhouse:

  • wooden structures are sprayed with 3% Bordeaux liquid;
  • glass, polycarbonate wash;
  • dig the soil, fertilize and humus.

To improve the greenhouse soil, a Soil Improver is used - BTU Biocomplex. This is a product of biological origin. It inhibits the vital activity of harmful bacteria and fungi, saturates the soil with an accessible form of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, amino acids, macro- and microelements.

The action of the Soil Improver is based on the work of bacteria:

  • Bacillus subtillis;
  • Azotbacter chr;
  • Paenibacillus polymixa.

Soil before sowing is sprayed with a working solution, loosen with a rake. Work is carried out in the morning or in the evening in the absence of direct sunlight.

In the second half of April, tomato seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse. Sow it in February dive in March. Good yields yield varieties:

  • Liang;
  • Bull’s heart;
  • Persimmon;
  • In memory of the cosmonaut Volkov.

According to information taken from the planting calendar of gardeners and gardeners for April 2019, the days favorable for transplanting tomatoes into the greenhouse:

  • 11-12 to the growing moon in the most fertile sign of Cancer;
  • 16-17 to the growing moon in the sign of the Virgin;
  • 20-21 to the waning moon in Scorpio;
  • 24-26 to the waning moon in Capricorn.

All cultures easily tolerate a transplant on days when the moon is in the constellation Capricorn. The grown crop will be of good quality, speedy. In the days when the star is in the fertile sign of Scorpio, you can transplant any vegetables. Virgo is an infertile sign, but tomatoes planted on the growing moon are less sick in summer.

landing calendar April 2019

In April, it is time to transplant cucumber seedlings into the greenhouse. To warm the soil, it is better to fill the ridge with biofuel. Fresh cow dung is best suited for this purpose. It is laid in a trench dug in the center of the ridge. From above it is covered with fertile soil:

  • humus - 1 part;
  • garden land - 1 part;
  • sand - 0.5 buckets per 1 m².
Instead of 10 kg of humus, 1 kg of mustard meal can be added to greenhouse soil. It contains nutrients that plants easily absorb, and loosens the soil.

The ridge is prepared in advance, first it is poured with hot water, then Baikal EM 1 solution. The holes are formed in a checkerboard pattern on both sides of the trench. In a hole put a handful of ash.Cucumber seedlings are transplanted to the growing Moon in Cancer on April 1, 12, and to the waning in Scorpio and Pisces on the 20th, 21st, 29th, 30th.

On the last days of the month (April 29, 30), seeds of cucumbers are sown in the greenhouse. Record crops are grown when planting the popular hybrid Courage F1 from the company Gavrish. Up to 6 kg of green leaves are removed from one bush per season. The first are removed on the 35th day. Fruiting continues until the end of summer, it lasts up to 5 months.

Seedlings of cucumbers and tomatoes planted in a greenhouse are fed. Use fertilizers containing phosphorus (superphosphate, ammophos). This element contributes to the strengthening and development of the root system. The first time fertilizers are applied 2 weeks after transplantation. Good days on the lunar calendar for April 2019: 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24-26.

It's time to do potatoes

lunar calendar april 2019

In the calendar for April 2019, it is necessary to note the days in which it is worth working on potatoes. At the beginning of the month, seed potatoes are removed from the store. Tubers weighing 60-120 g are considered good. Larger specimens are not suitable, they need to be cut, and this is fraught with viral diseases.

All planting material is examined, tubers with signs of illness are discarded. Those that remain are sprayed with the Tabu Trio insecticide. The drug protects against diseases (rhizoctoniosis, fusarium) and insects (wireworm, Colorado potato beetle).

After processing, the tubers are laid out in boxes on wet sawdust (peat) in one layer, placed in a bright room. In the middle of the month, seed potatoes are transferred to the greenhouse. There he lies before landing in the ground. To obtain an early harvest of potatoes on the 18th and from April 20 to 26 (the Moon is waning, located in the constellations Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn) early-growing varieties are planted.

Epin, peat oxidate stimulate sprouting of the eyes. The tubers are sprayed with their solutions during vernalization.

Gardeners choose for early planting potato varieties of domestic and foreign selection:

  • Zhukovsky early;
  • Colette;
  • Bellarose;
  • Alyona;
  • Natasha
  • Borodyansky pink;
  • El Mundo;
  • Meteor.

The soil should warm up to 8-10 ° C, for this it is covered with a black film. Potatoes are planted in furrows according to the scheme 70 x 25 cm. Ash, humus are added to the soil. Before stable warm weather, planting is covered with non-woven material. The edges are sprinkled with earth.

Shelter is not removed until the middle (end) of May. The earth is not watered at this time. The covering material is removed on those days when late and medium late potato varieties are planted. Young shoots spud. They begin to dig up early potatoes in mid-June.

What can be planted in the garden in April

what to plant in April

On the days of the full moon (19) and new moon (5), you should not engage in planting seeds, seedlings. On the growing moon, it is better to sow leafy vegetables and fruitful plants. For planting root crops, days are suitable when the luminary decreases.

Culture An Auspicious Day
White cabbage of late grades 7, 8, 11, 12, 18
Cabbage 7, 8, 11, 12, 18
Cauliflower 7, 8, 11, 12, 18
Beetroot seedlings 2, 3, 18
Carrots for summer consumption 2, 3
Sorrel 2, 3
Parsley Root 2, 3
Radish 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23
Garlic 7, 8, 20
Leek 9, 10,
Peas 9, 10, 18, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30
Parsley leaf 9, 10
Watercress 9, 10, 11, 12
Siderata 9, 10, 18
Black onion 11, 12, 20, 21
Onion Set 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23
Dill 11, 12
Chard 18
Late and mid-season carrots 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30
Chives 22, 23
Broccoli 20, 21
Beet seedlings 29, 30
Celery leaf 29, 30

It is good to sow seeds of lettuce, spinach, parsley, radish when the moon is in the constellation Pisces. It is a watery, fertile sign. The crop of these crops is large, but not stored for a long time.

How to sow carrots

Good carrot yields are grown under good lighting of the ridge throughout the day, so the ridge is broken in a sunny place, away from the fence, trees. Once every 2 years it is transferred to a new place.

For seed germination, you need a lot of moisture, so it is better to sow carrots in the spring before the onset of hot weather.At this time, the ground is still wet from recent snow. Seeds do not need to be soaked, treated with drugs. They are sown in furrows, sprinkled with sifted humus.

For carrots, you can sow a ripe variety of radish. He rises earlier, serves as a beacon. Rows are clearly visible. Aisles are easy to loosen. Harvest the radish 3 weeks after emergence.

The distance between the rows is left at least 10 cm. As soon as the green panicles appear, the ridge is watered with a pink solution of manganese. After a week, the procedure is repeated. Carrots sown in April, by the beginning of summer carrot flies (second half of May) manages to get stronger.

Planting early cabbage seeds in the ground

cabbage in april

In the garden allocate a place under cabbage seedlings. Dig the soil, make humus and ash. With an interval of 15 cm, furrows are made in which early varieties of cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli) are sown. The seeds are sprinkled with a layer of humus mixed with sand. The ridge is covered with film. On the 10th day shoots appear. After 45-50 days, seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

Early White Cabbage Hybrids Early broccoli hybrids Early varieties of cauliflower Dates of planting for seedlings in open ground The growing moon in the constellation
Linda F1 Lord f1 Snowball 7-8 Taurus
Transfer F1 Lazarus F1 Express 11-12 Cancer
Overture F1 Ironman F1 Baldo F1 18 Libra

Shoots are not poured, they are gently watered under the root so that the cabbage seedlings do not die from the black leg. The soil is sprinkled with a mixture of sand and ash. When sick seedlings appear, healthy ones are treated with Glyocladin, Trichocin.

Organic fertilizer Aminosole is suitable for the first feeding of cabbage seedlings. It contains 20 amino acids, their plants are used for the synthesis of proteins and chlorophyll. Cabbage has increased endurance, it is easier to tolerate stresses caused by sudden changes in weather.

In those regions where the land warms up in April, frost-resistant vegetable crops are planted in open ground. Seeds of cilantro, parsley, dill, carrots, salads germinate faster if the ridge is covered with covering material.

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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Avatar


    I haven’t yet, but I’ll try

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  2. Avatar


    Very helpful information. It is advisable as early as May such information.

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