Sowing calendar for August 2019

10.06.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

The lunar sowing calendar for August 2019 is a kind of guide for gardeners and gardeners, especially for beginners. He tells you at what time it is best to plant certain crops, gives tips on caring for the garden and plants, and also greatly facilitates the conduct of country work.

How the moon phases affect plants in August 2019

The distance from the Earth to the Moon is approximately 400 thousand kilometers, but for the cosmic distance such indicators are not significant. Electromagnetic impulses and waves emanate from the surface of the satellite, which are able to overcome such distances and reach the Earth.

All living things on our planet are affected by such impulses and waves, especially in full measure they are felt by water elements. But the electromagnetic force depends largely on the lunar phases, as well as on the zodiac belt, which can amplify or, on the contrary, weaken the impulses emanating from the satellite. Therefore, it is important for gardeners and a gardener to observe the movement of the moon and its position in the zodiac signs.

Full moon and new moon - called the days of the peak moon, when it is better to refuse to carry out any land work on the site. On such days, even transplanting indoor plants can lead to their withering and death, so you should not waste energy and destroy plants.

The growing moon gives plants vitality, especially those that bear fruit above the surface of the earth. These are all cereals, vegetables, fruits and flowers.

Root crops love the waning moon, so on such days it is better to plant plants that bear fruit underground, so they will give more yield.

The lunar calendar does not give 100% fulfillment of all recommendations, it also all depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region, it is important to consider them when conducting gardening.

Garden work on the lunar calendar in 2019

August is a time not only for harvesting, but also for planting flowers. Experienced gardeners advise at the beginning of the month to plant lilies, especially for those who live in the Volga region and in Siberia. In the southern regions, the planting of lilies can be postponed to September.

In addition to lilies, in the middle of the month you can plant flowers such as daffodils, crocuses, muscari and scylla. It is also worth paying attention to peonies, they need to be transplanted and dividing.

Such a summer month is a good time for planting greens, since according to the lunar sowing calendar of August 2019, residents of Moscow, the Urals and other regions can still have time to enjoy fresh greens of dill, basil, spinach and lettuce before the first frosts. More experienced gardeners and gardeners even manage to grow a new crop of early radishes and cucumbers, however, this is only for residents of the southern regions.

At the end of August, it is better to stop all planting and focus on harvesting, otherwise they may overripe.Only those crops that are designed to collect seeds can be brought to maturity. The rest of the crop must be collected, processed and sent for storage.

According to the lunar calendar, it is better to harvest a growing moon that grows on the surface of the earth, and all root crops on a waning calendar.

Garden and garden work in August is also associated with the fight against various pests and diseases, as well as the fact that the plants give more yield.

  • If the ripening fruit attacks the wasps, then you can set a trap against them, for this we mix a glass of water with 4 teaspoons of honey and pour a little vinegar. We fill the dark bottle with the solution and place it where the wasps are most.
  • If the cherry leaves began to turn yellow ahead of time, this suggests that the tree is affected by a disease such as coccomycosis. Unfortunately, the tree cannot be completely cured of such a disease, but their death can be delayed by spraying with drugs such as Chorus and Copper Oxychloride.
  • In early August, you can spray tomatoes from late blight for the last time. But for the last treatment it is not worth using bordeaux liquid, but it is better to prepare an infusion of garlic (a glass of water and 100 g of chopped vegetable).
  • From the very first days of August, you need to stop watering the onions so that the bulbs mature well. Feathers cannot be trimmed; they must dry themselves.
  • Released beds are best planted with green manure crops, for example, phacelia. This will improve soil fertility and allow you to get a good harvest for the next year.

Harvesting is best done on Fetal Days, this will ensure long-term crop safety and minor damage during transportation.

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers

Annual flowers 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18
Biennial and perennial flowers 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 31
Bulbous and tuberous flowers 1, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28, 31

August 2019 Lunar Planting Calendar

The lunar sowing calendar of 2019 advises gardeners and gardeners for August to plan all their harvesting work, preparing the land for the new season, but if the month is warm and favorable, then do not miss the moment and sow what else has time to grow and mature.

August 1-6 is the time of the growing moon, under the influence of such zodiac signs as Scorpio, Sagittarius and Scorpio. During this period, you can carry out the following garden and garden work:

  • transplant deciduous and ornamental plants;
  • conduct berry and fruit picking;
  • sow seeds for a second crop of lettuce leaves and other greens;
  • to collect vegetable seeds and herbs for drying;
  • prune dried and damaged branches on shrubbery plants;
  • preserve the harvest already harvested;
  • prepare the cuttings for grafting.

August 7 is the time of the Full Moon, which is not suitable for gardening.

From August 8 to August 20 is the period of the waning moon, which favors in order to carry out the following garden and garden works:

  • dig up empty beds;
  • remove root crops;
  • prepare compost and put it in the pits;
  • to harvest berries;
  • to process fruit and berry crops into juice;
  • transplant strawberries and strawberries;
  • start digging potatoes;
  • loosen the soil under the bushes;
  • to treat the garden from pests and diseases;
  • to prepare flower seeds;
  • to pin and plant trees;
  • collect root crops and prepare them for winter storage;
  • mow grass on hay;
  • cut strawberry mustache and transplant them to another place;
  • to prepare and root cuttings;
  • Harvest fruits for storage and processing.

August 21 - New Moon, on this day it is worth refusing to carry out work in the garden and on the ground.

From August 22 to August 31 - the growing Moon and at the end of the month you can make such gardening events as:

  • plant bushes of strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • irrigate perennial shrubs;
  • sow already empty beds with green manure;
  • spray crops with insecticides and fungicides;
  • pruning roses;
  • root cuttings;
  • dig up tubers and flower bulbs to prepare them for winter storage;
  • pick vegetables and prepare them for winter storage;
  • to plant trees and berry bushes;
  • dig up the last potato crop;
  • prune dried branches from bushes;
  • digging the soil;
  • prepare the beds for wintering;
  • mulch beds with strawberries;
  • plant trees and shrubs.

On a note!
To harvest the second crop for planting, you should choose only early ripening varieties, but here everything will depend on the climatic conditions of the region.

The table below will help gardeners and gardeners to carry out the correct work in August in accordance with the lunar calendar 2019.

Culture days favorable for sowing seeds the culture days favorable for sowing seeds
cucumbers 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, tomatoes 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28
eggplant 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28 radish 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 27, 28, 31
Sweet pepper 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28 hot pepper 16, 17, 18, 27, 28
onion 4, 5, 8, 9, 14, 21, 22, 23 potatoes 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 27, 28, 31
garlic 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28 carrot 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 27, 28, 31
cabbage 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, different greens 1, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 31

The most suitable days for planting strawberries:

Strawberry wild-strawberry 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 31

Adverse days for planting and sowing seeds:

Prohibited boarding days in August 2019 10, 11, 12, 26

August flower care on the lunar calendar 2019

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Flowers are the decoration of any garden, therefore they cannot be ignored to preserve their value, namely the brightness of greenery and the splendor of flowering. In August, some flowers already begin to drop their petals and gradually prepare for winter. But, and there are flowers that continue to bloom until the first frost. Experienced gardeners pay more attention to late flowers.

The lunar calendar advises to do all the work with colors when the satellite is in a growing phase. In this period, plants gain strength and are able to withstand any encroachment on their quiet life.

Auspicious days in August for working with flowers include:

  • Flower Day, falls on August 14 and 15 (Libra sign);
  • Liszt day, from August 16 to August 18 (sign of Scorpio);
  • Flower Day - August 24 (Aquarius sign).

On other days, except for those prohibited, it is also possible to carry out work with flowers, then according to the observations of experienced gardeners, it is on the days of the Flower and the Leaf that taking care of plants brings them more benefit. The ovaries of the buds become even larger, the greens are brighter, and the diseased and damaged flowers recover faster.

What crops can be planted in August

For re-sowing crops, you need to choose crops, taking into account the fact that their ripening will take from 2 to 2.5 months. And this is under favorable weather conditions, but if the end of summer is rainy and the beginning of autumn is cool, then growing another crop will not work.

You can plant early-ripening varieties of cucumbers in August, but in September they will need to be covered with a film to protect from low temperatures at night and early frosts that may come at the end of September. But here, even with proper care, one should not rely on a rich harvest.

You can try to get a harvest of Beijing cabbage, as well as varieties such as pack tea and kohlrabi, they are not afraid of lowering the temperature to -4 ° C. You can also sow sugar varieties of peas, also early, before the cold, he will have time to give a crop of pods. As siderat, you can sow beans. Well, what exactly has time to grow is dill, arugula and leaf lettuce.

It is better to postpone spinach sowing in September, after wintering in early spring it will give a good harvest.

If you adhere to the advice of the lunar sowing calendar for August 2019, it will be easier for beginners and experienced gardeners and gardeners to harvest and plant plants. Some summer residents recommend keeping their personal lunar calendar, where you need to record the dates of planting, care, ripening and harvesting. And also note the observations of how plants behave depending on the phase of the moon. Based on the data obtained, each gardener will be able to draw conclusions whether the Moon really affects the plant, their growth and productivity.

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