When to plant flowers for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar

23.03.2016 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

When to plant flowers for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendarWarm spring days are pleasing with the weather, and you already want to engage in sowing your favorite flowers. After all, as you know, every plant requires special attention. There are capricious varieties of flowers, there are unpretentious, there are shade-loving and so on. In any case, to obtain the result, it is necessary to take into account certain days for sowing seeds and many other nuances.


It should be noted that when planting seeds, one must take into account the varieties of flowers and their exactingness for themselves. After all, there are such plants that, when planting on the beds, they may not have time to open their buds before the cold weather, which means that the sowing of these seeds was made much later than required.


Based on this, you should know when to plant flowers for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar. In order not to be upset then that they did not see their beloved flowerbed with their fragrant bright flowers. Therefore, sowing should be done from mid-March to the end of April. It is also noted that the first days of April should be skipped, that is, 1.04; 3.04; 5.04. In other days, you can safely do what you love.


Of course, many garden lovers begin to sow seedlings in January or February. Because they plant charming flowers on their balconies and loggias. After all, it is pleasant when nature surrounds and delights you with such wonderful creatures as flowers. But for seedlings that land under the open sky, such dates are considered early.

When to plant flowers for seedlings in 2016

At this time, many are engaged in the purchase and selection of seeds, because in this, too, there are certain subtleties. First you need to pay attention to the expiration date and the final date of implementation. Because often seeds do not germinate precisely for such reasons.


Then you need to pay attention to the conditions under which the selected flower should grow, because it is not uncommon for many plants to need a lot of sun, or on the contrary need a shadow, and in the sun the flowers will die. Based on what, it is necessary to observe the conditions that a selected plant needs. Many people choose flowers that do not require careful watering, but rather more resistant to dry weather.


Therefore, when planting flowers for seedlings in 2016, you need to decide on the selected plant type, because it is not rare that a certain variety bloom can be shifted a month earlier. Moreover, sowing begins to produce from early March to early May. Undoubtedly, here it is necessary to take into account the climate of the region and the conditions in which plants will grow.

When to plant flowers for seedlings

When to sow flowers for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, it is already known, because the growing moon is the most suitable time for sowing seeds. Moreover, as practice notes, seedlings grow stronger and are more resistant to various diseases.


Before you begin to sow the selected seeds, you need to prepare a certain inventory and land, namely:


- nutrient soil;

- containers for sowing;

- soda scoop (for convenience, make grooves);

You may be interested in:

- a watering can or a sieve through which watering will be carried out.


Sowing tanks can be chosen from anything. Plastic and wooden boxes, cut bottles and various cups, all this is suitable for sowing seedlings. It is not uncommon for many to buy peat cups in special stores, in which you can plant plants, and after that do not resort to diving. They remarkably dissolve in the earth after landing.


It is not uncommon, many gardeners stock up on soil from their infield, after which they leave it on the street for the winter, because after freezing less pests remain in the soil. Before sowing, the earth must be brought home so that it regains room temperature, because for seeds this is very important.

When to plant flowers

There is also an opinion that it is better to water it after dinner, then the seedlings grow stronger and get less sick. You should be aware that irrigation is carried out with settled water and in no case cold.


Many annual plants delight with their flowering to frosts, but it should be noted that they have poor seed germination if they are immediately sown in the ground. To ensure good germination, the seeds should be sown in seedlings. For example, these may include asters. Therefore, it is important to know when to plant them in seedlings.


Quite small flower seeds are not uncommon, and to make it convenient to sow seeds, it is necessary to pour them onto a white sheet of paper. Then they take a toothpick, wet the tip of the stick in water and after that you can easily take the seed. This method is better suited for separate seeding in cups, because you will no longer need to dive.


It is also necessary to prepare labels of the planted type of plant in advance, since after that it will be inconvenient to guess where and what came up. When sowing, seeds should not be heavily covered with soil. Because sometimes they can die from it. Some varieties of flowers generally do not sprinkle with earth, because for their germination they need a lot of sun.


In order to correctly sow, the seeds should first be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, so leave them for several days. This approach will help to harden the seeds from diseases, and then they germinate quickly. After that, they prepare the soil or buy ready-made.

When to plant flowers for seedlings according to the lunar calendar

After that, with the help of a garden scoop, grooves of the required depth are made, then the soil is shed with a solution of potassium permanganate and the germinated seeds are sown. Sprinkle a little with the ground and cover with foil for several days, then they will quickly come out of the ground.


After this, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture, as this is a very important nuance. If the sprouts dry, then they will die almost immediately, as the root system will suffer. After the plant has acquired several leaves, the seedlings should be peaked, because then it will be strong.


Spiked seedlings will fully feed, and plants will not constrain each other. It is best to dive in two roots, since it is not uncommon after such a process that the sprouts can die, since the root system is affected.


If the seeds are sown correctly and taking into account all the requirements for this type of plant, then it will certainly thank its owner with its natural beauty and aroma of flowering.

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