When to plant potatoes according to the lunar calendar in 2018

28.03.2018 Potatoes

With the onset of spring for all summer residents, there is a painstaking time for growing various crops in their gardens. Seasoned gardeners know that everything has its time. If you miscalculate with the timing of planting certain vegetables, then you can harvest and not wait at all.

Even a seemingly simple matter like planting potatoes requires certain knowledge and skills. Potatoes should be planted in 2018, taking into account various factors, as well as paying attention to the gardener's lunar calendar.

Reference: in the old days, people planned planting times for a certain date (for example, given religious holidays), followed the prompts of nature, seeing folk signs.

Choose a time for landing

Beginner gardeners often believe that you can plant potatoes at any time. It was a long weekend (as happens on the May holidays), which means that there is time to sow the field with potato seeds. Yes, you can plant potatoes and thus, only if the yield is medium, you need to blame yourself. Experienced agronomists prefer to determine the date of planting of potatoes, based on the variety, region of cultivation, season, method of planting. But more about everything ...

Planting according to grade

In planning the planting period, information about which sort of potato will be cultivated in the new season plays a role.

To date, there are several groups of potato varieties, divided by maturity:

  • early grades;
  • medium early;
  • medium late;
  • late.

Early potatoes ripening in 65-70 days are planted already in the second decade of April, when the soil warms up to a depth of 8 centimeters by 6-8 degrees. To avoid freezing of tubers (since night frosts are possible until May), plantings are covered with temporary film shelters or grown in a greenhouse. It is better to plant early potatoes already sprouted.

Tip: in order for the land plot to be prepared for such an early planting, it is necessary in advance, in March to clear it of snow, dig the ground and fertilize the soil with peat and organic matter. And for quick heating of the earth it should be covered with a film.

Varieties that have an average ripening time are planted at the end of May. By the way, most varieties of potatoes belong to this particular subgroup. The vegetation period of plants lasts an average of 110 days. Mid-season potatoes give a more abundant crop, and the taste of the fruit is much better than in the earlier ones. In addition, potatoes ripening by August are stored longer.

There are also varieties that ripen by 120 days only. It is recommended to plant such potatoes in mid-June in order to get a crop in early autumn. Varieties of such potatoes are mainly fodder - they are harvested for the winter. Later types of potatoes have a more stable immunity to diseases and pests.

Depending on the region

Potato is a thermophilic culture. For the healthy growth of bushes, it is necessary that the soil be warmed up by at least 8 degrees of heat, and the air temperature exceeds the mark of 0 degrees. Based on this, in different regions of the country determines its favorable period for planting vegetables, depending on climatic conditions.

Fact: In Siberia, for example, where the climate is severe enough, sowing dates differ significantly from the southern latitudes.

Potato planting dates for Siberia

The northern part of the country is represented by a large and uneven climate region - Siberia. In its western part, weather conditions are not as severe as in the east, so it is permissible to plant potatoes in early May. In the Novosibirsk region, it is recommended to plan plantings in the early days of summer. And in the east of the country, potatoes are planted mainly in late May.

These dates are guidelines that allow you to navigate the landing dates and are not considered mandatory. The main thing is that the soil and air create ideal conditions for sowing potatoes.


The Ural region is also not characterized by a temperate climate. Here, night frosts in early summer are not so rare. Warm weather, contrary to expectations, sometimes unexpectedly gives way to sharp cooling, which are detrimental to young plants. Therefore, when planning a potato planting in the middle latitude of Russia, it is worth considering this factor and planting a vegetable in early June. If the landing is done earlier, it is advisable to cover the landings with warm covering material, at least until the weather really becomes summer.

Fact: In the Urals, potatoes should be planted as late as possible. The weather here is changeable, which affects the temperature of the soil. Sowing tubers in well-warmed soil, you can be sure that they will germinate healthy and give a large number of root crops.

Potato planting dates for Moscow region

In this region, the soil is freed from snow and warmed up enough to produce crops by mid-May. However, you should not hurry with planting potatoes, since imaginary warming can change dramatically in spring frosts. Outwardly, the earth may look dry and warm. But since the roots of potatoes penetrate deep into the soil, it is important that they do not freeze. If you hurry up and make a planting earlier, then the plants will grow slowly and subsequently a worthy crop will not come out of them.

Tip: it is believed that sowing work should begin during the color of dandelion and bird cherry. During this period, there are practically no frosts.

When to plant potatoes in the south

In the Krasnodar Territory, Kuban and Stavropol Territory, sowing potatoes begins almost at the same time. Early sowing of potatoes is practiced.

On the Black Sea coast, spring is peculiar. Spring comes early, in the summer the sun shines. But frosts can occur even at the end of May. And already in June in the region, intense heat sets in, which drains the crops, greatly reducing the yield. Therefore, gardeners in the southern part of the country consider the last decade of March optimal for planting. By this time, the land is completely freed from a few snow, there is still a lot of nutrient moisture, and the temperature of the earth is favorable for sowing. Seedlings in such fertile soil appear quickly, and plants grow strong and healthy. Before the heat, the crop is fully harvested.

Fact: in the south of the country, a crop such as potatoes does not take root well. The reason for this is a very hot summer. At a soil temperature of +28 degrees, the tubers simply stop growing. Therefore, potato plantings in the south have to be looked after much more, making frequent and plentiful watering. Otherwise, there will be no harvest.

Potato planting dates in Crimea

Crimean climate is slightly milder. Potatoes are planted here with pleasure and manage to raise two crops during the summer. Potatoes are planted in the last decade of March or early April. By this time, the earth is still rich in water, and warmed up to the maximum desired temperature. In addition, such an early term for planting potatoes determines its future fate - the crop will be ready even before the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle. For the second time, potatoes are planted in mid-July, so that in September to harvest a new wave of the same rich harvest as the first time.

Planting potatoes in the Leningrad region

Many are convinced that in the Leningrad Region growing potatoes is a thankless task.Short and cold summers, constant temperature changes are not the best conditions for such a culture. However, experienced summer residents harvest decent crops even in such a changing climate. Snow in the Leningrad region has been melting since April. And in summer, air temperature rarely rises above the mark of 18 degrees. In addition, the soil in this region is weakened, poor in nutrients.

Mostly early potatoes are grown here, which ripens quickly and amicably. Planting is carried out in early May, when severe frosts recede, and birch trees begin to blossom.

Determine deadlines planting potatoes depending on the method of planting

The calculation of the potato planting date depends not only on the variety and weather conditions, but also on the chosen planting method.

You may be interested in:
  • So, if the cultivation of potatoes is carried out in a greenhouse, then planting can be done much earlier. For example, in the south of the country, sowing takes place even at the end of February, in order to have ready potatoes for sale in May.

Ideally planted potatoes under the film in the northern regions. Thus, planting can be done in mid-spring to get a crop in the summer.

  • Growing potatoes under straw, you can be sure that sharp night-time cooling will not affect the roots - they will be reliably protected by a covering organic layer. Therefore, you can plant potatoes under the straw already in late April or early May - at a time when the ground will be well warmed up. Moreover, it is worth considering that in the straw shoots are formed more slowly than in the ground, and therefore this method is not suitable for later planting - the crop will not have time to ripen.
Fact: grass can not be used instead of straw - the tubers will turn green.
  • Planted in open ground, based on air temperature and the degree of "warming up" of the soil. It is also worth considering the climatic features of the region, as well as the degree of maturity of the variety. The optimal time is the end of May - the beginning of June. In addition, the land at the beginning of summer is already well warmed up and it can easily be loosened and furrows arranged.
  • If a seedling method of growing is performed, then the sowing of potato seeds is carried out in March, so that in early June the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place.
Tip: Remember that late potato planting can reduce yield by one third. Therefore, even if the weather leaves much to be desired, the soil may already be warm enough and ready for painstaking work.

Potato planting dates in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

We all know that the moon affects many processes taking place on our planet. The satellite controls the Earth and the processes of growth and development of plants. Therefore, the timing of planting potatoes is also determined according to the lunar calendar, which includes favorable and unfavorable days for sowing a particular crop.

Fact: The lunar calendar is the most reliable assistant to the summer resident. No matter how beautiful the weather is on the street, whatever variety you choose and no matter how warm the ground is, if you plant on an unfavorable day, you can’t even dream of a good harvest.

The essence of the lunar calendar is that it describes the phases of the moon, by which it is possible to calculate the appropriate time for garden work. The calendar will tell you not only when to land, but also the implementation of other agricultural work - hilling, fertilizing. Thanks to the lunar calendar, you can significantly save your strength and time, while ultimately getting the largest possible crop.

reference: the first lunar calendars appeared on the territory of Germany and France as early as 30 thousand years ago.

Centuries of experience has proven that a potato plant grows better with a waning moon. Seedlings faster upward, become strong and strong.

Fact: many plants, on the contrary, do not grow well with a waning moon. However, for a potato, a diminishing celestial body is the best time for development. Harvest will be healthy and tasty.

In contrast to favorable periods, there are naturally adverse ones. These include the phases of the full moon and new moon. These days, the fauna freezes, slows down its growth and reproduction. If you plant potatoes at this time, the seedlings will be weak, and productivity will fall significantly.

According to the calendar, potatoes need to be planted, observing some nuances:

  • potatoes are planted for food a few days after the new moon;
  • potatoes are planted on seeds 3-4 days before the full moon.
Note: the lunar calendar error is not more than 5-8 days. But this is not critical for planting potatoes.

When compiling a "potato horoscope", experts also take into account the presence of the moon in the zodiac constellations. For example, in 2018, the period from April to June is considered the most favorable time for planting potatoes. Each month has its own days - optimal for sowing:

April 12 and April 13 - The moon is in a waning stage, located in the constellation Pisces. Work at this time can be productive, but the harvest will not be stored for a long time. The seeds from the resulting potatoes can not be used for next year. But in general, the harvest will be solid and tasty. It is not worth planting seeds before this period, since severe frosts are still possible;

From May 1st - the beginning of the most favorable period for growing potatoes. The moon is in the sign of Scorpio - this is one of the most fertile signs (in the first place - Cancer). The potato planted at this time will grow strong, tasty, healthy. Harvest will be generous. It can be stored until next spring.

the 6th of May - The best day to land. The moon at this time is waning, passing Capricorn. Harvest promises to be plentiful, long-lived. The potato will grow large, and outwardly it will have an excellent presentation.

May 9, 10 the aging moon enters the sign of Pisces. 24 day cycle comes. The most energetically charged period. Potatoes planted these days will give the best harvest in the garden.

June 1st The moon begins a waning phase, passes through Capricorn. The force of gravity these days is very strong, and this affects the rapid development of the root system. Stolons will grow, laying at their ends abundant root crops that will be distinguished by their health.

June 6, 7 the satellite enters the sign of Pisces. Landing time - this is the name of this favorable period. The earth will absorb nutrients and transfer them to plants as much as possible.

As you can understand, the effect of the Earth's satellite affects the energy of plants, their spirit, immunity.

Below is a table of favorable and unfavorable periods for planting potatoes in 2018.

month favorable days for landing non-recommended days for planting full moon new moon
April 5,7,9-11,19-23 14-16 30 16
May 6, 9-11,21,23 15,16,20 29 15
June 10,22-24,28 3,8,13-14,16,30 28 13


Blindly follow the lunar calendar still should not. It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the weather, because if the snow has not yet melted or frost is approaching, then no moon will help. Therefore, the optimal timing for planting potatoes is the coincidence of weather conditions and favorable astronomical periods.

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Comments on the article: four
  1. Avatar


    Have you read your calendar yourself? May 6 is the best day to land, as it is written with you, and an adverse day is also May 6. Decide somehow.

    To answer
    1. Avatar


      We plant potatoes when the cuckoo begins to cook. The method is error-free.

      To answer
    2. Avatar


      You must have watched the calendar inattentively. On unfavorable days there is no May 6th.

      To answer
  2. Avatar

    totally agree with the previous comment! The authors of the article contradict themselves - on May 6, nevertheless, what category of day belongs to: a favorable day for planting potatoes or not !! ???

    To answer

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