When to plant corn for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2018

29.03.2018 Corn

The summer season is approaching, and many, especially beginning gardeners, are interested in the question: when to plant corn for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

It is better to start sowing seeds in May. Ideal for germination use peat pots. They are not only rich in useful substances but are subsequently used as fertilizer. Using them, the seedlings will not have to be injured during the transplant: it is enough to immerse the seedling directly in the pot in the ground and the root system will remain intact.

If you could not find peat, you can buy humus-earthen pouches. They are in no way inferior in quality to the above. It is for corn that the use of such containers is most favorable: the plant behaves unpredictably after transplantation. Start preparing seeds 25-30 days before planting in the ground.

The timing of planting corn for seedlings according to the lunar calendar 2018

Seedlings planted on the lunar calendar are the most powerful and hardy. Harvest is usually richer and tastier. In 2018, the most successful numbers for landing can be considered:

  • in March: from 21-27;
  • in April: from 19 - 27;
  • in May: from 18 - 26;
  • in June: from 16 - 25;
  • in July: from 16 - 24.

As shown by many years of practice, plants planted on such a calendar are more resistant to disease and adverse conditions.

Experienced gardeners recommend: if you want to get a continuous crop before the onset of cold weather, before after planting the first seeds or seedlings, start planting the next batch in 15-20 days, focusing on the indications of the lunar calendar. This is the most optimal time.

How to germinate corn seeds

  • Place corn seeds in saline.
  • After 5 minutes, empty and unfit for growing will pop up.
  • Those remaining at the bottom are of high quality and are suitable for planting.

Then place the seeds in a moist gauze or paper cloth (filter) and leave for several days until the first green shoots appear.

When the sprouts are at least 1 cm long, you can start planting in the ground.


“Greenbacks” should be planted in pots (we spoke about them earlier) not higher than 12 cm. The depth should not exceed 4 cm. And put no more than 3 seeds in one container.

ATTENTION! It is necessary to increase daylight hours to 14 hours. This will help the seedlings to form better. Use a phytolamp for this, setting it at a distance of no more than 15 cm. Otherwise, the seedlings will stretch, and this can adversely affect the crop. As they grow, full leaves will appear. When germinating 3-4 leaves, remove the weakest seedlings from the pot

After about 2-3 weeks, seedlings can be transplanted into the open ground.

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If you do not have time, you can reduce the time:

  • soak according to the instructions the seeds in the growth activator;
  • Treat against diseases;
  • add to the wells.

This method is most effective in the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol.


For Moscow Region:

Despite such an unstable climate, corn pretty well takes root and can bear fruit until the first frost. This is due to the thick leaves that protect the cobs. Seedlings in open ground are best transplanted in mid-May. But still pay attention to the average daily temperature and the temperature of the earth: it should not fall below + 12 degrees.

Ideally it will be planted on the rowers, where the soil is more loose and enriched with oxygen. The place should be sunny.

For the Krasnodar Territory:

Due to the fact that the Krasnodar Territory is rich in several temperature and climatic zones, there is no definite date for planting corn. Someone advises to start planting after the last freeze in a week, someone waits until the temperature is at least 23 degrees. Local residents check the soil by hand: if the earth is crumpled into a lump, its temperature is low and it is not worth planting in the soil, and if it crumbles and is pleasant to the touch, you can start planting. As a rule, they begin already at the end of May.

For Siberia and the Urals:

Sowing begins only after the end of all frosts. The ideal time is the beginning of summer. The high content of solonetz in the soil negatively affects productivity. it is better to choose zoned varieties of corn.

Regardless of the region, feed the soil before the season. Fertilize also seedlings with complex fertilizers. Follow the landing pattern:

  • the distance between the holes is 70 cm; (a guideline is for the rake to pass).
  • depth - no more than 5 cm .;
  • the distance between the rows is 35 cm.

In one hole, you can add several seeds at once (if you decide not to germinate in advance).

If panicles appear, apply complex fertilizer. You can water it as the soil dries: corn loves moisture. After rain, be sure to loosen the soil. Shake panicles to increase yield.

Observing the landing dates on the lunar calendar 2018, you can get a rich and tasty crop that will delight you before the cold.

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