When to plant lobelia for seedlings in 2019: the lunar calendar

14.02.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Lobelia is one of the popular garden plants in central Russia. There are many varieties of culture. It can be annual and perennial. Read about how, where and when to plant lobelia for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar.

What is a lobelia plant

In the world on average there are about three hundred species of this flowering plant. Many of them are used not only as a decoration for garden plots, but also as a medicine for colds and inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Lobelia is considered a fairly unpretentious plant, caring for it does not require a lot of time, and it seems simple and affordable even for beginner gardeners. You can plant a flower with both seeds and ready-made seedlings.

Lobelia is considered a fairly unpretentious flower and can be grown in various climatic zones, however, subtropical conditions are considered the best for this plant.

In the gardens of central Russia, lobelia is grown mainly as an annual flowering plant. It is a low bush, standard varieties do not exceed 20 cm, but some individual species can grow up to one and a half meters. The shape of the bush is spherical. The stems on which the flowers appear are thin and branch from the very base.

Lanceolate leaves also grow on them. Lobelia flowers are usually found in white, blue, violet and purple colors, about 2 cm in size. They represent the appearance of axillary and two-lipped.

Lobelia blooms from mid-June until the first month of autumn. After the flowers from the bush showered in their place, multi-seeded boxes appear that can be used for further growing lobelia over the next three years.

Types of Lobelia

If you decide to grow lobelia bushes on your site, then you need to decide on the variety, since each species is selected for its care. For example, perennial lobelias should be monitored throughout the seasons of the year, and annuals only in the summer, therefore it is usually annuals that are common in Russia.

The varieties of annual plants include:

  • lobelia erinus - this species is also called black-headed, it has a bright purple or bright blue color;
  • strong lobelia - this variety is similar to the previous one, however, the stems and leaves of this plant are more powerful and juicy;
  • the lobelia is the thinnest - the flowers of this variety are usually in blue, lilac and white shades, there is also a perennial variety of the thinnest variety.
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Perennial species include:

  • brilliant lobelia - different in large size, scarlet flowers and leaves, the colors of which can be both green and red;
  • Dortman - a very rare variety that grows only in sandy areas;
  • gerardi - one of the most frost-resistant varieties of lobelia with spike-shaped inflorescences;
  • purple lobelia - flowers of this variety have a color corresponding to the name, and the size of the plant reaches a length of one meter;
  • blue lobelia - has blue-violet flowers, which are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences.

When choosing a plant variety, one must proceed from both your preferences for the appearance of the flowers, and for the possibilities of care and maintenance.

Growing lobelia seedlings at home

In order to plant a plant directly in the garden, it is necessary to initially grow seedlings from seeds at home, since in the middle zone of Russia frosts still occur in spring and even in early summer the land is still cool.

Lobelia flowers can bloom even at home when the plant is still a seedling.

In order to get seedlings from seeds at home, you must:

  • prepare cassettes in which seedlings will be placed;
  • in them lay a layer of expanded clay or bark;
  • further pour soil;
  • soak the soil well with moisture;
  • as soon as the soil settles, you can start sowing;
  • initially mix the seeds of the plant with sand, and then plant them in a shallow soil;
  • lobelia seeds on top can only be sprinkled with sand;
  • cover the cassette with a transparent film and place it in a sunny place.
In the place where the cassettes with seedlings will be located, the air should not be dry. Regularly water the soil and irrigate air from the sprayer, otherwise the sprouts can dry out quickly.

Planting lobelia seedlings in the soil

Usually, the end of spring - the beginning of summer, is considered the lobelia planting season, depending on when the warm weather is fully established and the frost that can destroy the plants disappears. In order for the lobelia to please its wonderful flowering as long as possible, observe the following important rules:

  • the place where you plant lobelia bushes should be sunny;
  • the site for the plant should be with fairly loose soil;
  • during planting, it is possible to add fertilizer, but you should not be too careful with nitrogen, as it can ruin flowering;
  • use the transshipment method for planting, while the distance between the individual pits should be at least a dozen centimeters.

Remember that each individual type of lobelia requires individual care and planting conditions. For example, some varieties are not recommended for planting in open ground.

Lobelia Care

Lobelia is recognized as one of the most unpretentious garden plants, and the process of caring for it is quite simple. It is worth observing just a few simple points:

  • pay special attention to watering - the soil should not remain dry, water it twice a day when there is no rain;
  • it is necessary to prune after the first flowering of lobelia;
  • use minerals to fertilize lobelia two or three times during the summer period.
If you want to plant lobelia bushes in your garden every year, then collect seeds every fall, from which you can grow seedlings in spring.

When to plant lobelia for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

Sow lobelia for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar should be on the following days:

  • if you plan to do this in February, it is better to plant the lobelia on the 7th, 11th, 13th and 16th numbers;
  • if in March, then it is better to do seedlings on 10, 12, 15 numbers;
  • if in April, then the 7th, 11th, 18th.

If you don’t manage to plant lobelia on the dates indicated on the lunar calendar, then the days with the growing moon will also be favorable periods, which can be selected in the following ranges on February 7-17, March 7-19, April 7-17.

If you plan to plant lobelia already in the open ground, then also rely not only on the Lunar calendar, but also on the climatic conditions in the region. Do not put the plant in the flower beds, if the nights have not passed with frosts, and there are still very few sunny days.

A reference to the Lunar calendar will allow you to grow a healthy plant that will actively grow and delight with its bright flowering.

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