Favorable days for sowing snapdragon for seedlings in 2018

3.04.2018 Snapdragon

Snapdragon will create a luxurious design of the flowerbed. Flower culture refers to perennials, does not tolerate cold. Flowers are grown in seedlings, before planting in open soil (on a flower bed). To grow a beautiful and strong snapdragon, you need to make a lot of effort. Consider the timing and factors affecting the planting of a flower crop.

Landing snapdragon

Snapdragon is also called Antirrinum. With the right timing for sowing seeds for seedlings, plants begin the process of budding in May, and in June and July they bloom. The growing season of ripening flowers is 90 days from seedling. Seedlings are planted after 50-60 days from seedlings.

Long before planting, it is necessary to determine the variety of snapdragon, as well as choose the time of sowing.

Types of Antirrinum

Depending on the height, the flowers are divided into the following varietal species:

You may be interested in:
  • Miniature or undersized - designed for planting paths in the garden, design flower beds. The height of such plants does not exceed 25 centimeters. The most common border varieties include:
  1. "Candy Showers" - varietal variety of snapdragon with beautiful cascading waves. Ideal for hanging flower pots and planting in pots on the balcony;
  2. “Pixie” will appeal to gardeners who love colorful flowers. Inflorescences of the variety are colored in orange.
  • Mid-sized plants grow up to 70 centimeters. Perfectly complement the design idea of ​​any landscape. Inflorescences have a characteristic pyramidal shape. Among the best hybrid medium-sized varieties distinguish:
  1. “Scarlet Monarch” will appeal to connoisseurs of deep color shades, the red color of the variety gains special attention;
  2. "Lipstick Silver" is the exact opposite of "Scarlet Monarch" in color. Inflorescences are painted in a delicate vanilla pink color.
  • Tall snapdragon grows 1-1.5 meters. Most often landed near fences or for cutting into bouquets. Indeterminate Antirrinum will please with a wide palette of colors of inflorescences. Among the most striking are:
  1. yellow flowers: "Canary", "Rocket Lemon";
  2. red varieties: “Ruby”, “Swallowtail”, “University of California”;
  3. pink varieties: "Anna-German", "Start";
  4. white inflorescences will appreciate the Alaska variety.

Deadline for snapdragon seedlings

After you have selected the Antirrinum variety, you need to decide on the day of planting. The best assistant for the florist is the Lunar calendar, which indicates favorable days for sowing seeds of flower crops.

In 2018, favorable days for planting fall:

  • in February: 21,22,23,24,25,26,27;
  • in March: 3,4,5,6,7,8,21,22,23,24;
  • in April: 15,16,17,18,19,20.

Plant Growing Region

The key factor that determines the time of sowing snapdragon for seedlings is the growing region. Consider the main areas where you can plant Antirrinum:

  • in the middle lane (Moscow region) seeds are sown since the end of March in order to transplant to a flower bed in May;
  • in Siberia, in the Urals sown snapdragon in April. The formed adult plants are transplanted just before flowering in June, when the soil and air temperature warm up to + 20 ° С;
  • in the south of Russia (Krasnodar Territory) seeds are planted at the end of February, and at the beginning of May a pick on a flower bed is carried out.

Thus, in order to land the Snapdragon in time, it is necessary to take into account a number of the above factors.It is also necessary to know that seeds germinate over 5-7 days. To make the plants stronger, before transplanting into open soil, they can be fed with organic fertilizer.

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