When on the lunar calendar to plant peppers for seedlings in 2019: favorable days

30.01.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

As soon as the January holidays pass, gardeners begin their usual work: preparing containers and soil for sowing seedlings, selecting seeds, a detailed study of the lunar phases, new tips and suggestions from their more experienced colleagues. Many people ask when it is better to plant peppers for seedlings in 2019 and how to calculate the planting time on the lunar calendar. It is advisable to sow pepper seeds in early February. But there are other chips and garden tricks that will help grow a decent crop.

For those gardeners who do not know when to plant peppers for seedlings, it is necessary to focus on the special Lunar calendar of 2019, updated annually. Oddly enough it sounds, but the cultures that were planted on auspicious days grow much faster. Seedlings planted on certain days are less likely to get sick and provide a better crop.

When you can not sow pepper for seedlings

Do not forget that pepper is accustomed to the warm conditions of the south, which he will have to provide. Depending on the variety, pepper will be sown at different times. A great help will be the availability of suitable conditions for seedlings in the house, ideally - greenhouse rooms with heating.

In general, you should be guided by the fact that at the beginning of summer, planted plants should be about 60 days old. Specific landing dates should be checked on the lunar calendar separately for each year.

Different types of pepper have very original, and even intricate names given by breeders. Hybrids bear the names of the heroes of various tales, novels and even myths. Of course, each such variety has its advantages and disadvantages.

However, in the geographical conditions of Russia, attention should be paid to peppers of early and medium ripeness. They differ in characteristic fleshy, tender flesh, and are also quite capable of resisting the diseases common here. In order not to make a mistake, you should definitely read the instructions on the seed packaging.

When you can not sow pepper for seedlings

What to do if for any reason there is no possibility to carry out sowing precisely on days? It is possible to sow seeds for seedlings on any day; adverse dates of the month must be avoided. So, for example, it is undesirable to sow pepper in those days when the moon is in the sign of Aquarius. In addition, abandonment of sowing is necessary in the days of the Full Moon, as well as the New Moon.

When to sow pepper seedlings on the lunar calendar in 2019

Pepper is a garden crop with an aboveground edible part, so the best time to plant a plant is the Growing Moon.

In addition, experienced gardeners also recommend that you take into account the signs of the zodiac of the Moon at present, but this is not all, since other points will need to be taken into account to get the best harvest.

Many experienced gardeners, guided by their many years of experience, make their own calendar. Those who have no similar experience, it is better to use a ready-made calendar, which can be purchased at any hypermarket or bookstore.

Based on the 2019 Lunar calendar, you will know exactly when to plant peppers for seedlings.

If you fully follow the table of the gardener, you can get a wonderful crop and achieve excellent results.

The most favorable dates for planting pepper

Many people mistakenly think that pepper seedlings need to be planted in the spring, but this is not true. The first seeds of such a garden plant can be planted at the very end of January, but not in the spring. In 2019, in unheated greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate or glass, the first seeds of late varieties of pepper are recommended to be planted at the end of January.

Further, the sowing of pepper seeds can continue throughout February, after which comes the turn of the pepper, which belongs to mid-season varieties, and it is recommended to sow it in protected ground. But do not ignore the Lunar calendar, in this case, the question of when to plant peppers for seedlings in 2019 will not stand in front of you.

As for the ripe varieties of pepper, they should be sown from the beginning of March, and shelters can no longer be used. Further, throughout the spring, as well as in June, it is possible to sow pepper seeds in greenhouses already for the seedlings that are intended for cultivation.

In 2019, astrologers strongly recommend sowing pepper at a time when the moon is in any watermarks of the Zodiac, for example, in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

The following are the days of planting pepper seedlings that are considered favorable.

So, in 2019, sweet pepper can be planted at a time when the Moon is in the sign of Cancer on the following days:

  • in January from 10 to 11, from 19 to 20, as well as from 27 to 29 inclusive;
  • in February from 6 to 8 inclusive, as well as 17, from 25 to 25;
  • in March 5, 7, then from 15 to 16, as well as from 23 to 24;
  • in April from 2 to 3, from 11 to 12, from 20 to 21, and also from 29 to 30;
  • in May 1, then from 8 to 9, then from 17 to 18, from 26 to 28 inclusive;
  • in June from 5 to 6, from 13 to 15, and also from 23 to 24.

Those who want to plant hot pepper are recommended to focus on the time when the moon will be in the sign of Aries, and the most favorable days for planting this garden crop are:

  • January from 12 to 14 inclusive;
  • February 9 to 10;
  • March from 2 to 3, as well as from 29 to 30;
  • June from 25 to 27 inclusive.

Some gardeners take into account not only the exact sign of the zodiac of the Moon, but also the phase in which it is descending or increasing. From the point of view of an experienced gardener, the best days are those when the moon is in a growing state, as well as in the desired constellation.

Unfavorable days for sowing pepper for seedlings

So, in 2019, the most unfavorable days are those when the moon in any phase is in those signs of the zodiac that are considered the most infertile: Leo, Gemini, as well as Sagittarius and Aquarius.

You should not plant pepper for seedlings at this time, since this will lead to a very small crop, for the same reason, do not plant pepper seeds for seedlings both in the new moon and in the full moon.

So, the following days are the most unfavorable for planting pepper seeds:

  • in January 20-22, as well as 30-31;
  • in February 5, 14-15, 18-19, as well as 26-27;
  • in March 3-4, 13-14, 17-18, 21, 25-27;
  • in April 1, 5, 9-10, 13-15, 19, 22-23, 27-28;
  • in May 5-7, 11-12, 19-20, 24-25;
  • in June 3-4, 7-8, 16-17, 20-22.30.

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that to get a crop it is very important not only to follow the recommendations given in the Lunar calendar, but also to properly prepare the seeds, only in this case you can get a great harvest.

Soil selection and how to prepare seeds for sowing

Choosing the right soil in the case of pepper is a real art. A whole “cocktail” is made of turf, fertilizers, sand, peat elements, urea and superphosphates in special proportions.It is necessary to sow to a depth of about one and a half centimeters, with a frequency of at least two centimeters. Then the crops are filled up, the soil is compacted. With a film of pepper you need to cover as soon as the shoots appear.

Before sowing, be sure to discard the seeds. Peppers rise well only a couple of years. In the case of a successful selection of seedlings, this fact will be indicated on the bag with seeds. You can find seeds of special processing, they will not require pickling. You can check purchased lice for “lice” by placing it in a solution of manganese for about half an hour, and then apply the necessary substances that stimulate the growth and nutrition of pepper.

You can arrange the seeds and a real hardening by placing them after processing in the refrigerator inside the wetted tissue. After that, they should be returned to heat, and then returned to the refrigerator. Each section of the procedure is two days. Thus, you can get pepper, much more hardy in terms of weather conditions and diseases.

In general, all experienced gardeners, as well as popular authors of articles for gardeners, are of the opinion that it is advisable to plant pepper seeds for seedlings in late February, and not in mid-spring.

Some authors of articles for gardeners also believe that such a period is optimal not only for the Central region, but also for the Siberian as well as the Urals. Therefore, the answer to the question of when to plant peppers for seedlings in 2019 depends not only on the lunar calendar.

Moreover, some guidelines for gardeners say that sowing pepper seeds for seedlings in Siberia can begin already in the second half of February.

As for tomatoes, it is recommended to plant them only in March, and in April you can already sow seeds of zucchini or cucumbers. However, in such manuals for gardeners it is also said that when sowing pepper seeds in February, it is necessary to ensure maximum care conditions for garden crops. During this period, the temperature regime is very important, as well as sufficient illumination.

Getting a large and early harvest of peppers largely depends on the time of planting seeds of this garden crop for seedlings.

If you plan to plant pepper seeds under a film in open ground or in a greenhouse, then you need to sow no later than February 15.

In the event that the pepper seeds are planted later than this, it is likely that the plants will bloom only at the end of summer, which means that the crop will appear even later. All this is due to the fact that the period from seedling to the beginning of flowering of pepper can be approximately 100 days or more.

It is necessary to accurately and correctly calculate the time of sowing pepper seeds, and some points will need to be taken into account.

So, for example, you need to consider that how many days it can take from the start of sowing to the moment when the pepper seeds begin to germinate. In addition, you must also take into account the approximate date of planting pepper seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that seedlings are transferred to open ground only from the beginning of June, while seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse already from May 10.

In addition, the age of pepper seedlings should be taken into account when the plant is ready for planting already at a permanent place.

Pepper growth conditions

The main element of healthy pepper is the correct germination conditions. Capacities, which contain crops, are sent "to the light" after the appearance of sprouts. Until leaflets appear, you should only use the sprayer carefully. In the future, watering in the morning several times a week is allowed. The most important thing in this period is by no means to prevent soil drought.

Top dressing with fertilizers, litter or nitrate should be started after the appearance of a pair of full leaves.At this time, it is necessary to ensure sufficient access of light and air to seedlings.

For three days, it should be lit around the clock, and after that - only in the morning and night, gradually returning the lighting duration to half a day. For the rest of the day, it is possible to use a cap that is impervious to lighting as a means of protecting pepper.

Such procedures can extend the period of obtaining fruits by several weeks. A permanent planting place, pepper may take after about two months. A well-grown, healthy pepper should have at least a dozen quality-colored leaves of green color, a height of at least two tens of centimeters, a sufficient density of stems and a number of flowers throughout the plant.

Possible diseases

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At any stage, peppers can be a victim of pests such as aphids, ticks and whiteflies. To protect vulnerable plants, precautionary measures should be taken and chemical treatment of pepper with special substances should be carried out in time. They should be selected depending on the most common pests in the region.

This intermediate result does not complete the life cycle of pepper, but we can say that the main stage of planting, the first seedlings and the first harvest of the plant is passed.

How to fertilize pepper seedlings

In order for pepper seedlings to turn out to be of high quality, it is very important to timely and correctly feed it, only in this case you can count on the appearance of strong and healthy sprouts.

Some novice gardeners believe that it is not necessary to feed seedlings, but this is completely wrong, since any top dressing stimulates the rapid growth of strong seedlings, perfectly adapted to further constant environment.

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    thanks for the tips are very interesting and instructive

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