Delicious peach stew for the winter with whole peaches

5.08.2018 Winter blanks

Peaches in a jar

It is advisable to cook peach compote for the winter according to the recipe for a 3-liter jar with peel, the drink from peeled fruits will have a slightly different taste. How to determine which peel does not turn into rags when in contact with boiling water? Take fresh peaches and try to peel off without a knife. If the peel lends itself to fingers and comes off in whole strips, it is better to peel such peaches so that they have a neat appearance in the compote. If the peel "sits tight", you can not remove it. Peach compote is valuable in that the fruits only seem to be taken off the branch. Compote is served in wide transparent cups, since whole peaches do not fit in ordinary glasses.

For one serving, take one peach and fill it with cold pale pink compote. A drink with whole peaches is a dessert that is completed to taste, it does not need to be complemented with pastries or sweets.

Products for peach compote:

  • peaches - 800 g;
  • sugar - 270 g;
  • water - 2.6 l;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.


The sequence of preparation of peach compote

Beautiful smooth peaches of the correct form are selected.


Peaches are washed, trying not to rub the peel too much. You can hold each peach for several seconds under running water, turning it with different sides.

Take a dry sterilized jar, a volume of 3 liters. Gently lower the peaches.

Peaches in a jarPour a teaspoon of lemons.

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Add citric acid

Pour boiling water into a jar. The liquid should rise just above the line of the shoulders. The jar is covered with a sterilized lid, left for 10-12 minutes.

Pour boiling waterMeanwhile, sugar is cooked: weighed, poured into a pan.

We measure sugar

Water from a can is poured directly into a pan with sugar. The peach compote will have a beautiful color with delicate shades.

Drain the waterThe syrup is boiled over high heat until sugar is dissolved, it takes no more than two minutes.

Peaches are poured with hot syrup, the jar is immediately rolled up. The inverted jar is put on the floor, covered with a blanket. Peach compote warms up under the covers until morning.

Pour syrup into the jar

The bank is taken to a cool cellar. Stewed fruit made from fruits with seeds, stored only 1 year.

Peach compoteBefore serving, the compote is kept in the refrigerator for several hours.

If you need to cook something original, and in the presence of there is only a can of compote with whole peaches, you can gell the drink.

Peaches are taken out of the jar and laid out on wide and deep bowls. The compote is heated, add instant gelatin, stir. Jelly compote is poured into a bowl. When the liquid has cooled, the dishes are put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

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