Lavender: seed growing

30.03.2016 Lavender

Lavender: growing from seeds at homeGrowing lavender

Engage in the growing process flower Lavender can be made from various materials. Naturally, an individual approach is required to any of them. In the beginning, you need to know that the first seed shoots germinate 50-55 days after the start of planting. Cutting rooting is much faster. People are interested in lavender, growing from seeds at home.

Each person is interested in the varieties of this plant. Some of them can be grown indoors.
The first step in the seed planting process is stratification. It is a process of seed cooling in the soil for successful germination. The whole growing process is as follows:

To begin with, you should take a container or a pot and fill it with half the sand. After laying the seeds, you need to add some sand.

The seed container should be placed in a dark place. Best placed on the balcony. The temperature must be stable at least + 7ºC. If not, then the container should be put in the refrigerator for 30-40 days. The sooner lavender seeds freeze, the faster they will sprout.

More about lavender, seed growing at home on the forums you can find out.

The next step is to prepare the pot. It is best to use a clay pot with a diameter of at least 30 cm, because the plant loves free space.

Next, a drainage layer is laid and a small layer of soil is poured. To normalize the acidity, you can add a little lime. All this is carried out in the following proportions: 1/3 of sand, 1/3 of peat, 1/3 of perlite and 2 eggshells (it normalizes the level of alkalinity in the soil). In addition, do not use black soil!
Seed is placed in the center of the pot.

Lavender: growing from seeds at home

This method is suitable for those people who have a "similar" bush. Cultivation of lavender by the process is effective in that the bush does not need to be further cooled. However, this method has a bad effect on the formation of material for planting. As a rule, it takes from 6 months to a year.

To obtain the cuttings of the plant, it is necessary to cut off the shoots of a year old and transplant them into a container for seedlings. After that, they should be poured and covered with some kind of transparent material (bag, glass, jar). After the stalk is fully hardened, the lid must be removed. Flower lovers can not resist lavender, growing from seeds at home: video.
A layering is a shoot of a plant. At the end of March, the shoots of the bush should be bent and pressed to the ground. After this, the bend site is sprinkled with soil. Fans worried about the safety and health of the shrub can treat the bend zone with cinnamon. After some time, the first roots begin to form. The main thing is to prevent drying of the soil.

A bush separated from the plant can also be used for growing in a pot. A similar method is identical to creating layering. To begin with, you should divide the bush, and sprinkle the middle with soil and maintain the level of moisture. The division of the bushes begins in October, so that next year by this time we get material for growing the plant. However, when lavender blooms, growing from seeds at home in the spring?

Lavender: growing from seeds at home

Potted plant

In this situation, things are much simpler. First you need to ensure a high level of illumination and monitor the level of humidity. Typically, the soil should dry slightly between watering. Natural lighting for lavender should not be less than 7-9 hours. In the case of a minimum level of natural light, the bush will gradually begin to dry out.What is the process of growing lavender, growing from seeds at home in a pot?

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Shrub care

After the first sprouts appear after 3 months, it is necessary for the plant to use liquid fertilizers based on potassium. This procedure should be performed once a week. Some indoor flower lovers recommend nitrogen based fertilizers. However, such fertilizers develop shoots and leaves, but not flowering. Everyone is interested in lavender, growing from seeds at home with a photo.

Naturally, the less fertilizer used for a flower, the better it will germinate. The main thing in this process is a good level of illumination.

Around April, the pot should be placed on the balcony. Gradually, you should increase the placement period every day. However, do not forget that the plant may freeze. This is strictly prohibited!

Lavender: growing from seeds at home

The process of growing the bush should be addressed in the fall or spring. In indoor conditions, the bush must be replanted once a year after flowering.

As germination should be pruned flowering branches of the plant. Gardeners recommend several recommendations for collecting rich lavender:

· Twigs need to be cut early in the morning for a more refined flavor;
· Prune branches at the time of opening of the lower flowers;
· The main cut line should protrude under the first leaves;
· Bush branches must be dried in a darkened room, as this will preserve the aroma and bright shade of the plant.

Everyone can grow this plant indoors. Moreover, this process will not be difficult. Inflorescences in the form of a colossus, leaves are thin, silvery. This applies to the evergreen.

The simplest and safest method is growing a bush from seeds. In addition, it is also an exciting way. At the time of flowering from lavender, you can get an essential oil, widely used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

For sprouting lavender from seed, you will need a pot with drainage drainage system. In simple terms, a small hole must be made in the tank so that the water does not stagnate. At the beginning of seed germination, they should be placed in a room with cold temperatures. In the first year, the plant sprouts rather slowly.

Lavender: growing from seeds at home

At the time of planting, the seeds must be placed in an area with a good level of humidity and low temperature for about 2-4 weeks. When planting, the seeds of the shrub should be sprinkled a little 2-4 mm and put in a cold place with a high level of lighting. For planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil, humus and sand in the following proportions: 3/2/1. Flower seeds look small, so the mixture must be sieved. This process is performed to level the soil. After that, the whole mixture must be filled with manganese solution. Many people are interested in lavender, growing from seeds at home: reviews. It is worth noting that there are many more beautiful flowers for giving, for example -Freesia.

When lavender begins to grow, to about 5 pairs of leaves, they must be cut or removed. Thus, the plant will begin to bush better. Lavender is a light-loving shrub, so after germination it should be placed in a bright room with a temperature above 15ºC. Flowering begins in the second year. Occasionally, the plant should be aired on the balcony. However, drafts should be avoided.

Typically, lavender is not a long-lasting plant. In nature, a flower can live for about 10 years. When lavender is affected by pests, diseased leaves must be removed and burned.This is a bright and beautiful plant that will decorate any room of a residential building.

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