Eustoma - seed cultivation

29.03.2016 Eustoma

eustoma seed cultivationLet's look at one wonderful plant called eustoma, whose second name is the Spanish rose. Delicate, beautiful flower, so pleasing with bright flowering. So - eustoma, growing from seeds at home, how and when to sow, how else can be propagated.

If you properly care for eustoma, it can grow from 2 to 3 years without a transplant. The plant can be grown in office and residential premises, conservatories, on insulated balconies, in open ground - on flower beds, in rose gardens, gardens. With proper pruning, the bush acquires an unusually beautiful crown. A variety of shades allows you to create a variety of compositions on the flower beds. Flowers can be grown for cutting, bouquets are magnificent, colorful and delicate.


seed eustoma

Eustoma propagates either by sowing in the spring, or by dividing the roots in the fall. It goes on sale in June - July, during the period of the appearance of buds. Such plants can be immediately planted in the ground, flowering will continue until frost. Repeated flowering can be achieved by transferring to a greenhouse or conservatory.
See also: how to grow petunia.

Self-growing seedlings

Soil for Eustoma is preferred with a high humus content, perlite can be mixed, pH 6.5-7.0. There are cases when seedlings were grown only in vermiculite, without land and fertilizers. Seeds are sown in the spring (February-March), without sprinkling, but lightly crushing with a wooden stick, then moisten and cover with glass or film.

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The temperature of the support + 20-25 gr. Once a day, the seeds are sprayed and aerated (you can make holes in the film), moisten the substrate. Be sure to check - if the soil has not dried up yet, it should not be moistened. Glass or film is removed when the first cotyledon leaves appear.

When 3 real leaflets grow (after about 10 weeks), the sprouts are transplanted into different containers. It is necessary to ensure that the roots are in a lump of earth and not be damaged. Eustoma is a photophilous plant, and its seedlings are grown with a lamp illumination. The temperature is reduced after transplantation to + 16-20 degrees Celsius.

eustoma transplant

Picking is another way of growing from seeds. It is done when the seedlings reach approximately 2.5 centimeters. A bunch of 3-5 pieces is taken and transplanted into a peat pot with a diameter of 5 centimeters. The first 5 days the seedlings are kept in the shade, abundantly watered. The transplant is done when the sprouts reach 10 centimeters.


eustoma care

The plant must be shaded from the scorching sun, although a few direct rays will not harm. Eustoma needs abundant watering, it needs to be sprayed daily, while not allowing moisture to get on the flowers and buds. Top dressing should be done weekly.
It is necessary not to violate the watering regime. Watering, checking if the earth has dried up. The soil for Eustoma should be well-drained, nutritious, loose, with the addition of sand, peat. If the soil is acidic, ash or lime should be added to it. If these conditions are observed, they will provide the plant with rapid growth and abundant flowering. Buds that have bloomed are removed. You can leave a few buds to get seeds. Seeds are dried and used the next year (hybrids are an exception).

Possible pests and diseases

Eustoma is rarely affected by pests and is little susceptible to disease. May appear such as aphids, miners, whiteflies. If waterlogged and cold, gray rot may appear.
See also: tomatoes for open ground for Moscow region without stepsonov.

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