The best undersized varieties of tomatoes for open ground

29.05.2015 Tomatoes

undersized varieties of tomatoesTomatoes: the best varieties for open ground, undersized varieties are often chosen specifically for outdoor cultivation. The thing is that tall varieties require more thorough care. This applies not only to the fact that the bushes need to be tied up.

Tall varieties of tomatoes more demanding on air temperature, on maintaining a constant level of humidity. As for undersized tomatoes, then everything is more simple and clear. But, here you should also know which tomatoes are best planted for a particular region.

Tomatoes: the best undersized varieties for open ground (with photo)

Biathlon (F1)

The variety refers to those that sings very quickly. This is a first-generation hybrid that will grow well in open ground. In colder strange regions, you can also grow it in film greenhouses. The first tomatoes already ripen 90 days after the sprouts. Tomatoes will be bright red, rounded with flat ends, the average weight is 80 grams. The advantages of the variety include the fact that the crop is constantly singing.

varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Damn (F1)

Also, an early ripe undersized version, the fruits can be harvested on the 80th day. The height of the bush is not more than 80 cm, the fruits are small, 80 grams in weight, but sweet. It’s useful to know the information how to plant tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse.


Tomatoes: the best varieties for open ground, undersized for Siberia often include this variety. Fruiting occurs late, after 130 days, but the fruits have enough time to form and pour. Suitable for film greenhouses and often fruits reach a weight of 250 grams.

Bohemia (F1)

Mid-season variety, harvest from the bush can be harvested somewhere on the 110th day. The variety is stunted, which means that the bush grows sharply above 80 cm. The fruits are quite large, 150 grams, the tomato has a flat-round shape.

undersized tomatoes for open ground


Extremely unpretentious tomato variety that ripens on the 80th day. For a beginner gardener, this tomato variety is ideal. No need to carry out stepsoning. Fruits will be 80 grams, bright red.


Many grow this tomato at home, because the variety can be called decorative. This is a small bush, which is suitable not only for growing on the windowsill, but also for growing in flowerpots in your country house. Bushes rarely grow above 30 centimeters, they do not need to be additionally formed. The inflorescence will be small, with each you can collect up to 5 fruits.

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undersized varieties of tomatoes

"Early ripe explosion"

The fruits will be ready in a hundred days when grown in open ground. Well suited for areas where farming is difficult. The average length of the bush will be 60 centimeters, the fruits are round and very tasty. Despite the fact that the first tomatoes will weigh up to 250 grams, then the mass of fruits will average 150 grams.

"Volgograd precocious 323"

The height of the bush is literally 35 centimeters, tomatoes are characterized by early maturity. Tie up, even minimally, is not required. The fruits will be red, more orange, dense. The average weight of one tomato is about 70 grams.

undersized tomatoes for open ground


Tomatoes: the best varieties for open ground, undersized (video) of this variety can be seen in red for 120 days from the time of sunrise. This is a stunted plant whose stem rarely grows above 40 cm. Tomatoes have an average weight of 100 grams.

"Hyperbole Early"

Fruiting occurs on the 105th day. In height, the plant can reach 130 centimeters, but still refers to low-growing options.The fruits will resemble a chicken egg in shape, they are red and fleshy. Taste is at the height, the average weight is 70 grams.

"Children's sweetness"

Fruiting begins already on the 80th day and it is extremely fast. You can grow it simply in the open ground, or you can additionally make film shelter. Suitable only for regions with a good climate, the bush reaches a height of 50 cm. The fruits are red and dense, weighing no more than 120 grams. Tomatoes are great for winter harvesting.

outdoor tomato cultivation


Fruiting begins on day 110, the variety is stunted, although the bush can be up to 80 cm high. You can also grow not just in the ground, but with an additional film cover. The fruits look beautiful, the average weight is 150 grams. Perfect for salads, very tasty, meaty.

"Friend" (F1)

This is a first-generation hybrid that can be planted for an early harvest. The first tomatoes can already be harvested on the 95th day. The fruits are round and average weight of 100 grams.

Tomatoes: the best varieties for open ground, undersized are especially recommended for cultivation not in greenhouses. Pay attention to the early ripening varieties, so that after 90 days from the moment the first sunrise appears, you can try juicy and tasty tomatoes from your garden.

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