The best remedies and preparations for the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae

16.06.2019 Fertilizers and preparations

The Colorado potato beetle is a dangerous pest. The insect can destroy the planting of potatoes and other nightshade crops in a short time. The fight against him must begin in early spring, when the garden is planted. They recommend starting to fight in the fall. This will help reduce the number of adults capable of breeding.

Features of the Colorado potato beetle

Fighting the Colorado potato beetle is difficult for many reasons.

  1. In autumn, adult females dig deep into the ground, and in spring they begin to lay larvae.
  2. The first larvae appear on the back of the leaf, so they are difficult to notice.
  3. He likes to enjoy not only potatoes, but also petunia, eggplant and other nightshade.
  4. During the day, the female is able to lay up to 80 eggs, and during the season 800-1000.
  5. Larvae and beetles themselves have a great appetite. One larva eats up to 1 gram, and a bug - up to 4.
  6. Adults are able to hibernate up to 3 years even in a state of hunger.
  7. The insect quickly gets used to insecticides, so the funds should be constantly changed.

There are few natural annihilators in nature for the beetle. Birds and other insects are not able to cope with pest colonies, as the Colorado potato beetle multiplies rapidly.

On a note!
What the Colorado potato beetle looks like in different stages can be observed even on one bush. Eating a green leaf, they bring tremendous damage, leaving behind bare stems.

The insect life cycle consists of stages. First, the female lays eggs. They have a bright yellow or orange color. After 10-14 days, red-brown imago larvae appear. After another 20 days, their color changes. The adults become orange. After that, they dig into the ground to pupate. For one season, the insect gives 4 generations of Colorado beetles, a photo of each of the stages of development will help to accurately determine the presence of a pest.

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How to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle

The control of striped pest is a laborious process, including the use of various methods and techniques (prevention, biological, chemical preparations, alternative methods). It is most effective to use several options at once.

Preventive measures help to reduce the number of pests on the site.

  1. During cultivation, all agricultural work is carried out correctly and in a timely manner. At the same place, the plants that feed on the striped pest are planted with an interval of 5 years.
  2. In the garden adhere to the rules of crop rotation. The cultures are arranged in such a way that garlic, beans, and beans grow next to potatoes and solanaceous.
  3. Plants of the same genus (potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes) cannot be placed at one place several times in a row.
  4. After harvesting, the plot is cultivated from nightshade weeds. After the emergence of their shoots, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied, they dig the soil 20 cm.
  5. The beds should be clean throughout the entire growth period. Weeds are removed with roots.
  6. During hilling, the lower leaves are covered with earth.
  7. Regular weeding and loosening of the earth between rows reduces the number of insects.
  8. In the fall, before digging on the surface of the site, you can distribute the husks of onions or garlic.
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Of course, such measures will not help to completely get rid of the pest, but to reduce its number is real.

Environment-friendly destruction methods

There are many ways to control pests. Many prefer methods in which there are no chemical components. They do not always help to completely get rid of, but will reduce the amount of the pest.

  1. Using mulch. After emergence in the aisles, mowed grass is distributed. She will not allow insects to multiply. As mulch use bark, hay, straw, large sawdust.
  2. Bedbug perillus. The natural enemy of the Colorado potato beetle. If he appears on the site along with striped harm, the landings will be saved without the use of chemicals.
  3. Traps for the pest. Simple in design containers with filling are placed around the perimeter of the site. Periodically, the beetles are destroyed, and the filling is refreshed.
  4. Infusions of herbs for spraying. Plant-based solutions (wormwood, calendula, mustard) can be used as a means of control.

Effectively use such methods in small suburban areas. And with large areas without chemical insecticides can not do.


Chemical processing of potatoes can be done at the stage of preparation of seed material. There are a number of drugs that are used for such purposes. They help protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle before emergence. Another group of drugs is used to spray the ground part of the plant during the growth period. Among all insecticides, proven effective drugs can be distinguished.


An effective drug from the Colorado potato beetle, which is chosen by vegetable growers. Has an intestinal contact effect. After processing the plantings, the active components penetrate all the terrestrial parts of the plant in 1-3 days. During eating, toxic substances enter the stomach, poisoning the body.

To obtain homogeneity, 1.2 ml of Actara is first diluted in 200 ml of water. Then the resulting composition is introduced into 10 liters of water and shaken well. The solution is evenly sprayed on the leaves. Per 100 square meters m. 5 l of the drug is enough.

Aktara's solution is resistant to high temperatures and direct sunlight. When processing leaves, the protection period is 2-3 weeks, when spraying soil - 1.5 months. It is characterized by excellent compatibility with other insecticides and growth stimulants. Do not use with alkaline formulations.

Golden Spark

One of the best poisoning from the Colorado potato beetle, which has a systemic effect. It shows excellent characteristics in the fight against pest. The main active ingredient is imidacloprid. It is sold in ampoules of 5 ml, vials of 10 ml and packs of 40 g.

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After processing, the active ingredients penetrate the green parts of the plant. The duration of protection is about 25 days; it is not washed off by rains or artificial irrigation. The death of larvae and beetles occurs 1-2 days after spraying.


Highly effective insecticide Commander represented by soluble concentrate. Effective for combating the Colorado potato beetle even with severe damage to the bushes. The main active ingredient is imidiacloprid,

Initially, the ampoule (1 ml) is diluted in 1-2 liters of water, then the solution is brought to 5 liters with water. Processing is carried out using a sprayer, the composition is evenly distributed over the foliage. 5 liters of funds is enough to handle 100 square meters. m

Poison the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes in any weather. The commander is not addictive in insects, is not dangerous for humans, animals and plants. Processing at any stage of the development of potato plantings is allowed.

On a note!
Enough 1 treatment per season.It is carried out no later than 3 weeks before the harvest.


Another tool based on imidiacloprid, which has a systemic effect. After 1-1.5 hours after ingestion of an insect, the process of feeding the insect is impossible. After a few days, the pests die.


It has little resistance to moisture, so it is recommended that the treatment be carried out in calm, dry weather. It is best to handle plantings in the evening or in the morning. At least 4 hours must elapse before spraying.

It is realized in bottles of 10 ml and ampoules of 1 or 5 ml. 1 ml Corado drug diluted in 10 liters of water. This volume is enough for spraying 100 square meters. m. Corado tool is valid for a month.


One of the best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle of systemic action. The main active components are imidiacloprid (protects against various insects) and pencicuron (prevents the defeat of fungal diseases, in particular, rhizoctrosis, late blight). Protection is valid for 1.5 months.

It is used for pre-planting treatment of potato tubers (consumption for each kilogram of potato requires 1 ml of product). The working composition is pink; after drying, a thin film forms. The potatoes are spread on a tarpaulin, sprayed, then the tubers are turned over and the processing is performed on the other side.

Since the agent penetrates the stem and leaves during plant growth, insects eat it along with the green mass and die. They do not have time to put off the larvae. Belongs to the third class of danger.

Additionally, treatment with the Prestige drug stimulates the growth of culture, enhances anti-stress endurance. After the expiration date, the product decomposes into components that are not harmful to the environment and humans.


An effective systemic tool for controlling various pests of garden crops, which is used to process tubers before planting. The main active ingredient is imidiacloprid.

The sticky surfactants in the composition, when dried, form a film on the surface of the tubers.

Second way to use taboo insecticide is the tillage in rows and holes with already laid potatoes. For spraying, before planting, 8 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water. When spraying the green mass, 4 ml of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water. The duration of the action of the insecticide is approximately 1.5 m.

On a note!
If the tubers have sprouts, then they are easy to damage. Therefore, spraying of planting material is carried out directly in the wells.


Great poison for the Colorado potato beetle. The active ingredient (imidacloprid) causes paralysis with subsequent death of the insect. After processing, the insecticide infiltrates all green parts of the plant and remains in them for a month.


The drug does not pose any danger to humans, beneficial insects and animals, subject to safety rules. Equally effective at different temperature conditions.


A modern effective remedy for the Colorado potato beetle that fights on the spot. It has a quick prolonged effect. The main active ingredient is fipronil, which belongs to the class of phenylpyrazoles. It works well at different temperatures, destroys the pest in various phases of development, even if it has developed immunity to other toxic substances.

Regent sold in packages of 0.5 g. The content is diluted in 20 l of water, distributed over the foliage of plants using a spray. 20 liters of funds is enough to handle 200 square meters. m. landings. 2 treatments may be required per season. The protection period is 2-3 weeks after spraying.

Biological preparations

Widespread use in gardeners have found biological insecticides, which are less safe. After processing, you can harvest in 7-10 days, as it does not accumulate in the tissues of plants.


The disadvantage of biological agents is that they destroy larvae of various ages and adult insects, but they do not act on laid eggs. Therefore, treatments are performed up to 3 times per season.

Among biological insecticides in the fight against Colorado potato beetle, you can use:

  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Nemabact;
  • Acarin;
  • Anthony-F.

Each of them has a different form of release, exposure time. When to spray potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and how to breed, it is indicated in the instructions for each drug.

Folk fight recipes

Some gardeners believe that it is possible to cope with a pest only with the use of chemicals. Others fight in the old fashioned way with the Colorado potato beetle folk remedies that have not lost their relevance.

Fighting the Colorado potato beetle is a long process. The pest easily adapt to new conditions. They recommend using different methods of struggle. Many, despite the abundance of chemistry on the shelves, use folk remedies for the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes.

Hand picking Colorado potato beetle

If the site is small and there is enough time, then you can use the old method of manual collection. Many refuse it, as they consider it ineffective and too long.

There are several tricks and secrets that will help speed up the procedure, rid your plants of the pest for a few days.

  1. To prevent insects from scattering, take a bucket filled with soap or saline.
  2. You can not crush beetles and larvae on the ground between the rows, as they can survive and return to the bushes.
  3. In hot weather, insects are particularly active on the tops of plants, but do not forget to inspect the lower rows of plants.
  4. Clutches of eggs are removed along with pieces of leaves.

Kerosene can be poured into the collection bucket, but with prolonged inhalation of smell, a person may show signs of poisoning. It is better to use salt or soap.
sbor koloradskogo zhuka

Herbal infusions and decoctions

You can prepare decoctions and infusions for processing from the Colorado potato beetle on the basis of plants and improvised household substances.

  1. Tincture of wormwood. Leaves and stems are crushed, fill the bucket by a third of the volume. The mass is poured with boiling water and left to infuse for several days. Then the resulting composition can be sprayed planting.
  2. A solution of birch tar. In 10 liters of water, 100 g are bred. tar. Spraying is performed in the evening hours.
  3. Can scare garlic and onions. 200 gr. onion peel and mashed heads of garlic take 10 liters of water and boil over low heat. You can add 200 gr. shag. The broth is filtered and brought to 10 liters. In order for the composition to stick and remain on the foliage, 40 g are added to it. ground soap.
  4. Juniper infusion. A few shoots pour 10 liters of water and insist 3-4 hours. A filtered solution is sprayed with the plantings.
  5. Celandine. You can use it in the form of mulch and broth. The bucket is filled with plant stems. Pour water and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered. To spray on a bucket of water, take 0.5 l of the prepared broth.

Measures to combat the Colorado potato beetle without chemistry help get rid of the Colorado potato beetle without the use of chemistry.

Colorado Beetle Lures

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An effective way to control this is to set traps. They will attract pests, which will save time on manual collection. In a liter jar fit several slices of chopped potatoes. The edges of the jar are smeared with potato juice. Traps are buried in the aisles so that the edges are above the surface of the soil.

After a while, the traps will fill with pests. They are removed and the beetles destroyed. One such trap is enough for 5 square meters. mInstead of cans, you can use a simpler option - put the chopped potatoes on the plot, and then remove the pest from it.

On a note!
The most effective use of such traps in the fall, until they burrowed into the ground for wintering.

Plants vs. Colorado potato beetle

For effective control take into account the principles of crop rotation. Completely get rid of the pest does not work, but you can reduce the number on your site.

This insect does not tolerate the aroma of some flowering plants, so they can be placed next to the planting. The site will be decorated, and the striped enemy is afraid to move to the beds of nightshade cultures.


The Colorado potato beetle is afraid of the aroma of the following plants:

  • nasturtium;
  • hemp;
  • marigold;
  • calendula;
  • coriander;
  • night violet.

Scare away beetles next to the beds of garlic, beans and other legumes.

Is it possible to destroy the Colorado potato beetle forever

For a long time, a person has been developing new methods to combat this tenacious pest. But the Colorado potato beetle adapts to any conditions, adapts and survives even in extreme situations. Every season, summer residents use different methods and compositions, but they cannot forever destroy the beetle. This is influenced by many factors.

  1. High fecundity. In one season, the female lays more than 1000 eggs.
  2. The insect has no real enemies, with the exception of humans.
  3. In winter, the beetle hides very deep under the ground, which protects it from pesticides by which gardeners treat plots.
  4. These are very hardy insects. They can make long flights.
  5. Wide use. Huge territories are settled by this pest. Withdraw everywhere and immediately fail. Therefore, he wanders from garden to garden, changing settlements.
unichtozhit koloradskogo zhuka

A thorough and thoughtful fight against the pest will only help to reduce the number of pests in your garden and help to maintain the crop.

Recommendations and tips for spraying

Simple tips and tricks from experienced gardeners will make the fight more effective.

  1. Potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle should be processed in dry weather without wind. In this case, the leaves of plants should be dry.
  2. It is best to poison pests in the evening.
  3. So that the solution sticks to the leaves (a longer effect), a little laundry or liquid soap is added to the working composition.
  4. After preparation, the solution is used for several hours. Over time, it loses its effectiveness.
  5. After each treatment, be sure to wash your hands and wash clothes.
On a note!
 The peculiarity of the pest is that the insect easily adapts to new stressful conditions, so the methods and drugs used are regularly changed.

Safety precautions when working with drugs

Insecticides that are used in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, if used carelessly, can harm the person himself. Before processing potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle, safety rules cannot be ignored. They will secure themselves and others.

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Be sure to perform:

  1. Wear tight clothing that covers all parts of the body.
  2. Use a mask and glasses.
  3. Drugs are bred according to the instructions, after checking the expiration date of the drug.
  4. The processing of the tops is carried out by spraying.
  5. You can not mix different drugs in one treatment.
  6. So that the product does not precipitate, the barrel with the solution is periodically stirred.
  7. After finishing work on plants, hands, face are thoroughly washed, clothes are washed.

Naturally, when using chemical, biological preparations, you should not eat, drink, smoke. After spraying, you should not perform any other work on the site for several days.


Tatyana, Smolensk

I can not use chemical potent drugs, as young children are constantly around the beds. At first I tried to collect, but it was simply impossible to destroy everyone, so I began to fight on a potato with a Colorado potato beetle using biological insecticides.

Vladimir, Volgograd

For a long time I do not think how to process potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle. Immediately starting to use chemicals. I never process the tops twice with the same tool. Change regularly. The first time I process seed material.

Svetlana, Minsk

Every year I fight. The site is small, so first they begin to collect with their hands. I do not buy chemistry, I use poison from the Colorado potato beetle of my own preparation. I alternate folk ways. I alternate infusion of wormwood and birch tar.

Protection of plantings of potatoes and other nightshade crops from pests should be carried out throughout the year. If you want to protect a small area, you can use simple methods, for example, manual collection and removal of leaves with larvae of the Colorado potato beetle. For large areas, it is better to use insecticides. It is difficult to choose the most effective remedy from the Colorado potato beetle, since the pest gets used to the preparations, which requires the constant creation of new methods of control.

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Comments on the article: one
  1. Avatar

    Anatoly Prusakov

    2 years applied "Prestige", (moistened tubers) Noticed that there was an aversion to potatoes, to which he was not indifferent all his life. Beetles eating leaves immediately fall (this is what guarded me).
    So he realized the reason for his disgust.
    But, boiled potatoes in the soup are still tasty. Now I collect bugs and crush the larvae. I also use other means.
    Beetles do not go to potato pieces laid out on the soil. But young potatoes are attacked instantly.

    To answer

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