Lunar calendar of favorable days for landing in July 2016

6.07.2016 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Favorable days for landing in July on the lunar calendarDetermine when to plant a particular plant, or transplant it, can be calculated using the lunar calendar for gardeners for 2016. The moon, being in different phases and constellations, can have different effects on plants, which can be both favorable and negative. Summer is the high season for work in the garden, the sowing of some plants begins just in the middle of the hot season of the year - in July.

And some plants in July already need a transplant. Choosing favorable days for planting in July 2016 according to the lunar calendar, you can increase the germination rate of the crop by 50%! Nevertheless, the moon has some kind of magic, since it is so able to influence the growth of cultures in our beds.

Using moon calendar You can not only choose dates when it is better to plant plants. But also look at favorable days for other types of work in the garden, for example, fertilizing, determine which time is best for flower seeds, and which for bulb and tuber plants. Using the lunar calendar, you can provide your plants in the beds with the most proper care and care.

General lunar landing calendar for July

In each lunar landing calendar, both favorable days for landing in July 2016 and unfavorable days are indicated. There are also neutral days on which sowing seeds is not recommended, but at the same time nothing bad will happen.

Auspicious days

Every caring gardener in July should pay attention to such dates as 1st and 2nd of July, July 8th and 9th, July 17th, periods from 22nd to 23rd of July and from 28th to 29th of July.

Lunar Landing Calendar

Knowing the favorable days for planting in July 2016 according to the lunar calendar, you can not only plant the plants in the best time, but also prepare in advance for this work, fertilize, moisten and loosen the soil before planting, if necessary. After all, some cultures need careful preparation of a place in the garden for them, such work, in some cases, must be done at least one week before landing. Therefore, knowing the favorable days for landing in July 2016 according to the lunar calendar, you can calculate the necessary time for preparatory work.

Bad days

Adverse landing days are best avoided by postponing landing work at a later date, or by choosing one of the neutral days. Unfortunately, the gardener’s lunar calendar does not always coincide with his personal calendar, and you simply can’t find the time to plant the plants on time. But, there is a time when it’s definitely not worth planting in the garden. In July, these dates include the 4th and 7th day, the period from July 11 to July 15, July 18, 21, 25 and 30.

Lunar calendar with favorable days for preparatory work

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Favorable days for planting in July 2016 according to the lunar calendar will help to grow a rich harvest, but it is also worth paying attention to other favorable dates when it is better to carry out preparatory work.

Favorable days for landing in July 2016

So, for example, astrologers recommend applying organic fertilizers to the soil either on July 1, then already on July 8 you can start planting plants, as it is a favorable day, or from July 7 to July 9, from July 18 to July 20 and from 23 and July 25th. For mineral fertilizers, favorable days remain the same.

July 16-18, July 20-23, July 25-28 are suitable for loosening the soil before planting in July.

To find out the favorable days for laying compost in the soil, you should pay attention to the same numbers that are favorable for fertilizing work.

A lunar calendar with auspicious numbers can help cope even with pests! Astrologers recommend spraying plants with special emulsions against pests and diseases from July 20 to July 23 and from July 25 to 28.

For planting, transplanting and picking plants, such favorable dates in July as July 18, 16-20.07.16, July 24, 16-25 July 16, July 28, 16-30, July 16, are suitable

It should be remembered that favorable days for planting in July 2016 according to the lunar calendar indicate only those dates when it is better to plant plants. For other works, astrologers distinguish other dates that may coincide.

Given that there are a lot of favorable days in the yule for planting and for other works, and they are distributed in groups at the beginning of the month, middle and end, you can choose the optimal time for preparatory work, and the optimal time for landing. If you approach the task wisely and plan everything in advance, then the result will not be long in coming.

Favorable days for landing in July 2016 according to the lunar calendar

Also, when choosing one or another auspicious day for landing in July 2016 according to the lunar calendar, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region, as well as the type and variety of planted culture. For some plants, July is already a very late date, and for others it is just the most suitable. In any case, when buying seeds, it is best to always read the plant information on the packaging.

Good luck in the beds!

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