Gardener's lunar calendar for April 2018

14.02.2018 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

The lunar calendar, compiled for April 2018, will help all leading gardening enterprises to determine which day it is best to plant plants to obtain a rich and high-quality crop.

The right time for agricultural activities in your area will not only prevent the risk of various kinds of dangers for crops, but also maintain your own positive attitude and harmonious relations with nature.

In the lunar calendar for April 2018, all the locations of the moon with respect to the zodiac constellations are indicated along with an indication of the specific date and exact time the nightlight passed through its main phases. When there is a cyclic change in the state of illumination of the Moon, as well as a change in the lunar day - these are important points that every gardener or florist should know about in order to get a good harvest.

What benefits does the lunar calendar for 2018 bring to gardeners?

The recommendations of the lunar calendar for April 2018 will help to solve many agricultural problems that gardeners have in the process of working on their site. If you follow the directions of the fertile moon, you can significantly increase productivity.

Orientation to the calendar of the lunar phases will allow you to determine what types of crops, and at what time it is necessary to plant in your garden in April 2018, in order to create the most favorable conditions for their cultivation. The lunar calendar will also tell you other useful information:

  1. How to properly prepare the seeds for sowing.
  2. How to make a picking of seedlings.
  3. What methods are most effective to deal with various pests and diseases.
  4. How to fertilize plants and what mineral fertilizers to choose for this event.
  5. When to start harvesting in 2018.

Using the useful tips of the lunar calendar for April 2018, subject to all necessary care procedures for cultivated crops, it is possible to influence the quality and abundance of the future crop in the most positive way.

How do lunar phases in April 2018 affect the planting process?

The lighting phases that the Moon will pass in April 2018 will affect both the root system of the crops grown and the shoots themselves.The growth rate of their growth and even the particular taste can be controlled using the recommendations of the lunar calendar. So, the quality of their further development depends on a specific lunar day on which the plants were planted. In the calendar of moon phases for April 2018, unfavorable days for any agricultural work are indicated: sowing, planting, removing weeds and even plowing the earth. All gardeners are strongly advised to heed such advice. Otherwise, neglect of the instructions of the lunar calendar can entail negative consequences in the form of damage to crops by pests and diseases, slowing plant growth and disturbing the energy balance.

To get a good harvest, it is important to pay special attention to two important points noted in the lunar sowing calendar for April 2018:

  1. Planting on your site perennial crops and trees with an expected long life is necessary during the growing moon before the onset of the full moon phase. Such an event with perennial plants is not recommended at the time when the Moon is in a position between the Sun and the Earth, but is in the new moon phase.
  2. Crops that were planted before the full moon will differ in height in size. In nature, everything is arranged in an interconnected manner - just as a person should take the initiative for all his undertakings in the phase of the growing moon, so this period will be favorable for plants to give the right course to their development.

April 2018 lunar calendar - fundamental principles of the heavenly sign

Experienced gardeners and vegetable growers already in ancient times revealed a pattern in relation to the effect of the Night Light on the development of various crops. Indeed, the Moon is practically a “beacon” for all the seas and oceans, it controls the water and determines the direction of the currents. In the same way, the Moon is able to influence every drop of liquid contained in living plant cells. Although the process of this effect cannot be discerned without the help of special equipment, nevertheless, the obvious fact of the influence of certain lunar phases on the development and growth of all living organisms cannot be denied.

The moon, passing a specific stage of its cycle, enters one of the zodiac constellations. Together, they begin to work in a positive or, conversely, negative direction for the development of plants. So, in April 2018, the position of the Moon in signs will be favorable:

  • scorpion;
  • bodies;
  • fish
  • cancer.

Such a "heavenly combination" of the Night luminary and zodiac signs will bring fertility.

It is worthwhile to beware of the following provisions of the Moon in combination with the signs of the zodiac, which can affect not only the quality of crops grown, but even destroy them:

  • with a ram;
  • with a lion;
  • with the twins;
  • with an aquarius.

The moon’s entry into the zodiac constellations will be neutral:

  • virgins;
  • archer;
  • weights;
  • Capricorn.

Following the tips of the lunar calendar for April 2018 will avoid undesirable consequences. In particular, it is always worth remembering the days when the dangerous moon rises. During this period, it is highly recommended not to carry out any types of garden work on your site.

What days will the dangerous moon rise?

In the sowing calendar for April 2018, in addition to the dates most suitable for productive work in the garden, adverse days are also indicated that will pass under the auspices of the dangerous Moon:

  • On April 14, 16 and 17, 2019, the Moon will go through a new moon phase. So, on the day of its inception, a day before this event and after 24 hours after the appearance of a young star in the dark sky, the whole energy force of nature will only begin to increase;
  • On April 29 and 30, 2018, the full moon is expected - such a state of the star, when the whole sky will be illuminated by a bright and large moon ball. Energy stress will reach its peak, which can lead to irreversible consequences if agricultural work is carried out these days.

Schedule of daily work on the lunar calendar for April 2018

April 1 (Sunday) - Moon in the constellation Libra

The waning moon in combination with scales has a neutral effect on the processes of sowing and planting plants. This zodiac sign will be replaced by the fertile sign of a scorpion, therefore Sunday should be reserved for preparatory work for the next day. It is recommended to stock up all the necessary tools in advance - a shovel, glanders and rakes, as well as take care of the planting and sowing material. To apply mineral fertilizer to the soil or to fertilize it with humus is also necessary on April 1.

April 2, 3 (Monday, Tuesday) - Moon in the constellation Scorpio

The position of the waning moon in the constellation Scorpio promises to bring fertility. Such luck should not be missed - the conditions for planting potatoes, planting carrots and beets will be favorable. Radishes can be sown both early ripe, and that kind of culture that will bring the crop in a few months.

Despite the fertile influence of the moon and the zodiac sign of scorpio, it is worth the time to plant trees and shrubs. The most productive solution will be to sow greens - parsley or parsnip.

If there is a vineyard in the summer cottage, it is recommended to process it with special agents that fight ticks and other pests. Attention must also be paid to flower plantings. Fungicidal and acaricidal preparations will protect roses from fungal diseases and aphid attacks.

April 4-6 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) - Moon in the constellation Sagittarius

Passing into the constellation of the archer, the still waning moon creates suitable conditions for weeding the first weeds. During this period, it is worthwhile to conduct a thorough inspection of trees and shrubs previously planted on the site, and if necessary, it is recommended to feed the plants with fertilizer containing ammonia.

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Strawberries, which by April had already woken up, should not be denied additional care and nutrition. It is important to trim all the old leaves in time, loosen the beds and introduce humus into the soil.

April 7, 8 (Saturday, Sunday) - Moon in the constellation Capricorn

The lunar calendar still recommends regular maintenance work in the garden, destroying pests, spraying shrubs with special protective agents and removing weeds.

Since soon the time will come for sowing flower seeds in open beds, it means that it is time to take care of their preparation.

Particular attention should be paid to plantings grown in greenhouse conditions, where the first weed thickets could already appear in the first week of April.

April 9-11 (Monday, Tuesday Wednesday) - Moon in the constellation Aquarius

During this period, it is recommended to refrain from sowing and planting. It will be much more productive to carry out procedures to remove fungal formations on plants.

Bulb flowers need to be fed so that they give large bulbs of substitution and abundant offspring.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the berry.

April 12, 13 (Thursday, Friday) - Moon in the constellation Pisces

The moon, entering the position next to the zodiac sign of fish, will bring favorable conditions for landing on the site of crops bearing fruit underground. If possible, it is worth planting celery root - a fragrant root crop with a sweet-bitter taste will delight in a quality crop that promises to withstand any frosts.

A suitable time will also come for planting onions and garlic - seedlings of such crops will certainly please, and the entire crop will be stored for a long time.

April 14, 15 (Saturday, Sunday) - Moon in the constellation Aries

During the phase of the Moon’s stay under the patronage of Aries, it is not recommended to carry out sowing and landing operations. It is better to take time to prepare the next beds and make a plan for further action in the garden.

April 16, 17 (Monday, Tuesday) - Moon in the constellation Taurus

The new moon is coming - the time for a short break from agricultural affairs. It is not worth it to overburden yourself with various gardening events, it will be more useful to review the seed reserves.

April 18, 19 (Wednesday, Thursday) - Moon in the constellation of twins

The period of the moon’s stay in the constellation of the zodiacal sign of the twins opens up the actual conditions for work on the garden plot. The moon begins to grow, which means that the whole energy force of nature will be directed to the productive germination of all green vegetation, as well as the laying of flower buds.

The time is right for sowing climbing plants.

April 20, 21 (Friday, Saturday) - Moon in the constellation Cancer

The position of the growing moon in combination with the zodiac sign of cancer allows you to carry out all types of work with plants grown on the site. There comes a period of intensive activity for gardeners - it is necessary to start planting seedlings of crops in greenhouses. In those regional zones where frosts have already passed, it is possible to transplant plants into open ground conditions, covering young shoots with a protective shelter at night.

It is also worth sowing on melons seedlings to get the crop ahead of schedule.

April 23 (Sunday) - Moon in the constellation of the lion

The moon continues to grow and, passing into the constellation of the lion, creates suitable conditions for mulching. It is recommended to inspect the strawberry beds, since all the flower stalks are put forward too quickly;

April 24, 25 (Monday, Tuesday) - Moon in the constellation Virgo

The zodiac sign of the virgin, in which the growing moon resides, opens up great opportunities for productive work with flower plants. It is recommended to start sowing annual flowers, which promise to quickly start, pleasing to the eye for a long time.

Perennial flowers in this period need additional dressing and a portion of fresh compost humus.

April 26, 27 (Wednesday, Thursday) - Moon in the constellation Libra

The time is right for planting trees with fruit. Libra is a neutral zodiac sign, so do not worry about any difficulties.

April 28, 29 (Friday, Saturday) - Moon in the constellation Scorpio

The time has come for a new full moon, which means again you should give yourself a break from the heavy garden work. You can conduct an inspection of landings, take a closer look at the entrances, plan the course of further actions on the site.

The lunar calendar, compiled specifically for April 2018, will help all gardeners and gardeners to organize reliable and high-quality care for plants grown in their summer cottages. How to properly take care of seedlings and hotbeds, how to make further planting of crops in open or closed soil - all these questions can be answered by a lunar cycle indicator so that agrotechnical work during the spring season is carried out with maximum benefit to obtain a high-quality and plentiful crop .

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