Lunar calendar of landings for May 2018

12.02.2018 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Many people on our planet know that the moon is capable of magically affecting the earth. It acts on the ebb and flow, and also affects gravity. The moon is a source of energy and strength, which means that you can calculate the most favorable days on the lunar calendar of landings for May 2018.

This conclusion suggests itself, since the moon acts on large marine phenomena, it means that it is able to nourish plants with biological energy. Juices and other liquids contained in the stems and fruits of plants can absorb the force that the Moon gives them.

For this reason, many gardeners and gardeners know that all planned actions must be carried out, taking into account the present position of the moon. Based on this principle, they calculate the most favorable days according to the lunar calendar of landings for May 2018.

Features of orientation according to the lunar calendar and determination of days for landings

In order not to cause any harm to the vegetables planted in the garden, as well as domestic indoor plants, it is necessary to observe some safety measures during the planting process. There are certain days on which it is recommended to plant certain crops, since they are the most successful for carrying out these procedures.

However, using the lunar calendar, you can not only determine the days on which you need to carry out certain actions, but also those days on which it is recommended to refrain from these actions.

As the lunar calendar says, already at the beginning of May of the coming year it will be possible to plant the first plants. The first days of May will be favorable for plants that ripen early enough, so the month promises to be very successful both for gardeners planting vegetables in open ground and gardeners who are breeding domestic house plants.

It is at the beginning of May of the coming year that it will be possible to plant, for example, potatoes in open ground. During this period, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of moisture in the soil into which the gardener plans to plant the plant.

Important! It is necessary to take measures to reduce the percentage of moisture in the earth, since such procedures will help the roots avoid the process of decay. In addition, the likelihood of diseases on the stems, roots and flowers of the plant will decrease.

In mid-May, you can plant, for example, peppers. This time period will be quite successful for their transplantation on open ground. If you plant this plant in the tenth of the month, then they will have time to be sufficiently saturated with sunlight. This is especially true of the early varieties, which the presence of sunlight is necessary for early fruiting.

In late May, it is best to plant plants such as tomatoes or eggplant in the open ground. They are not picky and they will have enough time to comfortably settle in the ground and soon bring a good harvest.

What plants and on which days in May are best planted

The most favorable days for planting in May 2018 according to the lunar calendar directly depend on the variety and type of plant intended for planting on open ground.

Speaking of the most common cultures that are planted in the garden, according to the lunar calendar, the most successful days for them will be distributed as follows:

You may be interested in:
  1. Cucumbers For this vegetable, tenths and twenties of the month are perfect. The most successful are recognized on 18-19, 24 and 26 of May. Having planted this plant these days, you can expect a good harvest in the future.
  2. Dill, parsley, salad. Similarly to the planting of cucumbers, these May dates are suitable for such May dates as 18, 25, 28.
  3. Tomatoes This vegetable must be planted closer to the end of May and early June. The most favorable for the rapid development and growth of large fruits are considered on the lunar calendar 19, 24, 27 numbers.
  4. Sweet peppers. Unlike sharper varieties, in order to preserve the original taste and to give large fruits, it is recommended to plant sweet varieties of pepper at approximately the same time intervals as tomatoes. The most favorable are the 19th, 25th, 27th of May.
  5. Eggplant. Eggplant is also considered a late variety of vegetable crops, so it is planted during the last two weeks of May. As a rule, the most successful according to the lunar calendar are 18, 24, 26.
  6. Zucchini, pumpkin and squash. There are not many favorable dates for these representatives of vegetable crops in May, so the gardener needs to remain vigilant and not miss the happy moment. These plants are best, according to the lunar calendar, planted on May 19 and 26.
  7. Potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke. The gap between the favorable days of planting these vegetables is very significant. The first May day on the lunar calendar is considered quite successful, however, if the gardener for some reason missed this date, he will have to wait for the last days of the month.
  8. Radish, radish, daikon. These vegetable crops have more favorable days than many others. The lunar calendar says that these plants need to be planted 2, 6, 11, 30, 31. These days are very harmoniously arranged throughout the month, so the gardener can choose any convenient for himself.
  9. Beets, carrots. These plants also have a fairly large number of good days for planting. Among them, the lunar calendar distinguishes 1, 3, 10, 14, 31. In this case, the gardener may also not worry about his harvest, since the days of the lunar calendar do not rush him to land.
  10. Watermelon, melon and other gourds. For representatives of these exotic cultures, only four dates are provided in the lunar calendar - 18, 19, 25, and 27. They are quite convenient for the gardener, because if he does not have time to finish the landing in one day, he can continue to work the next.
  11. Beans, Peas, Beans and other legume plants. For these plants in the lunar calendar, the 18th, 25th, 27th and 28th dates in the last spring day are indicated as favorable dates.

Work in the garden and garden on May days according to the lunar calendar

Also, the gardener needs to know the most favorable days for carrying out the corresponding work in the garden.

On May holidays it is best to do the following types of work:

  • to make periodic fertilizers of organic origin for additional plant nutrition;
  • apply mineral fertilizers to the soil;
  • throughout the month, a favorable time begins for weeding plants, plowing, cultivating, and also loosening;
  • you can bookmark compost throughout May;
  • It is best to spray the plant and set aside time for the destruction of pests in the early days of May, when the plant was only planted (for certain types of crops);
  • plants must be constantly watered so that the shoots that appear do not dry out;
    periodic cultures should be inculcated in order to develop immunity from certain diseases in them,
  • affecting the root system and stems;
    Plant transplantation can be carried out according to the lunar calendar for almost the entire month;
  • according to the lunar calendar, weed and thin out as soon as the first shoots appear.
However, there are certain actions that, according to the lunar calendar, should not be carried out during this period.

At this time, do not perform the following operations:

  • pruning the branches of shoots, as this can adversely affect the subsequent growth and development of plants;
  • also during this period it is not necessary to purchase or harvest seeds for planting, as according to the lunar calendar this is not the best time for such an activity.

How do the phases of the moon affect different types of cultivated plants

Even our distant ancestors knew that a certain position of the moon, in one way or another, can affect living organisms that live on Earth. They included various plants to them, as they believed that any object of nature has a soul.

The moon was often worshiped by people of antiquity, and with the development of science, such phenomena could give a completely rational explanation. Not only human well-being, but also the state of plants depends on how the moon is located on the vault of heaven.

In nature, there are only four lunar phases, which in one way or another can affect plants:

  1. Waxing Crescent. During this period, the juices that are saturated with all the plants begin to rush up along the stem. This phenomenon most beneficially affects vegetable and fruit crops. This is especially useful for plants whose fruits grow above the soil. These include cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, grapes and others.
  2. Waning moon. In this case, everything, on the contrary, - energy rolls from stems and leaves into the root system of plants. Here, the beneficial properties of the night luminary are revealed to those plants in which the fruits grow underground. These include potatoes, carrots, radishes, beets, radishes and others.
  3. Full moon and new moon. In such periods of the Moon’s position, the juices inside the plant are in a static state. Experts recommend at this time not to disturb the plant.

Knowledge of the positions of the moon in the vault of heaven is very necessary for beginner gardeners, as this will serve them as a good guide in various matters. Such questions are: when it is necessary to plant a particular culture, what actions need to be performed in certain lunar phases. Often it helps experienced gardeners to grow a good harvest.

How to identify fertile and barren days by the signs of the zodiac

The lunar calendar, as a rule, is compiled on the basis of the transition of the night luminary from one constellation to another. Similar movements are made by the Moon every month, therefore, by the constellations in the sky, you can also recognize which days of planting will subsequently contribute to a good harvest, and which are still worth avoiding.

If a gardener sows at a time when the Moon is in such constellations of the Zodiac as Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra or Capricorn, this will give him hope that in the future he will be able to enjoy a plentiful harvest. The fruits of plants planted during these time periods often grow very large, so this opportunity should not be missed. Nevertheless, at this time you should not harvest seeds or plant those plants that will be intended for long-term storage.

According to the lunar calendar, the most barren signs of the zodiac are Aquarius, Aries and Leo. During these time intervals, it is recommended to postpone planting work until better times. According to the observations of gardeners, plants planted while these zodiac signs are in the sky may simply not grow. And if they grow, then, as a rule, with weak withered leaves and fruits of not the best quality. Therefore, this aspect should also be guided.

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