Lunar calendar planting a gardener and gardener for 2017

25.04.2017 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Planting calendar for 2017 for gardenersTo better navigate in a series of changing dates, summer residents can use the updated planting calendar for 2017 for gardeners created by astrologers. Thanks to starry tips, it’s easier to choose good days for future landings. The result will be a good, rich crop.

What is the lunar calendar?

Special, sowing annualgardener lunar calendarwhere the phases of the moon, its position are taken into account. The night luminary constantly affects earthly life, and plants are no exception. Each lunar phase gives an impetus to natural phenomena like ripening, growth, plant formation. Zodiac signs also do not remain idle. To understand a series of celestial bodies and the features of their location helps the calendar. There, in detail, literally by dates in months, all favorable, also unsuccessful days are reflected.

The main thing that the Moon exactly influences is water, and in any of its manifestations. Whether it is the vital juices of plants, or human blood, the water of the ocean - it does not matter. Previously, the ancestors watched the world around them on their own, trying to calculate favorable days before sowing the field, cultivating the land. They saw the power of heavenly bodies and tried to use it.

Now astrologers use only modern technology, multiply it with their mathematical knowledge to create the most accurate calendars, forecasts. After all, people need the clues of star luminaries.

The calendar is regularly updated, taking into account the latest information. Total Lunar (sowing) calendar includes:

  • The lunar phases, with a listing of their influence, impact on the course of important processes, it does not matter if this is the work of technology or stimulation of plant growth, their maturation.
  • Days for the lunar calendar. It has its own differences, when compared with the solar “colleague”. After all, the movement of the Moon is peculiar; it cannot be compared with the movement of the Earth. The moon has to wrap both around the earth, so together both make a large circle around the sun.
  • Days of the week - each has its own changing characteristic

Influence from the zodiac sign. Some signs help, beneficially influencing ripening, growth and subsequent productivity, the second - harmful, the third - neutral. The Lunar calendar itself helps to understand, it describes in detail exactly where the Moon is, what days (literally for months) for which plants are favorable. Moreover, every month lunar sowing calendar It has several “good” days, this helps to correlate your schedule with the calendar.

After all, not every gardener has a free schedule. People work and solve personal problems. Usually a garden or a garden, if we talk only about summer residents, are engaged on weekends or holidays. The calendar will help to identify several "auspicious windows", helping everyone who wants to follow it to the gardener or gardener in time.

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Auspicious days

Experts warn: you can not believe it, do not use data from the lunar calendar, but you should never use the new moon for the landing period. The moon is only gaining strength, reborn, taking energy from living earthly creatures. Why the process was called the “new moon”, as the formation of another, “new” moon. A special period for haircuts, fortune telling. They are not advised to start something or plan a lot of things on the new moon. It is better to wait for the recession, to relax.

When planting plants, which will then grow, rushing up (wheat, also flowers or cucumbers), it is better to plan for some auspicious day, which falls on the period of the growing moon. But underground crops (potatoes or carrots, beets) should be planted on the contrary, under the waning moon. Then they will soon please with good growth and rapid development.

By the Full Moon, it’s also not worth planning any sowing work. Fortunately, these special days are rare.

Is such a calendar rational?

It is worth using sowing calendars in general, disputes are annually renewed, not giving rest. Experienced gardeners give different tips. Some track favorable days, others are more observing nature itself. Indeed, in addition to the calendar, there are features of the climate, weather conditions.

It is also important not only to follow the calendar or your observations, but be sure to look after your landings. Only an attentive, stubborn owner will receive a good harvest. Each culture has its own “preferences” for feeding, seedling conditions or subsequent planting.

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Sometimes you need spring - all summer to spend in the garden or garden, then to enjoy a good harvest. The lunar calendar is an ancient technology, it was composed by astronomers for centuries in a row, observing the constantly changing position of the stars.

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