May 2017: Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener

25.01.2016 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Lunar calendar for may 2017 gardenerAT lunar calendar as of May 2017, the gardener and the gardener indicate both favorable days for planting crops and those on which it is better to refrain from transplanting plants and vegetables.

It is worth considering one of all the months of the year in which the planting of vegetables, trees and shrubs occurs most intensively. It is in May that the air temperature becomes especially favorable for planting both garden and garden crops. It is worth analyzing this month for each day, because it is very important to know exactly when to start planting seeds and seedlings, and when it is better to take a break from this work.

May numbers from 1-15

If on the first and second of May there is time to plant vegetables, then it is worth starting the planting with such plants as onions, radishes, garlic, celery and radishes. All these plants quickly give the first shoots, so the first and second day of May can be considered the most favorable day for their cultivation. At the same time, pruning branches and creating an even crown of trees will be useful for plants. If you wish, you can start fertilizing and watering the plants in this period of time.

On the third and fourth day of this month, it would be better to refrain from working in the garden, that is, not to plant seedlings and not to sow new ones. But if on these days we start hilling and weeding the beds, as well as additional fertilizing of the plants, then this will soon bear fruit. Fourth, judging by lunar calendar table, it is worthwhile to work on eliminating all pests on trees, shrubs and vegetables, as well as remove all weeds from the beds.

Lunar calendar for may 2017 gardener

Starting from May 5, the days will differ greatly in their favorable conditions for planting vegetables and trees, for example, on the fifth day of the month you can start planting potato tubers, any root plants and onions. Also at this time it will be nice to put in order the bushes and the crown of trees.

But the sixth of May should be postponed for rest, since on this day it is not recommended to grow plants, water or fertilize the soil.

On May 7 and 8, it’s a great time to plant any leguminous plants in the open ground, it can be beans or soybeans, peas or beans, and this period is also perfect for planting climbing vegetables and plants. These numbers are great for thinning seedlings, eliminating excess weeds, watering and fertilizing the soil. You can also start preparing beds for planting new plants.

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The numbers of May from the ninth to the eleventh can be considered quite favorable for absolutely all plants, trees, flowers, shrubs and vegetables. It is during this period that it is advised to plant eggplants, pumpkins, cucumbers of all sorts, tall and short tomatoes, different types of cabbage, and zucchini in the garden. If you plant seedlings in these numbers in May, you can get a very rich harvest.

On the twelfth and thirteenth of May, you should not plan planting in the garden and the vegetable garden, since flowers and vegetables in this period of time do not take root well, are often sick and attacked by pests, which leads to a decrease in yield. But these days are one of the most favorable for planting trees and new shrubs in the soil.

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At 14.15 and 16 days of the month, you should not plant new seeds in the soil, it is also better not to plan the planting of seedlings of flowers and vegetables in open ground. In addition, gardeners recommend that you do not start replanting fruit trees, stone seedlings and vegetables.But following the lunar planting calendar for May 2017 of the gardener and gardener, you can take care of small ornamental plants in the garden, it can be honeysuckle or rosehip bushes. If these days you begin to plant any curly flowers, then they will quickly take root in a new place and will soon begin to bloom.

Lunar calendar for may 2017 gardener

The second half of the month from May 15 to May 30

May 17 and 18, it is better to devote the planting of new flowers in the front garden. Also, this time is perfect for harvesting seeds and tubers of flowers for the winter. During this period, it is advised to begin planting stone fruit trees. If there are plants at home, then they should pay more attention to these two days.

In the period from 19 to 20, it is better to start planting cucumbers and tomatoes of different varieties in the soil, you can also plant seedlings of pumpkin and cabbage. It is better not to start planting trees and not to collect medicinal herbs. On the 21st day it is worth planning the sludge of those plants that will germinate in the shortest possible time, it can be any greens, medicinal herbs or garlic with onions.

In the period from May 22 to May 25, it is better not to plan the planting or sowing of new seedlings. At this time, you can plant trees or loosen the beds. Numbers 26 and 27 can also not be considered favorable for planting new plants, it is better to eliminate weeds and begin the fight against harmful insects.

From May 28 to May 30 it is worth doing gardening, as well as planting all the seedlings of radish, turnips, celery in the soil, if necessary, onions and garlic are battled. During this period, watering of plants and grafting of trees begin. The 31st is not suitable for planting seedlings in open ground, but you can prepare everything vegetables for growing and fruits for the winter, for example they can be dried.

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