How to properly and tasty pickle boletus and boletus (+18 photo)?

9.11.2018 Winter blanks

The most common and any in our country are tubular (spongy) mushrooms. Representatives of spongy - boletus and boletus, are mushrooms that can be pickled in both simple and unusual ways. Many chefs and housewives have developed various marinades that not only emphasize the taste of the fruit, but also make it more saturated.

Features and benefits of mushrooms

The nutritional value of boletus and boletus is very high, they contain many trace elements, carbohydrates, protein and a minimum of fats, which makes them dietary and nutritious.

Good to know!
It is recommended to collect young animals, they have more nutrients, and old fruits contain them much less, in addition, they accumulate a lot of harmful chemical compounds from air and soil.


There are several types of boletus. More often they have a reddish hat, but it can be brown, white, raspberry. In a young mushroom, it in the form of a ball, ripening, straightens, can grow up to 30 cm in diameter. The spongy inner layer is whitish or olive.

The leg can reach a width of 5 cm and a length of 15 cm. Its surface is white with a grayish tint and scales darkening with age. The shape thickens downward. At the cut, the body turns blue, and eventually blackens. The smell is pleasant, but very light. As the name implies, grow with aspens.


Perebereziki usually form mycorrhiza with birch, but also quite successfully coexist with aspen and poplar. It looks like a boletus, especially with a scaly leg. The hat is soft brown in shades, but it can also be reddish. The spongy underside is creamy; it becomes ocher with age. On a slice, the body turns pink.

Both species belong to the second category of edible mushrooms, characterized by high taste and nutritional qualities.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

Before any cooking option, boletus and boletus mushrooms go through several preparatory stages. For pickling, they are:

  1. Preparing for the pickleCleaning up. It is necessary to clean garbage in a short time, sometimes boletus and boletus begin to deteriorate right in the basket. Then they must be thrown away so as not to spoil the taste of the whole dish. The body needs to be cleaned of sand, leaves, needles, and then you can additionally hold it in water for about 10 minutes so that small particles come off.
  2. Sorting. It is usually carried out in parallel with cleaning. Sort of boletus and boletus by size: large for roasting, and the most beautiful, small and strong - for a pickle.
  3. Cutting. It is recommended to cut into large pieces, too small will be uncomfortable to eat. The thick leg is cut into short “stumps”, the thin one is left with long “firewood”. The hats look pretty sliced ​​through the center, like a cake. Sometimes only hats are pickled, and legs are set aside for another dish.
  4. Primary boiling. Pour everything in water, boil, remove the foam and add salt. Boil for 20 minutes, then strain through a colander.
In addition to mushrooms, you need to prepare jars for the pickling process, namely, to sterilize them. Otherwise, the dish will simply go bad and there is a danger of poisoning.

Methods for pickling boletus

Boletus is especially often cooked in marinade, and therefore there are many different recipes.

For the winter with cooking

For a winter recipe, you need to weld a pickle. Add to half a liter of water:

  • 1 tbsp. l salt and sugar;
  • 1 leaf of laurel;
  • 5 peas of black pepper;
  • 2 carnation flowers.
Mushroom cooking process
Mushroom cooking process

Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Then boil the boiled boletus (1 kg in raw form) to lower into the liquid, adding half a glass of vinegar and cook for 15 minutes.

In a sterile jar put dill flower and chopped clove of garlic, on top - boletus with marinade, and on top - another dill umbrella. Close the plastic lid and after cooling put in a cold place.

With citric acid

This option will allow you to enjoy the very delicate taste of boletus. After cleaning, 1 kg of raw material should be boiled with the addition of 2 g of citric acid. Then the marinade is prepared:

  • Boil 500 ml of water with 3 tsp of salt and 1 g of lemon;
  • after boiling add 4 tsp of sugar, 1 g of ground cinnamon, 2 pcs. cloves and laurel leaves, 3 peas of allspice, a quarter teaspoon of paprika;

    Pickled Boletus
    Pickled Boletus
  • after 1 minute, pour 1.5 tbsp. l vinegar;
  • immediately you can pour the marinade into jars with boletus, twist, cool and put in the cold for 10 days, after which they can be consumed.

No sterilization

Boletus made according to this recipe can be kept in the basement for a long time. Brine: boil 500 ml of water along with 80 ml of table vinegar, 1 tbsp. l of granulated sugar and 2 tsp of salt, 5 peas of white and 5 black peppers, 1 tbsp. l dill seed, 3 pcs. cloves, 2 pcs. laurel leaf. Boil for 5 minutes and put mushrooms in there, boiling for another 40 minutes. Then lay out in jars, topping the marinade to the end, close with plastic lids.

Pickling recipes for boletus

Let's look at a few recipes on how to pickle wild boletus mushrooms, so that you can please different tastes.

With garlic and cinnamon

The following recipe will appeal to lovers of unusual tastes. Products for marinade per 1 kg of raw boletus:

  • spices: bay leaf - 3 pcs., cloves - 5 pcs., cinnamon - a third of the stick, black pepper - 10 peas;
  • 15 ml of acetic 70% essence;
  • 40 g of salt, 40 g of sugar;
  • 1 onion head;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
Garlic and cinnamon
Garlic and cinnamon

There is a slight deviation from the preparation algorithm described above, namely: primary cooking is carried out together with the onion for a piquant aroma. After expressing it needs to be thrown away, it will not go to the marinade. Rinse the boletus under running water.

Add spices, salt and sugar to the brine water, boil, pour mushrooms there and cook for another 10 minutes. Grind the garlic in the form of thin plates and pour into the bowl, boiling for another 5 minutes. At the end, add the essence and turn off after the next 5 minutes.

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Put mushrooms in sterilized jars, and boil the marinade again and add to them to the top and roll them up. Cool and store as in previous recipes. When serving, you can add vegetable oil, the dish will be unusually fragrant.

Classic recipe

For a proven classic recipe, we need a marinade. It is prepared from the following ingredients per 1 kg of raw boletus:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 40 g of sugar and salt;
  • 125 ml of vinegar;
  • spices: cloves 3 pcs., allspice 10 pcs., laurel leaf 2 pcs.
Pickled mushrooms
Pickled mushrooms

Washed after the initial cooking boletus, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Add all the components of the brine and simmer over minimal heat for another 15 minutes. Arrange in a hot condition on sterilized jars, add marinade over the edge and clog.

Put the lid down for a while to cool wrapped up so that the process goes slowly.After that, the cans with pickled birch mushrooms can be put in the pantry, where they can be stored all winter.

No vinegar

For this recipe, we will not need seaming lids, since the absence of the main preservative - vinegar, will not allow them to be stored in an ordinary pantry. You need a place no warmer than 8 degrees, so you need to keep them in the refrigerator under plastic covers.

We will need:

  • boletus - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar and salt - 10 g each;
  • citric acid and ground cinnamon - 2 g each;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • black pepper - 5 peas.
Pickled boletus without vinegar
Pickled boletus without vinegar

You need to cook the brine from all components except citric acid. Throw the boletus and boil for 15 minutes on low heat. Pour citric acid and extinguish the fire. Put in jars, add marinade, clog, cool, put into storage in the cold.

Pickle a mixture of boletus and boletus

Boletus and boletus are quite similar in appearance and taste, so the recipes with them are not particularly different. Pickling their mixture is also practiced. It is interesting that the boletus boletus darkens when cooking, and the cap boletus remains red, and together they look bright on the table, increasing appetite.

In the preparatory part, it is recommended to boil them separately, and mix them already in the marinade.

Marinade: in 1 liter of water add 2 tbsp. l of sugar and salt, 3 tsp of vinegar essence, 2 bay leaves, 10 pcs. black pepper, 5 pcs. carnations. You can also experiment with cinnamon and garlic. Boil everything and add boiled mushrooms. Simmer for half an hour. Arrange in sterilized jars with marinade and roll up.

Answers to widespread questions

When cooking mushrooms, the hostesses have additional questions:

Can I mix others with these mushrooms?

You can mix mushrooms, similar in structure, belonging to one group. For example, all spongy are combined among themselves: white, aspen, boletus. Although there are mushroom pickers mixing any kind of mushroom, and vice versa - they cook everything necessarily separately. This is a matter of taste. Mushrooms also differ in density, and mean the readiness time for them can be different.

How long can pickled mushrooms be stored?

Mushrooms, in the recipe of which was vinegar, can be stored under metal lids for up to a year, if cooked in accordance with all the rules, excluding the development of bacteria, including dangerous botulism. The rest should be kept in a cool place at a temperature of 5-8 degrees. After opening the can, the contents must be checked visually, and if in doubt, do not use.

What needs to be done to prevent mushrooms from darkening during pickling?

Mushrooms darken from oxidation when boiled. To slow this process, you can add acid, citric or acetic acid to the water. Some cooks cook them whole, and after each stage they clean the leg, then the mushroom in the finished form is light, very similar to white.

After what time are pickled mushrooms ready for use?

Typically, the cooking process takes up to an hour. And in the marinated form, the mushrooms should stand closed for 10 days to a month in order to fully marinate and soak in spices.

Mushrooms are a fairly popular product on our tables. Mushroom picking is called "silent hunting", and this process is very interesting in itself, and thanks to recipes it will end with a delicious meal.

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Marinated mushroomsMarinated mushrooms

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