Outdoor carrot: planting and care

25.05.2015 Carrot

planting carrotsCarrots: planting and care in the open field requires certain knowledge. For carrots, we do not pre-grow seedlings, so that the seeds are planted immediately in the open ground. Due to the fact that the seeds contain many essential oils, they sprout poorly without special preparation.

Therefore, even before planting (and then leaving) carrots in the open ground, the seeds need to be soaked. Ordinary room temperature water is suitable for this. Wait for the seeds to swell. After planting seeds in the ground, the first sprouts will appear in three weeks. Provided that pre-sowing treatment (except soaking) was not carried out.

General information about growing

To get a good crop of carrots, planting seeds is necessary only in fertile soil. Land must be cleared of weeds. Good drainage is essential. Beautiful neighbors for carrots in the beds there will be legumes, also tomatoes and cabbage, potatoes.

Beds are being prepared for planting carrots since the fall. Be sure to dig the ground and leave it like this until spring. With increased soil acidity, you will need to add a glass of chalk (can be replaced with dolomite flour) per square meter. Carrots: planting and care in the open ground in spring requires top dressing. You can use mineral as well as organic fertilizers.

Important! Fresh manure is categorically not suitable as a top dressing for carrots.

garden carrots

Seedling time

The right crop will affect the quality crop. seed planting dates. You need to do this early so that the soil still retains a sufficient amount of moisture. Delay in sowing leads to the fact that seeds in dry soil grow slowly, sprouts appear rare and weak. May is the best month for planting carrot seeds.

How to prepare beds

Before sowing the beds, even if they are prepared in the fall, you need to loosen and water again. Next, make grooves, to a depth of not more than two centimeters. Pour grooves with water, a solution of potassium permanganate (to kill pest larvae). Seeds are planted in moist soil.

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When the carrots are planted, the beds need to be carefully watered and covered with foil. In a week, the first sunrises should appear. With their appearance, the film must be removed.

??????? / Carrot

We provide proper care.

Next, carrots need to constantly weed, loosen the earth, get rid of weeds. It is also important to provide top dressing when planting and caring for carrots in the open ground. The soil should always be moist, and loosening and weeding must be constant. Especially after the rains.

Watering is provided regular, but fairly moderate. If the street is warm and the sun is shining, then young carrots need to be watered twice a week. As the root crop grows, the dose of water should be increased. The best option for irrigation at this stage of growth: 20 liters of water per square meter of land. Carrots will be poured in the fall, then watering spends once every two weeks with 10 liters per square meter (provided that it does not rain).

carrot care

As for the specific timing of top dressing, then during the growth of the root crop it is done twice. The first is carried out a month after the first sunrises appeared. The second feeding is done two weeks after the first. An ideal fertilizer is a tablespoon of nitrophoska diluted in ten liters. Water five liters of fertilizer per square meter.


Gardeners are working hard and hard to one day harvest their crops. As for carrots, it needs to be collected before the first cold weather.Carrots are gently pulled out of the ground (you can dig, but there is a chance to damage the root crop with a shovel). Harvesting should be carried out in warm weather so that the fruits, which will be moist and fresh from the ground, can be dried in the sun.

harvesting carrots

Small fruits can be left to eat right away. Large root crops should be transferred to boxes with sand and left in storage until winter. You can store carrots in the basement or cellar, the main condition is the absence of high humidity. With proper storage, carrots can be eaten until the next harvest season.

Carrots: planting and care in the open ground is carried out according to the scheme described in this article. It is important to understand that carrots love moisture, but not excessive watering. Care must be taken to keep the soil moist. Also, be sure to loosen the soil so that more air enters the root crops. Providing such care, you can count on a rich harvest of delicious carrots.

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