How to grow large and sweet carrots

8.03.2019 Carrot

Carrots need to be sown at different times. Grow varieties for storage, processing and summer consumption. The root crop should be in the diet all year round. Carrots are a cold-resistant crop; therefore, they plant it in the garden in late autumn and early spring. The crop quality is affected by the structure, acidity and soil health, and the quality of irrigation.

How to prepare beds

Carrots may not get enough moisture with regular watering. In country gardens, this happens all the time. Gardeners do not level the surface of the ridges. When watering, water flows. The soil is moistened unevenly. Because of this, “mixed-sized” root crops are harvested from one bed.

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In the autumn they dig a trifle if they plant a vegetable in the shade. With a lack of light tops, frail, the underground part is thin, short. In the beginning of summer, years occur. carrot flies. Her offspring, hatching from eggs, feeds on carrots. Prevent land contamination with carrot fly larvae vegetable rotation.

Carrot beds are made where they grew before:

  • nightshade;
  • melons;
  • legumes;
  • siderates;
  • onion turnip.

Carrots absorb nutrients well during normal and slightly acidic soil reactions. On soils (heavy loam, clay and peat land) with a pH level of <5.5, the quality of root crops is poor. The optimum pH for the culture is from 5.5 to 7.0.

In acidic soil, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium are poorly absorbed. To normalize the pH level in the fall, deoxidants are introduced into the ground:

  • Lime fluff - 0.5-0.7 kg / m²;
  • dolomite flour - 0.45-0.6 kg / m²;
  • ash - 0.2-0.3 kg / m².

Dig the soil thoroughly. The denser the soil structure, the deeper they dig - 35-40 cm. In loose soil, carrots form smooth, long root crops. In heterogeneous composition of garden soil, they grow clumsy.

For clay soil, the Chantane variety is suitable. He has a small root length.

Separately from the deoxidizer, mineral additives are added that do not contain chlorine:

  • nitrogen phosphate fertilizers 50 g / m²;
  • nitrophos −50 g / m²;
  • ammophos - 60 g / m².

All rates are for depleted land. In the fertile soil of mineral fertilizers make 2-3 times less. You can replace them with organic matter - ash, humus.

Techniques to increase carrot growth

Growing large, even root crops is easier on a narrow bed. Sow seeds in 2, maximum in 3 rows. They contain essential oils, they make germination difficult. Accelerate the appearance of sprouts in a simple way:

  • a small bag is sewn from fabric;
  • pour carrot seeds into it;
  • within 2-3 days they are given a warm shower - they are kept several times a day under a stream of warm water;
  • dried before planting.

Furrows for landing make at a distance of 15 cm from each other. On the eve of sowing, they are watered well. Seeds are sown often, with a step of 2-3 cm. Sprinkle with a layer of humus (1 cm). After heat treatment, seedlings appear on day 7.

Thin out them right away. During the summer, a carrot ridge is weeded several times. When landing in 2 rows they spend a minimum of time on this:

  • along the edges of the ridge pass with a plane cutter;
  • between the rows weeds are pulled out by hand.

The rules for thinning carrots for the season are very simple. The first concerns the deadline. Shoots are advised to thin out after the appearance of 1 real leaf. In the phase of 2-3 leaves it is already late, you can damage neighboring plants. The second rule concerns soil moisture.

Everything is clear here. The ground must be moist during thinning.Therefore, the procedure is carried out immediately after rain or heavy watering. The third rule relates to the distance between seedlings of carrots. It should be 6-7 cm. In no case less. With a thickened planting, carrots grow diverse and clumsy.

To grow large carrots, do not forget about watering. They are especially important in early summer. After emergence, the soil is regularly and well moistened.

How to feed so that carrots are large and sweet

In carrots overloaded with mineral fertilizers, the flesh is not tasty. Root crops are poorly stored. For sweetness, it is fed 3 times:

  1. On the 20th day after the appearance of panicles, the bed is watered with Kalimag fertilizer solution (20 g / m²). It contains potassium and magnesium sulfates.
  2. 3 weeks after the first root dressing, the carrots are watered with a solution of complex fertilizer Kemira-universal - 50 g / m².
  3. After another 3 weeks, the carrot ridge is sprinkled with ash (20 g / m²). It contains potassium. He makes carrots sweet.
Between 2 and 3 root dressings, the tops are sprayed with an aqueous solution of boric acid - 2 g per 10 liters. Boron improves the quality and taste of the pulp of root crops.

Grow one crop. You must be able to save it. Subject to simple rules, carrots in the cellar will be stored until the next harvest. Preparation for storage consists of several stages:

  • cut the tops;
  • root crops are washed;
  • dried;
  • cut off the "butt";
  • lowered into the cellar.

Store carrots in unbound bags or in plastic crates.

In conclusion, we can conclude. To grow large carrots do not need to spend a lot of time. It is enough to choose a good variety. Thin out carrots in time, do not forget about abundant watering in early summer. Timely mineral root and foliar will not harm the crop top dressing.

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