About planting peonies in the fall and caring for them in the open ground

14.11.2015 Peonies

Peonies planting and care in the open ground in autumnPeonies: planting and care in the open field in the autumn how is carried out, why and why? The answers to these questions, as well as other important stages of caring for beautiful flowers, are discussed in detail in this material. Do not be afraid immediately, because, in principle, caring for peonies is quite simple and understandable. It is important to know where to start.

Peonies are perennials that require autumn special care. At least, if you want lush bushes to please you with excellent flowering and active growth next year. Fulfilling the clear requirements for care in the fall, in the winter you can admire strong flowers.

Autumn pruning

Peonies: planting and care in the open ground in autumn (see photo) includes mandatory pruning. You could even say that among all the stages of autumn leaves, pruning is the most important. If you ignore the need for pruning bushes, softened shoots will appear in the spring, which are not so easy to remove with secateurs. The best time to prune these flowers growing in open ground is the second half of October and the first decade of November.

Before the end of October, pruning is not recommended, otherwise the plant will become weak and will be vulnerable to diseases and parasites. Cropped earlier than at the end of October, peonies will bloom poorly in spring. So, you should focus on the first frost, when the faded shoots themselves will already lie on the ground. Circumcision is carried out at the same level with the soil so that no stumps remain.

About planting peonies in the fall

Lush bushes of peonies delight with an attractive and rich appearance. But, only strong and well-developed bushes bloom so magnificent. In order for such representatives to grow on the site, you will need to try extra.

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Peony bushes are best planted in the first month of autumn, and in hot regions it is recommended to be managed before the end of August. Varietal peonies love to be planted in areas that are bright and open to sunlight. In principle, a little shading is possible, but without much fanaticism. If peonies are planted in a shade, they will grow weakly, and will not please flowering. Also, the site selected for planting new peony bushes should be well ventilated. If air circulation is insufficient, then peonies will begin to suffer from various fungal diseases.

Peonies planting and care

Peonies: outdoor planting and care in the fall also includes the exclusion of planting in the area where ground water is too close. From excessive moisture, the roots can begin to rot, which will lead to the death of the plant. For growing peonies, dry sandy or clay soils are completely unsuitable. In order to improve the mechanical composition of the soil, in the first case, a little clay can be added to the ground. In the second case, when the soil is clay, add a little sand to it. Acidic soils must be additionally fertilized with lime.

About Autumn Transplant

In addition to the fact that peonies: planting and care in the open ground in autumn are necessary, for older bushes may require additional transplantation. Fortunately, these flowers do not require transplanting for ten years, but if the deadline has come, then he will not get out of the process.

The velvet season in autumn is an ideal time for transplanting. If the gardener did not have time to transplant at this time, then it is better to prepare the bushes for the winter in the usual way, and transplant in the spring.But, of course, you should try to cope with the process in the fall, then by spring the root will get used to the new land, and the bush will bloom also rapidly, without interruption, and as soon as the first snow has melted, it will begin to grow actively. Useful to read about aquilegiya: landing and care in the open ground with a photo.

Important! Peony transplantation in spring is possible, but then the bush will hurt this season and is unlikely to bloom. In spring, you need to especially carefully handle the roots and should not try to divide the bush.

Peonies planting and care in the open ground

As you can see, peonies: planting and care in the open ground in autumn require knowledge of certain agro-cultural methods. But here it is important to have time to do everything on time and on time. The transplant is carried out only after 10 years of growth in one place and you need to manage to manage this process in the velvet season in the fall. Pruning bushes does not need to start earlier than the end of October, but you should manage somewhere until mid-November. As for planting in the fall, it is carried out in September, and in hot regions it can be completed by the end of summer.

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