Making beds in the country with your own hands

4.08.2015 Interesting ideas

making beds in the country with your own handsMaking beds in the country with your own hands (see photo below) is simply amazing! Now summer residents often go away from the rectangular shapes of the beds, giving them intricate shapes, successfully and creatively combine plants, giving the garden an interesting look, make intricate borders, raise the beds to a height, put in several tiers, and so on. The beds take on round and oval shapes, gracefully carved, ellipsoid, in the form of triangles, trapezoids, cascades and terraces. Here is the inexhaustible scope for creativity! You just need to take into account some nuances, and you can turn your simple gardener into a landscape masterpiece, with a little effort and creative flight of thought, taking into account the features of the soil and the location of the site. See how you can beautifully decorate a summer cottage - great simple ideas that will greatly decorate your land, but will take almost no money.

Raised beds

The raised beds look very good and easy to care for, which can be fenced with any waste material - old slate, painted with different colors, used bottles, pieces of brick, stone, wood blocks, willow rods, etc. Such beds can be made of different sizes and heights, with different borders, placed in different parts of the garden. The paths between them, so that they do not overgrow with weeds, are covered with lutrasil, and on top it is already possible to decorate with anything - sand, pebbles and so on.

raised beds unusual beds

The garden itself is done like this: first they dig a trench about 40 cm inside, where it is supposed to be, then they cover it with lutrasil, pour all kinds of organic matter such as sawdust, paper, unnecessary rags and kitchen waste, sprinkle it with a ball of earth, spill it with water, and a layer of fertilized earth is already sprinkled on top , where the garden will be planted.

Such a bed is good because it warms up faster in the spring, it will not overgrow with weeds, it looks neat, the plants will always be warm in it, because the organic matter that is buried under the bottom will gradually shed and give the plants heat and nutrients. Therefore, in such a bed, it will rise faster and grow better. The bear will not climb onto such a bed, rodents will climb on, it looks beautiful and it is easy to look after it. Read more:, and you will see how you can still simplify your gardening life significantly with such beds without digging and weeding them - it’s a pleasure for a summer resident!

Vertical beds

On a small site, I want to place a lot of things, but there is no place! Here are enterprising gardeners and come up with all sorts of solutions. For example, here is such a beautiful bed with strawberries, which takes up a minimum of space, and the crop can be obtained, as from a whole large bed in the floor of the garden.

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strawberries in vertical beds

Or so, right next to the wall, a vertical bed is laid - clean, beautiful, and fruitful. Minimum space and care, but there is a crop.

vertical bed

And here's how interesting it was thought up - from wooden bars cut out from the inside, which vertical bed turned out beautiful - you can plant a multi-colored salad on the upper floor, parsley with dill on the second floor, a little onion on the third floor, basil and cilantro on the fourth. And now you are ready for the salad on one bed a meter and a half long and 50 cm wide. A great way out for a small plot area - right?

bed of bars


You need to initially orient yourself as you want, so that your site looks like. If in the central bed (it can be beautifully made round) - determine her place.Drive a peg, pull the rope and outline the edges of the beds along the radius. They come from the center, it is possible to outline the triangular beds, emanating in a circle from the center, outlining a beautiful composition, as in the figure below. Think over what vegetables to plant in such beds, alternate plants of different colors, heights and configurations, and as a result you will get excellent creative, beautiful beds that will motivate garden accomplishments instead of tedious everyday work.

garden planning

Beautifully trim the curbs with any material that you like, tamp and fill up the paths - and get rid of weeds, and bring the beauty on the site, which you yourself will be pleasant to see, and the guests will be delighted with such an unusual and colorful site. Especially it will all look luxurious in a riot of greenery and flowering plants in the summer.

See also: the garden is not like everyone else - creativity with your own hands.

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