Why does garlic turn yellow in spring and what to do

11.05.2016 Garlic

why does garlic turn yellowWith the advent of spring, garlic, onions, lettuce leaves, parsley with dill are the first to please fresh herbs. And so, missing winter vitamins, we absorb all this greens in large quantities, saturating the body to the fullest.

And here the problem often arises - why does garlic turn yellow in spring, what should I do, what are the folk remedies for its treatment?

It’s just people’s desire, because we are growing an environmentally friendly crop for ourselves, and therefore it’s more pleasant to use the simplest means than store chemistry.

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Reasons Why Garlic May Turn Yellow

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Actually, there may be several reasons, and before proceeding with the treatment of your garden pets, you need to determine this reason.

1. Diseases - here we attribute the garlic lover to the onion fly, various fungi that infect the onion microbe, this may be a nematode, rot, fusarium.
2. Spring frosts can damage the garlic.
3. Lack of nutrients can also lead to yellowing of garlic.

To understand the cause of yellowing, you just need to dig out the garlic and examine it. If you see rotted areas, or mold covered - the reason is in the disease, you need to go buy special drugs. To prevent such an outcome, it is best to carefully treat the garlic before planting with a preparation such as Maxim or soak it in weak potassium permanganate, even the beds with the remaining solution will be well shed. Also, in the fight against such diseases of garlic, sulfuric acid potassium helps, and also a solution of sodium chloride showed itself well.

  • If there are no obvious reasons, the garlic could freeze, a growth stimulator like Epina can help.
    If nutrients are not enough, you need to feed the garlic by watering it with solutions of mineral substances, adding ash, potassium sulfate.
  • If the minerals are in granules - make grooves between the rows, sprinkle granules there, sprinkle with strawberries and pour.
  • Potassium sulfate is best used this way: pour a teaspoon of fertilizer into a liter of water, and sprinkle garlic in the evening.
  • Mowed grass infused and diluted with ash helps a lot. It is also possible and necessary to feed garlic chicken droppings.

Disease prevention

garlic disease

To prevent all sorts of troubles with your plantings, it is best to properly approach the preparation before planting.

  1. Since garlic loves neutral soil, before planting, add ash to the soil to reduce acidity.
  2. With a lack of nitrogen, urea can be added to the soil.
  3. In order not to freeze winter garlic, you need to plant in accordance with the weather of your region from September (in the northern latitudes) to November (in the southern regions). Then the sprouts do not have time to hatch and winter well.
  4. To prevent the onion fly from eating your garlic, plant a carrot next to it, and sprinkle the sprouts that have sprouted with ash mixed with tobacco dust.
  5. Against pests, an ice shower will also be beneficial.
  6. From yellowing, ammonia helps - just 5 tablespoons add a ten-liter water bucket and sprinkle the plantings.

Water properly, lack of moisture can also result in yellowing of the garlic. Loosening around the bulbs will also help, so more oxygen will come to them and it will be healthy.
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