Why does the bow turn yellow in the garden, and what to do to solve the problem

2.07.2016 Onion

Why does the bow turn yellow in the garden, what to doThis vegetable is unpretentious for care and watering, it grows well even with occasional rains, but it also happens that onion feathers begin to turn yellow, in this case a completely normal question arises as to why it turns yellow onion on the garden, and what to do (video) with this problem.

What to do if the feathers of the bow began to turn yellow? This problem will have to be solved based on the season and seasonality, because if the onion suddenly turned yellow in mid-June, it is urgent to identify the cause of the yellowness of the onion feathers, often it can be insufficient moisture or harmful insects, pestsinfecting plants. If onion feathers began to change their color to yellow at the end of July, you should not worry about it, this will be a signal to the end of the growth period, soon you can harvest a ready-made crop of onions.

What causes yellowing of the onion feather

Many gardeners wonder why garlic turns yellow and onions in the garden, and what to do with this misfortune. But first, you need to figure out why the onion feathers begin to change color from green to yellow, which causes this change. If you identify the causes of this problem in advance, you can easily find ways to fix them.

Pest eating

Most often, onions are attacked by a fly if the feathers of this plant began to quickly change color from bright green to yellow, and they also become lethargic; you should look for the onion fly larvae in the onion feathers. It is these larvae that lead to the fact that the feathers of the plant begin to wither, while the bulb itself in the soil becomes angry and easily removed from the ground. Adult flies can look quite large, one insect reaches seven millimeters in length, their entire body is covered with small hairs that are dark in color, the individuals themselves are often gray in color, a body with a yellowish tint. The larvae have a standard appearance, they are smooth and small, the worms are white and can settle both next to the plant and in the bulb itself.

Why does the bow turn yellow in the garden

Flies can overwinter the whole winter in the soil, and with the onset of spring begin to wake up from such a long sleep, it is during this period that the pupae begin to prepare for the first laying of their eggs, from which malicious larvae will appear. Often these insects lay their eggs during the period when dandelions bloom, as soon as small insects emerge from their "houses", they will immediately begin to seek food, therefore they will climb into onion feathers and eat out.

Recommended:Fertilizing garlic planted in the winter.

How to protect your crop from this malicious resident of the garden?

Many gardeners do not understand why the onion in the garden turns yellow, and what to do with this nuisance. If a pest is wound up in the onion, first you need to find it in order to know exactly who to fight with. After that, you can take measures to save your crop, they can be both preventive and more effective. For example, in order to protect your crop in advance from this uninvited guest, you need to dig the soil as deep as possible before planting, but to plant the onion at the earliest possible date so that it can grow stronger and not succumb to the attack of harmful insects. If it is necessary to drive off the bugs, it is enough to plant carrots next to the onion beds, it drives off onion flies with its smell, since they really do not like the smell of the tops of this vegetable.

Often gardeners are faced with the question "why does garlic and onion turn yellow in the garden, and what to do?", Folk remedies in this case can be more than relevant. To begin with, all infected bushes can simply be eliminated from the garden, but this method is used if there are not too many insects.If the pests managed to breed in the area, you will have to think about how to quickly and effectively destroy them, for this you can use ash, they sprinkle all the earth around the planted onion. And with the onset of autumn, it is important to completely remove the remaining plants from the beds, otherwise the pupae will be able to move from them to the ground and winter in the soil, in the spring they will again begin to encroach on the gardener's crop.

yellowing onions in the garden, what to do

Onion Secretive Hunter

This pest is considered the most dangerous of all that eat onions. The insect begins to eat onion feathers not from the outside, but from the inside, so it will be difficult to catch it. Nevertheless, there is a way to understand why the onion in the garden turns yellow and what to do, just look at the feathers of the onions, if small white spots or stripes have formed on them, this may indicate the appearance of this pest on the onion beds. In this case, the feather begins to turn yellow, the green shoots are twisted and completely dried out. If for older plantings only an adult pest is dangerous, then young plants will quickly be damaged by its larvae.

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What does this pest look like?

If this is only the beginning of spring, then adults begin the attack, such a bug has an elongated body that reaches a length of no more than two millimeters, which is why this pest is so difficult to calculate. The body of this beetle has a scaly coating of a light shade, and the paws and underwing can have a darker brown color. It is not difficult to determine the larvae, this is an ordinary small worm, whose head has a dark color, so if the gardener had a question why the perennial onions in the garden turn yellow, and what to do with this problem, he should find these larvae, in this case it will be possible start their removal from the beds

These insects can easily overwinter even the harshest winter deep under the ground, but they will feel great in the remaining shrubs, dried grass or even uncleaned onion debris. When these pests wake up from sleep, they begin to look for food, most often they eat old onions, and after that they switch to fresh and juicy onion feathers from a new planting. A female beetle can gnaw a feather from below so that it will be completely invisible, there it lays several hundred eggs, from which larvae will hatch and eat onion feathers. Each of the larvae after eating the plant can go into the ground and pupate there, with the advent of spring, a new adult individual will appear.

onions in the garden what to do

How to protect your crop

To begin with, the gardener needs to remove the onion crop residues from the garden each time, the more vegetation is collected, the less likely it will be to ask why the onion in the garden turns yellow and what to do (youtube video will be in the article) with this problem. If the gardener removes the remnants of the crop, he will be able to destroy with him all the pests that settled for the winter in the onion, this will significantly reduce the “uninvited guests” in the next spring season. And in order not to encounter the problem of pests twice, it is necessary plant onions as far as possible from the place where it was planted last year, so when the small bugs begin to surface, they will have nothing to eat. It is very useful to constantly loosen the onion beds, if the larvae leave in the ground for pupation, then loosening will not allow them to do this normally, in this case the insects will be destroyed. It is also worth cutting off onion feathers that have already been damaged by these insects, this helps to avoid their spread throughout the crop.If these methods did not protect the crop and the gardener wondered why the onions in the garden turn yellow and what to do, metronidazole will help to quickly and efficiently destroy uninvited guests from the onions.

Incorrect onion care

In some cases, gardeners are worried about why onions in the garden turn yellow, what to do, folk remedies will help in this case to deal with the problem, but first you should think about caring for these plants. It often happens that it is improper care that causes the tops of the onions to turn yellow. It is worth considering all the rules for caring for these plants, for example, you can water the onion only under the root, if you need to water the onion plant from above, you should take a good shallow watering can, so the water does not expose the bulbs. Onions also need constant fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, you can use both purchased fertilizing and home production. Nevertheless, it is worth considering several methods according to popular recipes that will help quickly and effectively eliminate several problems of yellowing onions at once.

The most effective tool will be a growth activator for plants, which will help to grow a good harvest and get rid of this problem. You can read more about the tool in this article, many of our readers unsubscribed and praised this activator very much in the fight against this problem.

onions in the garden

Salt and ash based product

This tool helps to restore green vegetation in the beds, exactly one bucket of water is taken to create a solution, one ampoule of pharmaceutical ammonia is poured into it, about three handfuls of ash are poured into it and exactly half a glass of ordinary salt is poured. The resulting mixture is well mixed so that the ammonia and salt disperse, after which you can water the onion with this tool. Watering is carried out once every ten days until the feathers turn green again.

Recommended:The use of onion husks for a vegetable garden or orchard.

Strengthening planting material

If the gardener makes a potassium permanganate solution in advance and withstands the onion preparations for planting in it, you can not be afraid of the attack of pests. It is also necessary to add salt to each garden bed, and after that plant onions there.

Why onions turn yellow, what to do

Solution with iodine and soda

You need exactly half a kilogram of soda, a couple of bags of dry manganese and half a large spoon of pharmacy iodine. All this is added to five liters of water and mixed well. This solution is too concentrated, so it must be diluted in a ratio of one to ten and watered onion beds with this product. If the gardener still has a question, why does the onion in the garden turn yellow, and what to do by watering with yeast in this case can also be a very effective method of pest control.

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