Topping garlic planted in the winter

19.06.2016 Garlic

methods for feeding garlic in springGarlic is one of those crops that almost every gardener grows. After all, this is a universal seasoning for many dishes, plus garlic is also actively used in folk medicine, in view of its beneficial properties. And how delicious it is to rub a slab of bread with a fragrant garlic from the garden!

Of course, growing something in my garden, I want to get a rich harvest. But, this is impossible without some effort. Only proper attention and care will help to achieve success in the beds. One of the items for garlic care is its fertilizing and fertilizing.

In this regard, the question of whether how to feed garlic spring planted in the winter. After all, it is during this period that the garlic needs an additional power source, since simply after winter it cannot independently receive all the substances necessary for good growth and yield.

When and how to feed garlic

There is garlic that is planted in the spring, and there is one that is planted in the fall, before the onset of the winter period. It is about how to feed the garlic planted in the spring in the winter and that will be discussed. Although, the garlic that is planted in the spring also needs to be fed, but a little different and at different times.

Winter garlic should be fertilized as soon as the last snowdrift is thawed. Two weeks after the first feeding of winter garlic, you should again give the plant an additional source of nutrients. But at this point, the fertilizer process does not end. During the formation of cloves, garlic should be fed for the third, last time.

If you do not delay with the first two top dressings, and complete them on time, then the phase garlic cloves will come around the beginning of the first summer month. However, it is not necessary to ignore active growth: if large foliage begins to form in garlic before June, then it must be fertilized a third time earlier.

It is clear with the dates when it is necessary to fertilize garlic in the spring, but how to feed garlic planted in the spring before winter? There are two options: it is to use chemicals, and use softer, alternative means of fertilizer. In the first case, you should be extremely careful, since improper use of chemicals can not only ruin the entire crop, but also harm a person. To purchase chemicals for feeding garlic should only be in specialized stores, and be sure to carefully read the instructions for use.

How to feed garlic in spring
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For the first feeding of garlic, you can use urea, diluted in the proportion of one tablespoon of the drug per bucket of water. This amount of fertilizing is enough for 5 square meters of the garden. The following fertilizer is suitable for the second top dressing: a tablespoon of nitrophosk per bucket of water. As a third dose of “reinforcement,” you must use two tablespoons in a bucket of water. One square meter should spend a liter of solution. And what else can you feed garlic planted in the spring in the winter (video)?

If you still prefer organic fertilizers, ash and manure will do. But, fresh manure in no case can not be used to feed garlic. Only last year’s manure is suitable for this business.

Fertilizer is mixed in proportion to one part of manure to 7 parts of water. It is important that such a solution does not get on the leaves of the plant.

Important! Fertilizing the beds with ash is somewhat simpler: you just need to sprinkle dry ash on the soil at the rate of one glass of ash per square meter of beds.

Another option than to feed garlic planted in the spring in the winter is chicken droppings. One part of chicken droppings dissolves in 15 parts of water. It is not recommended to overdo it with such a fertilizer, since it can burn the garlic. Also, you can not use dry chicken droppings, it will also burn the plant.

Other ways to feed garlic

There are other, less traditional options, how to feed garlic spring planted in the winter. For example, use siderat plants., Which are immediately responsible for two functions: this is neutralization of acidity and soil nutrition. These plants include legumes and cereals. Their roots accumulate useful substances that are very useful for garlic, and foliage, rotting and decaying, becomes food for other crops. However, garlic alone is not enough fertilizer, so throwing all your strength into this method is still not worth it.

How to feed garlic planted in the spring before winter

Mineral fertilizers, which are well absorbed into the soil, are also beneficial for garlic. Mineral fertilizers must be dissolved in two more water than with root nutrition. Such a solution is sprayed onto the foliage of the plant at the time of day.

It is impossible to skip any of the three stages of top dressing, because this is a guarantee not only of a rich harvest, but also the prevention of various diseases and pest attacks. Good luck in the beds and a rich harvest!

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