Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in the spring

23.05.2016 The trees

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in springFertilizing the plant root system is extremely important during the beginning of spring - this will be the main criterion for quality care fruit the garden. It is important to consider that top dressing is carried out not just at the beginning of spring, but at certain moments of the vegetative development of the plant, for example, how quickly the root system of shrubs and trees develops, at what point shoots on plants appear and when fruiting starts. If you correctly use fertilizing, then the trees will be able to more easily tolerate frosts at night, plants will better tolerate diseases and bring a constant crop.

Why is it so important to fertilize plants?

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring (the video is on the network) is extremely important, it helps trees and shrubs to develop a little faster. If the tree has enough nutrients, then it will bear many fruits or berries, and will also be able to grow and develop normally. Since a large shrub takes a lot of substances from the earth, it will be necessary to periodically replenish them artificially, for this not only organic fertilizing is applied, but also mineral additives in the soil.

If the gardener can feed the plant at a time when it is just beginning periods such as activation of growth of young shoots, swelling and blooming of buds, growth of root systems and flowering period. Only if the gardener takes care of his plants in the autumn and spring, can he see an excellent harvest.

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring

Many do not understand why it is necessary to fertilize fruit trees and shrubs in spring. in May, but everything is very simple, it is in the spring season that the root system begins to become active and absorbs many nutrients that are so needed for the development of shrubs. But you need to apply fertilizer very carefully, you can’t overdo it if mineral or organic fertilizers are in excess in the soil, this can have a detrimental effect not only on the growth of the plant, but also on its yield. It is especially dangerous to introduce excessive fertilizer into the soil in which the young plant grows, it simply dies due to excess minerals.

What are the fertilizers

There are several main types of fertilizer, but the main type of additives is organic and mineral. If the gardener needs to feed the plant with organic types of fertilizers, then you can choose compost, slurry, regular manure or green manure. But mineral types of fertilizers can mainly only be bought in specialized stores. Mineral fertilizers include potash, phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium fertilizers, and microfertilizers can also be added to this type.

How to feed a cherry plant in spring

Fertilization of fruit trees and shrubs in spring (table) is carried out according to a certain method. Given that cherries begin to bear fruit in the last month of summer, it is necessary to give trees the opportunity to be saturated with nutrients in advance so that they give a large and rich harvest. Experienced gardeners are familiar with a fertilizer called "Berry Giant", this substance is diluted in ten liters of water, it is enough to take only three hundred grams per bucket, while two large tablespoons of urea are added to the water. If you do not get the “Berry Giant” option, you can measure the substance with three large spoons of nitrophoska. Watering with a solution begins immediately after the beginning of the blooming of the leaves, and if you feed the plant and after collecting the entire crop, you can help the tree easily winter the cold days.

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Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring

How to fertilize shrubs and plants

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring with folk remedies must be divided into certain stages, since each plant needs to be fed at a certain point in spring. I would like to note that during the spring period you can carry out two dressings at once, the first occurs in the month of May, when the fruit plants begin to bloom, and at the very end of May, you can carry out another dressing, since at that moment all the fruit and shrubs begin to shoot . If a fruit plant can be fed at any time, then it is recommended that the bushes be fertilized only after rain or immediately after a good watering of the plant.

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Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring with nitrate can be carried out right before the flowering of plants, but shrubs such as raspberries can be fed only at the very end of the spring period or at the very beginning of summer. As soon as all fertilizers are applied to the soil, it is worth loosening the soil under each bush. You can also feed raspberries with organic fertilizers, they do this in the spring, but you can feed them no more than once every three years.

If necessary to produce top dressing fruit trees and shrubs in spring during flowering, it is worth paying attention to the currant bushes. I would like to note that this shrub can react very poorly to an excess of chlorine in the fertilizer, so when preparing potash fertilizer, you will have to very carefully calculate the amount of additive per bush. If a gardener wants to improve the quality of berries, he can use fertilizers for this, they should be purchased in gardening stores, such fertilizers can be called “Berry”, “Berry giant” or “Ideal”. All of these additives help make currants larger, sweeter, and healthier. Such dressing can be carried out in the month of May in the spring, and only then the shrub is fed twice in the summer.

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring

How to feed gooseberries

Such a shrub plant like gooseberries needs constant top dressing of potash origin. If a gardener decided to fertilize fruit trees and shrubs in the spring after flowering, then he should start with fertilizing gooseberries. At the very end of spring, you can feed the plant with special nitrogen fertilizers, they help the plant improve growth and make the crown of leaves more dense. It is also recommended to add a little potassium and phosphorus to the nitrogen fertilizer, such top dressing will perfectly affect the development of the plant, and its fruitfulness. If the gardener begins to fertilize the shrub during dry weather, he should plant all the dry fertilizers in the water so that they can soak into the soil.

Do not start feeding gooseberries only in the second part of the summer period, this will very badly affect the development of the bush. During this period, new shoots grow in the plant, and such top dressing will cause the shoots to dry out and become more brittle. It is because of the late feeding of gooseberries that may simply not endure winter frosts.

Top dressing without fertilizing the soil

You can fertilize fruit trees and shrubs in the spring with manure in your garden, but it is possible not to use fertilizers for the soil. The foliar feeding method is extremely popular, and it can also make the plant more fertile. With this top dressing, the shrub can get all the substances it needs through the leaves.

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring

How to use such top dressing

You can use not only mineral fertilizers, but also fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in the spring with urea, that is, organic substances.It is important to make solutions with a small cola by the light of fertilizer, otherwise such top dressing can worsen the condition of the crown of a tree or shrub.

Pear and apple should be fed exclusively with mineral fertilizers, it can be a solution with the addition of borax, zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate, all of these elements can be combined in one fertilizer, or they can be used one at a time.

If the solution is necessary for spraying currants, you can take mineral fertilizers and sprinkle the bush, you can do this only in the evening so that the sun does not burn fresh leaves.

It is not so difficult to feed, the main thing is to follow some rules of breeding feeding, produce fertilizer plants at specific times. Also, it must be borne in mind that it is possible to feed shrubs only if the soil is sufficiently moist.

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