Garter of grapes: why do it, methods of garter

19.10.2018 Grape

Cultivated grapes are grown not only in the southern regions of the country, but also in central Russia, beyond the Urals, in the European North. Agricultural technology includes a standard set of techniques, among which - garter bushes.

The thermophilic plant belongs to the lianoid cultures, in natural conditions without molding it grows very much. Long lashes without trellis cannot hold upright, fall to the ground, give small brushes and bad berries. In orchards, grapes are tied to supports, form bushes and normalize the load on the vines.

Why and why to tie up vine bushes

Fast-growing lianas require supports, otherwise the buildings standing next to them will be braided, trees, shrubs. In addition, the garter provides:

  • ventilation of vine plantations;
  • good lighting;
  • high-quality pollination.

Well-groomed tied plantings look attractive, ripening hands are not covered by leaves, branches. Peduncles are better pollinated, vines bear fruit faster. Without supports, creepers lie on the ground, often get sick, rot and die after rains.

In practice, it is proved that bushes yieldgrown on special supports higher than plants without trellis.

Dates, stages, methods of garter of grapes

When cultivating grapes, the terms of the procedures are observed, otherwise any method will not be effective. The bushes are tied to trellises in spring and early summer, the exact time depends on the weather and climate.

  • Stage 1 - after removing winter shelters from the vines, until the buds open;
  • Stage 2 - with the growth of green shoots of culture by 30-40 cm.

Immediately after wintering, they work with dry shoots of plants, hence the name of the garter is dry. In contrast, a green garter is work with an overgrown vine that requires protection from winds and rains.

On a note!
The green procedure is carried out 3-4 times a season, controlling the growth and location of shoots.

As soon as fruit grones form on plants, all manipulations cease.

Dry garter: features

Pillars are set in the grape plots, a wire is pulled between them. Grapes are attached to the lower horizontal broach. Before the garter, weak, diseased twigs are cut from the vine.

With a large number of vines, some branches can be attached to the second tier. The mount is horizontal, and only the shoots of the last season are tied vertically. They manage to carry out the procedure until the buds open, otherwise there is a high risk of breaking off the eyes. With this arrangement, all the buds appearing on the branches receive uniform illumination, they will grow faster, form new fruitful vines.

Having completed the work, fertilizers are applied under each bush. Any complex composition will do, norm: 1 tablespoon under the plant. Dig the soil, near the base of the shrub leave a small hole for the accumulation of rainwater.

Green Garter Grapes: Features

Otherwise, shoots are attached with a green garter. Unlike the dry method, growing branches are involved in the work. Without fastening, they grow in different directions, spread along the ground, thickening plantings. There is a danger of breaking the bushes in the winds and rains.

Tie the vines vertically, at a right angle, observing the gaps on the wire. Distribute green twigs, carefully attaching cotton ribbons to wire stretches.

For the season, shoots are tied up at the stages:

  • before the flower stalks bloom;
  • immediately after the appearance of the first ovaries on the grapes.

Additional fastening is required if strong winds constantly blow in the summer, and long-term rainfall occurs.

Supports for grapes

Traditionally, vines are grown using simple designs - trellis. Device designs:

  • vertical posts along the edges of the rows;
  • crossbars between columns along the entire length of the row.

The crossbars are made of wooden battens, galvanized wire. The number of rows between the columns is determined by the varietal characteristics of the grown grapes. Plants with long and powerful lashes require 4-5 rows, for undersized varieties 2-3 wires of wire are enough.

The height of the upright supports is 2-2.5 meters, the distance between them is 3 meters. The first row of wire is pulled at a height of 40-50 cm from the soil surface, then the rows are located at approximately the same distance.

Vertical posts are made of metal or wood. Choose strong, durable wood:

  • acacia;
  • alder;
  • oak;
  • poplar.

The wood of these species rots less, so the design life is increased.

On a note!
To protect against rotting, the lower part of the posts should be tarred.

Metal poles, due to their strength and reliability, bypass other supports in popularity. Columns or pipes with a diameter of at least 12-14 cm are selected, since thinner structures do not withstand the load of powerful grape bushes. In addition to wood and metal, supports are made of reinforced concrete, asbestos cement. The depth of immersion in the soil is from 40 to 60 cm.

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Fasten the vine to the wire using garters made of fabric, nylon stockings, fibrous materials (kenaf). They do not injure the vine, while holding branches firmly on the wire. It is not recommended to use twines, synthetic twines, as they rub the shoots, damage the bark, internal tissues.

Another option is to use special clip holders for fastening. They are sold in garden stores, but when choosing take into account the size of the clips and the diameter of the main shoots of grapes.

Types of Trellis

Gardeners at their sites put different types of trellis devices. The choice depends on the varietal characteristics of the vine bushes, the number of plants grown, financial opportunities. Take into account the type of planting: in rows or individually by bushes.

Single Plane Trellis

Due to its cheapness and simplicity, this design is used in areas more often than others. On a single plane, the green mass of the bush is evenly attached.

The height of the extreme pillars is 200-230 cm, intermediate distances are 3-4 meters. Between the pillars (supports) pull the horizontal rows of wire. The thickness of the crossbars should be at least 3-4 mm.

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On a note!
It is recommended to provide devices for wire tension, if suddenly the tier begins to sag under the weight of the shoots

The distance between each row of wire is from 40 to 50 cm.

Advantages of a single-plane design:

  • simplified maintenance of grape bushes;
  • low cost of materials for trellis;
  • providing the best ventilation mode, good illumination of landings;
  • between the vines grow other cultures.

Such designs are suitable for those who are just mastering the art of cultivating grapes and have not yet delved into all the intricacies of agricultural technology.


  • not suitable for the cultivation of vigorous varieties of grapes;
  • requires a large area on the site.

If there are no grape varieties with complex bush formation, then this type of trellis is perfect for growing.

Double Plane Trellis

In small areas where each square meter of space is saved, it is rational to grow vine bushes on trellises with two planes.

The structures are supports, the upper part of which is bent at a certain angle. The lower part is combined.

The distance between the upper parts of the supports is one and a half meters. When using such structures, they increase the distance between the rows in the landings, making it at least 4-5 meters.

On a note!
In addition to the V-shaped rack, trellises with two parallel supports are equipped.

Advantages of a two-plane trellis support:

  • allows you to cultivate bushes with a large number of sleeves;
  • high crop productivity is achieved;
  • clusters on such supports are reliably protected from burns of UV rays.


  • high costs of materials, which leads to a rise in the cost of construction;
  • it is difficult to care for the bushes from the inside of the trellis.

Two-plane trellis is suitable for small vineyards.

Grapes Garter Rules

When attaching branches in a wire, observe the basic rules:

  • skeletal branches of bushes are located in the lower tier;
  • young shoots fasten at the level of the second row of wire, fastening at a small angle;
  • new shoots are neatly fixed at the level of 3 and 4 tiers.

Tied with a knot in the form of a figure of eight, each shoot individually, not in bundles. Fruit-bearing vines are tied up horizontally, arrows - at an angle.

Shoots do not twist, do not bend, trying to maintain the natural position of the bends. It is forbidden to bend the branches too much, otherwise the plant nutrition is disrupted, the access to nutrients ceases.

Parts of perennial shoots are fixed stronger, while always leaving gaps with the calculation of thickening of the branch for the season. It is advisable to fix the branches in different directions. This eliminates the risk of thickening, provides convenient care. Sometimes gardeners tie the vines with an arc or a ring. Harvest with this method will be lower, since the growth of annual shoots occurs unevenly.

In specialized stores, a large selection of improvised materials for tying vines is presented:

  • hooks;
  • holders for plant branches;
  • clips;
  • wire rings;
  • clamps.

It is convenient to use a glue gun, staplers.

How to tie grapes with fan molding

The formation of plants in the form of a fan is a common method in all regions of the country. It is especially convenient to grow crops with a fan in areas where grapes for winter stack in the trench.

With this technology, the sleeves emerging from the base grow in different directions. All vines of last year's grapes are tied to the wire horizontally. New shoots are carefully lifted and mounted vertically. The result is a well-formed bush with a fan-shaped arrangement of shoots.

The specifics of a young grape garter

Adult vine plants are attached to trellis supports. The young vine is tied to pegs or equipped with a support net.

When using a mesh, material with large cells is selected so that it is more convenient for the creeper branches to "climb" up.

If the option with stakes is chosen, metal or wooden supports and soft garter material (for example, nylon) are selected.

Common mistakes

Grape growers with experience know how to properly tie the grapes and avoid crop losses. Novice gardeners make mistakes, which leads to a decrease in yield or death of bushes.

What violations of agricultural technology are most often allowed:

  • mount the vines in an upright position;
  • strong bends of the branches, due to which the power supply is interrupted and the culture is starving;
  • use as a garter wire, twine, fishing line, rubbing vines;
  • garter for the upper internodes.

The branches must be fastened without squeezing, but at the same time reliably and quite tightly. Otherwise, with gusts of wind, the shoots will decay from the trellis, break.

The lower row of branches is formed by a fan. This provides better illumination of landings, ventilation. The best option for fixing the branches is at a distance of 2/3 from the base of the bushes or in the middle. If you tie the upper part, then there is a risk of drying out of the branches.

Cultivation of grapes without garter

It is impossible to completely exclude the use of trellis supports when growing a crop. If it is not possible to use trellises, they are replaced by a stand with a horizontal support through which long lashes are thrown.

The option is simple, but when using it, a number of rules are observed:

  • the vine is regularly cut to prevent thickening;
  • form grape bushes correctly;
  • for the winter, the whips are removed and laid in shelters.

The hassle with such landings is much greater. Garter-free technology is only suitable for growing small numbers of bushes. Also, this method is suitable for decorative design of the site, when productivity is not so important.

Proper garter of grape bushes is a must in caring for the crop. To get maximum yields, you need to not only water, fertilize and handle grapes, but do not forget to tie long lashes just in time.

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