Proper watering of orchids during flowering at home

7.05.2019 Orchid

Caring for orchids at home is slightly different from other plants. Flowers require regular hydration. Proper watering is a key factor for healthy growth and development. They do not tolerate excess moisture, but also do not tolerate drying out. To perform additional spraying, you can use the spray gun. With moisturizing, you can combine fertilizer. You need to choose liquid mineral fertilizers, they are better absorbed and stored in the phalaenopsis for a long time. Overmoistening leads to damage to the roots and death, often it is impossible to water.

Flowering features

Flowering happens several times a year. First, the buds themselves wake up, then the peduncle grows. After a few days, nascent buds form and open. The flowerpot must be put in place where a sufficient amount of sunlight.

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First, the buds located on the tip of the peduncle open. The main feature is the flowering of inflorescences, which consist of many flowers (there can be up to 80 pieces on one peduncle). Flowers have a pleasant aroma and varied color.

Exotic beauties prefer:

  • transparent pot;
  • substrate with bark, moss and expanded clay;
  • sunlight should be a certain amount, direct rays can cause a burn;
  • infrequent watering;
  • apply dressings sparingly, apply nitrogen during dormancy, and add phosphorus and potassium during budding.

Orchids do not like:

  • drastic changes in the situation, do not rearrange them from place to place;
  • do not tolerate a drop in temperature below 15C;
  • do not like aridity, humidity in the room where phalaenopsis is grown should be about 50%;
  • moisture stagnation is detrimental to the flower.
Orchids usually bloom for about 3 months, but there are instances with a duration of budding up to 5 months.

Duration and features of watering orchids

The usual mode does not quite fit. Watering the orchid during flowering should be careful. To determine the moment of moisture, it is necessary to check the substrate, it must be completely dry.


Methods for determining the time for humidification:

  • lack of condensate on the pot;
  • a wooden stick that is stuck in the ground remains dry;
  • the pot becomes lighter;
  • the roots change color from green to silver-white.

Experienced gardeners water the phalaenopsis, taking into account the following rule: it is better not to top up than to overfill. Most plants are not afraid of drought. It is possible to spray the orchid during flowering, but not much. Humidification should be 1 time in 3 days. The rest of the time is enough 4 times a month.

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Watering a blooming orchid should be carried out with soft water, the temperature of which is not more than 37 ° C. Air humidity and the seasons of the year matter. Focus on wetting the substrate. Whitened roots - a signal that indicates a lack of moisture.

Features of watering orchids at home during flowering:

  • if the blossoming flowers suddenly wilted, then the culture needs water.
  • regular lack of moisture leads to a lack of flowering.
  • excess moisture can lead to yellowing of leaves and wilting buds.
Do not upset the water balance in phalaenopsis. You need to remember about regular feeding and water the blooming orchid "on demand."

Growing Features:

  1. You need to buy a bush in the winter.Flowering in crops that began in the store will continue at home, and new buds will be released new peduncles.
  2. It is better to stop your choice on an instance with several peduncles.
  3. The optimal rest period is about 4 months.
  4. The substrate should be airy and contain pine bark, sphagnum and expanded clay.
  5. To create additional moisture the phalaenopsis pot, put in a container of water for several minutes, then remove and allow the liquid to drain.

Moisturizing Methods

Florists use 3 popular methods of moisturizing. From a watering can - the technique is more common than the others. It is best used in the morning. Watering occurs through a narrow nose of a watering can. Pour until water begins to seep through the holes. Excess water must be removed. Do not fill the growth points during the flowering period with water.

If water does get in, blow it out and blot the leaves with a napkin.

Immersion Method:

  1. Pour water into a large container, lower the container with a bush there.
  2. To the edge of the pot should remain up to 1 cm.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove the pot and let the water drain.

Such manipulation is carried out 1 time in 12 days.

Warm shower - this method is not economical. You can use it once every 2 weeks. Water temperature should not be more than 45C. Watering orchids during flowering should last 20 minutes. Humidification with this method is similar to tropical rain, which is very popular with plants. The main advantage is that dust deposits are removed from the leaves using this method.

Take water 25C in the summer and 35C in the winter. In the natural nature, crops are watered with low-acid rain water. If possible, it is better to water the flower with such water. If there is no rainwater, then the tap water must be boiled and allowed to cool.

opryskivanie orhidei

For proper care of the phalaenopsis use regular spraying. The plant does not like dry air and eagerly responds to spraying. With the help of a spray gun, spraying can be carried out 1 time in 3 days. This will be an additional way to moisturize. To combat fungal infections, you can use a solution of liquid phytosporin.

What threatens improper watering

With irregularities in irrigation, the roots will suffer first. Because of what they begin to fall and wither leaves. Main reasons:

  1. Too rare. The main factor to rely on is dry soil. If the soil is dry, then you should not wait for a certain time for watering, you need to moisten immediately. Also, the diameter of the pot can affect the frequency. In a large pot, the substrate dries out more slowly. Because of this, small flowerpots are better for phalaenopsis, so the rhizome does not rot. Rare watering leads to drying roots.
  2. Too frequent. For good growth and development must be all the necessary conditions. They should resemble a tropical climate. Water correctly so that the soil mixture between sessions dries well. If irrigation is uncontrolled, the plant will rot. To avoid decay, it is necessary to periodically water a solution of potassium permanganate.

The plant accumulates moisture through the roots. If they do not get moisture, then such a culture will not be able to bloom. When flowering, insufficient watering leads to the death of flowers, and then the whole phalaenopsis.

If there is no flowering

Orchid is a rather whimsical flower. There are times when phalaenopsis refuses to bloom. The main methods that are taken in this case:

  1. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime. When the heat in the room, the plant goes into a dormant state. It is necessary to control the temperature in the room.
  2. Observe the frequency of watering. Phalaenopsis shrinks without water or rots from its overabundance. Before wetting, check the substrate and moisture level.
  3. Pay attention to the frequency and quality of feeding systems. After acquiring a plant for several months, it should not be fertilized, an unacceptable amount of mineral salts can accumulate that can cause the disease.
  4. A purchased plant can bloom at the point of sale, and then it will come to rest. New flowering takes time.
  5. Hold a warm shower regularly that resembles tropical rain. After the shower, dry the leaves of the plant with a napkin. You can spray slightly.
At the end of flowering, care is also needed. When drying the flower stalk, cut it to the very base. Fertilizing should be reduced, reduce watering. In winter, it is enough to water once a month.

Possible problems and tips for gardeners

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When growing phalaenopsis, some problems may arise:

  1. Stagnation of moisture, which leads to the death of the plant. Sick roots lead to stunting and disease.
  2. A systematic lack of watering leads to weakening, phalaenopsis will not be able to bloom, and if it blooms, then the flowers will be weak and will quickly disappear.

Tips for gardeners:

  1. For cultivation, clay pots should be used. They have good conditions for air circulation. But they should not be glazed. In plastic pots, stagnation of moisture may cause decay of the substrate.
  2. If possible, it is better to use rainwater. Such water should be stored in a cool room or refrigerator.
  3. For disinfection in water during watering, potassium permanganate should be added.
  4. Between watering, the substrate should completely dry.
Orchid Phalaenopsis flowering

Before deciding on the cultivation of orchids, you should study all the nuances of their cultivation. With proper watering and care, these plants will delight their owner with beautiful and long flowering. With proper care, the bushes will cease to be capricious flowers and will not cause unpleasant emotions.

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