Planting eggplant for seedlings in 2017

30.01.2016 Eggplant

eggplant planting for seedlingsIf you are interested in planting eggplants for seedlings in 2017, we will tell you how and when it is better to sow seeds, how to care for seedlings, how to dive, plant in a greenhouse or immediately in a place in the garden. Observing all the rules, you can achieve an excellent result, and have your own, environmentally friendly eggplant all summer. They are not afraid to feed the kids, the rolls are also tasty and healthy, the households and your guests will be very pleased with the abundance of eggplant dishes on the table, because it is tasty and healthy. So, all in order, but for now look: planting cucumbers in 5 liter bottles.

Take seeds

The most important thing when planting seedlings is, of course, good seeds. You can take whatever you like, and water and warm, and if the seeds are bad, you will not see any seedlings, of course. To do this, you can do this: either check the seeds for germination, or immediately check everything, how to hatch.

We check for germination seeds

the seeds

It’s not difficult to do this, and if you have a lot of seeds for planting, you won’t switch everything, but you need to find out the germination percentage (all of a sudden the seeds are such that there is no sense in planting them - is it time to waste and invest your work?)

So, we take about 10 seeds, soak in warm water for 12 hours, then wrap them in a damp cloth and leave them warm for 6 days. During this time, the seeds will hatch, and you will definitely see their viability and ability to harvest. If out of 10 at least 5 hatch, it’s already good, that is, 50% germination is already guaranteed, or even more.

If there are not a lot of seeds, and you want to select only those that will definitely sprout and not bother with bad, lifeless seeds, then do all this with all the specimens, and plant the hatching in the boxes.

Soil preparation

soil preparation

So, we sorted out the seeds, now we need to prepare containers for planting seeds and soil. Since eggplant roots are tender, it is best to plant them immediately in peat or other pots decaying in the ground. Then your seedlings will not experience stress during transplanting and picking, from which many of them can die.

Then it’s the matter of the soil - you can buy it in a store, you can make it yourself based on such preferences and proportions:

• Mix 2 parts of turf starch with 8 parts of humus, and 1 part of a mixture of mullein, superphosphate and potassium salt.
• You can simply take 2 parts of humus and add to it 1 part of the dugout with turf.
• You can mix humus with peat in the same proportions.
See also: when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017.

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Now that the pots are ready, the soil is made up and well mixed, the germination of the seeds is checked, they still need to be disinfected. To do this, just soak in potassium permanganate (make a strong solution) - for half an hour, enough, and you can plant.

Planting seeds


Initially, even before testing for seed germination, you need to decide when to plant the seeds in 2017 in order to transplant from seedlings into soil or a greenhouse at the right time. Well, consider - from planting seeds (depending on the type of eggplant), it must take at least 60 days to seedlings ready. According to the lunar calendar, it is time to plant seedlings in the ground in early March, in the greenhouse - in mid-February, on the growing moon. Here, count from these dates, making minor amendments to the Moscow Region and the northern regions, to retreat 5-10 days further from the usual dates.

So, we also decided on the date, the seeds were prepared, the pots and soil were already waiting for planting, the only thing left was to pour mixtures in ¾ into each pot, plant a seed, sprinkle a little about 1 cm with earth, carefully spill and cover with a little wrap, putting it in a warm a place.

As the sprouts hatch, seedlings need to be removed to a place cooler for a week, but the lighting should be plentiful. Then again transfer to the heat, up to 25 degrees around the day so that there is a temperature, and up to about 17 at night.This procedure will strengthen the roots, and for eggplant it is very important, because their root system is weak and capricious.

Watering the seeds is not very plentiful, but so that the earth does not dry out, but is always slightly moistened. They also need to be supplemented based on how rich the soil in which the seeds were planted was. The poorer the soil, the more fertilizer is needed, phosphate-nitrogen fertilizers are perfect, you can use tea leaves and infusion of crushed egg shells, wood ash.

Transplanting seedlings


By about mid-May, your seedlings can already be relocated to the greenhouse, if in open ground - by the beginning of June. By this time, your sprouts have already risen firmly, up to 20 centimeters, from 5 to 7 real leaflets on them, they have already grown stronger and will calmly transfer the transplant to the ground.

If the plants are in separate rotting cups - just plant them in the ground, making a recess in the size of the cup, spilling it well. The earth should be loose, and do not compact it tightly so that oxygen can be accessed.

If you will transplant from common containers or plastic cups, spill well so that the lump of earth stretches out calmly with the plant, and carefully, without disturbing the roots, transfer to the ground. Water in 5 days, then - twice a week.
In order not to mess with the garden for a long time, and not to spend much time, look:

Tips to follow up:

  • So that the seeds sprout faster, soak for a day in a nutrient warm solution with the addition of wood ash, then for another day in clean water.
  • To avoid the "black legs" - water the plants in the morning, and warm the water up to about 28 degrees.
  • If humidity when growing seedlings is not enough in the room - cover with a film, you get such a mini-greenhouse.
  • As a top dressing, you can periodically on the surface of the earth, trying not to fall on leaves, sprinkle wood ash with a thin layer.
  • If the plant is not planted in a soluble cup, after the appearance of 2 leaves, it must be transplanted into a separate container, a larger one should be dived. Before diving, spill the ground with a solution of wood ash, it is also good to add potassium sulfate or take ready-made complex fertilizer.
  • In pots, be sure to make holes in the bottom so that excess moisture leaves.
  • After the dive, cover the plants from the sun, making diffused light for several days.
  • A month before the date of the alleged planting in the ground, begin to gradually temper the plant - open the window, on a sunny day, take it out onto the veranda.
  • After another half a month, spray the seedlings with copper sulfate (prepare a 0.5% solution), so you protect your plants from different fungi, and your eggplants will be healthier.

More interesting information - growing tomatoes according to the method of I.M. Maslova.

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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Avatar


    I consider it important to supplement the information on the features of planting eggplant seedlings. The fact is that this is a very whimsical culture and the process of transplanting seedlings into the open ground for a plant always goes painfully. Even if the transplant is carried out in rotting cups. After a couple of hours after transplanting, the stem and leaves may fall - the sprouts seem lifeless. But these are the features of eggplant. The very next day, the stem will begin to rise, then the leaves will return to their juicy shape.2-3 days after transplanting, the plant "gets sick", but then it begins to grow actively and will certainly please a good harvest! So if you notice such a "disease" of this seedling - do not be discouraged, you just need to wait a few days. And do not forget about watering.

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  2. Avatar


    I have lost seedlings of baklazha something podsakivaet roots that need to be done

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