Planting tomatoes on seedlings for a greenhouse for 2017

14.03.2017 Tomatoes

When to plant tomatoes for seedlingsIn this article, we will consider the most important aspects of when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017 for a greenhouse. It is important to be in time for the seedlings to be completely ready by the time of planting. On the other hand, it is important not to plant tomato seeds too early, otherwise, seedlings will outgrow at home, and will not be accepted into the greenhouse after transplanting.

Landing any vegetable crops for seedlingsas many gardeners know, it is best to carry out relying on the lunar calendar. Such planting of seedlings, including tomatoes for the greenhouse, has several advantages:

  • It is precisely known which tomato variety is planted. When you buy ready-made seedlings at 100%, you can no longer be sure of this. It often happens that seedlings of one variety are bought, and as a result, a completely different variety is obtained.
  • With self-cultivation, it will be possible to select strong seedlings that will grow well in a greenhouse and will please you with high yields.
  • Resistance to disease in different varieties of tomatoes will be different. So, when growing a specific variety in which there is confidence, you can prepare for possible problems with growing tomatoes and take specific measures to solve them.

Of course, to grow strong tomato seedlings, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort. Again, it will be necessary to prepare the greenhouse in advance, it is best to build a greenhouse for tomatoes from such a modern material as polycarbonate. A favorable microclimate is created inside the greenhouse for growing a particular crop.

If the tomatoes have neighbors, it is important to choose crops for active and good growth which require approximately the same conditions as for tomatoes.

About the lunar landing

It's time to get back to the question of when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017 for the greenhouse. As noted above, it should focus on the phases of the moon. These are not just tips, but real practice, confirmed by more than one generation of gardeners.

greenhouse tomato seedlings

Sow the seeds in the waning moon, with the approach of the new moon it is better to suspend the landing. Sowing is best, the most auspicious days, on the waning moon. With this position of our planet, everything that is in the earth is actively gaining juice.

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Advice! Tomato seeds should not be planted on seedlings for a greenhouse or open ground on the day of the new moon itself, or for several ducks after it. If you didn’t have time to plant tomatoes in February or March, then you can choose varieties of hybrids that still have time to grow and yield when planted in early April.

What varieties of tomatoes to choose for a greenhouse

In addition, what should be determined with accuracy when planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2017 for a greenhouse, it is important to pay attention to other aspects. In particular, choose the right variety of tomatoes.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017

Today, breeders have bred a large number of varieties, but they are best suited for greenhouses:

  • Abakan pink tomato. Pay attention to this vegetable is for the simple reason that it is as resistant to disease as possible. With one meter of square planting, you can collect four kilograms of tomatoes with good taste. The weight of fruits is on average 200 to 500 grams, which is an average. Ripening occurs within 120 days.
  • Bull's heart. It is popular among the inhabitants of our country, also for growing in a greenhouse. It differs in large fruits, from one bush you can collect up to 12 kilograms of tomatoes, which often reach a kilogram by weight.Ripening periods fluctuate within 130 days.
  • Pink Elephant. Rather small fruits, up to 300 grams (although, in rare cases, they can even reach a kilogram). Productivity is quite high, about 12 kilograms of tomatoes. An important feature of the variety is that it is resistant to diseases, especially late blight.
  • Michurinsky. The yield per square meter of planting is 9 kilograms, and it is also an early ripe variety. That is, the fruits grow literally in 95 days, they have excellent taste. True, tomatoes are small in weight, rarely exceed 100 grams.
  • Raspberry miracle. The tomato variety is suitable for growing in open ground or a greenhouse. Fruits grow up to 600 grams by weight, the variety is resistant to diseases and is distinguished by excellent taste.

In addition to information about when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017 for a greenhouse, it is important to know other aspects of planting. In advance, the gardener is required to prepare the soil, select the strongest bushes from seedlings, transplant tomatoes, and then begin systematic care. It includes not only watering, but also the obligatory application of spring fertilizers. pay attention to growing tomatoes according to the method of I.M. Maslova.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017 for a greenhouse

Important! Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings should be two months before it is planned to transplant the bushes into the greenhouse. Pre-treat the seeds, germinate, and then plant them in the ground. When the third true leaf appears, transplant each bush into a separate container.

Now it will be easier to decide when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017 for the greenhouse, including according to the Lunar calendar. We want to wish every gardener a great summer and a rich harvest.

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  1. Avatar


    Every year I plant tomatoes exclusively according to the lunar calendar, every time I observe all the dates and dates, and the crop is always very happy. This year I will do just the same and again I will wait for a wonderful harvest!

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