About the dates of planting seedlings of cabbage (2017)

16.01.2016 Cabbage

When to plant cabbage seedlingsCabbage is a healthy and sought-after vegetable. Therefore, gardeners always have a plot of land reserved specifically for the cultivation of this vegetable. Of course, already at the beginning of spring the eternal question arises as to when to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2017. The final crop will depend on the time that is chosen correctly or not.

In our latitudes, you can plant cabbage in open ground in late spring or even in early summer. That is, in order for the vegetable to ripen, there is no way to do without seedlings. To plant prepared bushes already in warmed up soil is always better for the future harvest.

And now it's time to consider in more detail when to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2017 according to the Lunar calendar:

  • Early ripening varieties need to be planted on March 15, 26 and 30. If you manage to do this, then you can make an early landing in the ground.
  • Later varieties can be planted in seedlings in April. The 2nd number will be suitable, the period from 7 to 10 number, as well as April 19-25. The cabbage planted during these days of the Lunar calendar will be healthy, activity will grow, and it certainly will not be attacked by diseases.

Important! These planting dates are suitable for any kind of cabbage, and not just its cabbage species. You can plant cauliflower, kohlrabi and those varieties of vegetables that you planned to grow yourself this year.

So, the most favorable months for planting seedlings of cabbage seedlings are March and April. Moreover, this is not only said Moon calendar, but also the personal experience of many gardeners. Moreover, early varieties need to be planted already in March or early April, and late or mid-ripening varieties can be safely planted for seedlings and at the end of April.

Date of planting cabbage seedlings

About types of cabbage

So, there are early cabbage, mid-ripening and late varieties. It is clear that each variety will have its own differences and they are not only about when to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2017 in the Leningrad Region. Early cabbage is not suitable for salting, but it needs to be eaten as much as possible in raw form, adding to all kinds of summer salads.

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Mid-season varieties are already suitable for salting. Also, they can be stored for a long period in a fresh form. You can save such varieties until late autumn. If you want to keep fresh cabbage from your garden until the New Year holidays, then you can safely plant late varieties on your site.

When to plant cabbage seedlings

About landing in open ground

When the seedlings grow, then it will need to be planted in the already prepared moons in their summer cottage. The time when exactly you plan to do this also determines when to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2016 year in the Urals. In particular, for many regions of Russia, cabbage is planted in open ground on June 3–9.

Accordingly, it is necessary to calculate the seed planting date so that the seedlings have grown to this state by this time, but, at the same time, have not outgrown. From the moment of the first sunrises, it should take about 1.5-2 months before cabbage seedlings can be planted in open ground or in a greenhouse.

About growing seedlings

If you are already an experienced gardener, then in the process of growing cabbage seedlings, there should be no problems. She needs a lot of light, she needs to water the cabbage, fertilizers can be added several times. It is important to keep track of the number of leaves. If there are already 7 or more of them, then the seedlings have ripened for transplantation to the site (for late varieties, 4-5 strong leaves are enough).

Planting cabbage for seedlings

Of course, seedlings can start to hurt. But this does not happen just like that.If there was any disease, then most likely you provided the seedlings with improper care. You need to update the information that you have in your head and understand where exactly the error could have been made. Do not panic, if you notice the disease on time, then everything can be fixed and the seedlings can be returned to an active healthy life.

In order for your productivity to be excellent, you just need to follow certain recommendations for planting seedlings. It depends on the seedlings exactly what your cabbage crop will be like. But we are sure that you will succeed and that any variety of the selected vegetable will grow in the volume in which you want it. Good luck in the beds and do not forget to drop by us, share your success!

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