How to increase potato productivity in the garden

22.01.2018 Potatoes

Potato is a fairly common vegetable that can be found on every bed. Each gardener wants to increase his crop and get as much finished product as possible.

Interestingly, to increase the yield of potatoes, perhaps it is important to know what needs to be done.

Factors Affecting Potato Yields

Potato productivity depends on a large number of factors, the main ones are:

  • fertility of the soil in which potatoes will be planted;
  • quality of planting tubers;
  • storage conditions for planting material;
  • planting period;
  • growing conditions for potatoes;
  • The region in which tubers are grown.

How to increase potato harvest

In order for yields per hectare to be as high as possible, it is important to follow certain rules. It is important to remember that the potato harvest is different in different parts of the country. The best harvest can be harvested in the central part of Russia. Belarus shows excellent potato growing indicators for the season.

To increase the tuber crop successfully, you need to plant potatoes in light loamy soil, which contains a large amount of humus. Potatoes should not be planted in a shady area, as the tops will stretch up, and the tubers will grow more slowly. In autumn, the ground should be fertilized with compost or humus. Tubers should also be selected in the fall. Selected large tubers, the mass of which reaches 100 grams, must be put in the sun for landscaping. This procedure will allow them to better survive in the winter. These tubers do not attract rodents and are less susceptible to fungal and other diseases. The period of planting tubers lasts 14 days. The tubers should turn over several times.

It is important to know that potatoes that are planted in greenery accumulate a large amount of the poison of solanine, so it should not be eaten by humans and animals.

The correct factor for increasing potato yields is their germination. A month before planting in the ground, the vegetable should be stored in a room with a temperature of + 12 + 15 degrees. Higher air temperatures will only harm future planting stock. To improve germination, you can sprinkle potatoes with peat or sawdust. And in order to increase the liquid content in the root crop, the fruit needs to be filled with water for 10 hours.

Potatoes should be planted on a personal plot to a depth of 10-12 cm. The optimal distance between the bushes should be 25 cm, and between rows of 70 cm. Potatoes need constant hilling and weeding. Hilling begins after the bush has risen to a height of 10-12 cm. This procedure occurs after rain when the soil is wet. It is also worthwhile once again to perform the hilling before the flowering.

Watering potatoes

Moisture in the soil is of great importance for growing crops. Watering the vegetable should be made every time the soil dries. Watering during flowering is especially important, since it is during this period that the intensive growth of tubers begins. Watering the crop must be done carefully. For 1 square meter of soil you need 50 liters of water. It is this watering that allows you to achieve the best result.If frequent watering is not possible, then it is worth watering the area planted with a vegetable after the first shoots appear, at the time of flowering and after flowering.

A week before harvesting the leaves, the tops must be mowed so that the nutrients go down to the potato tubers.

Fertilizer Applications for Potatoes

To increase the average yield of potatoes, it is necessary to fertilize the soil. Fertilizers are best applied naturally. Manure can become such a natural fertilizer. It is best to use rotted manure; it is more favorable for crop growth. In order to grow potatoes with high productivity in the country from 1 hundredths and 1 hectares in the spring, it is worth adding about 10 grams of urea, potassium sulfide and about 50 grams of ash per square meter of land. To potato well sprouted, it is worth planting with an ammonium nitrate solution for one hour before planting. For 400 grams of saltpeter, it is worth taking 10 liters of water.

How to spray potatoes to increase yield

Activators of the growth process allow you to grow a high yield on a summer cottage. One of the activators of growth is humates, which also help to deal with adverse environmental factors. In addition, humates help the plant to develop special enzymes that help to survive in the environment. You can use such a preparation as a spray during the growing season, and also be used as a pre-planting treatment. It is important to know that humates cannot replace fertilizers, but can only enhance their action.

Spray bushes and fruits can also be phytohormones. Their external effect leads to the growth of tubers, in addition, they increase the amount of starch and fiber.

Gibbersib is a popular stimulant that is used worldwide. It stimulates growth, improves the ovary, accelerates the development of fruits and can protect the plant from disease.

The best varieties of potatoes

On the market you can find a wide range of potatoes. Each variety has its advantages and disadvantages. In order to understand which potato to choose, you need to study the characteristics of the most popular varieties on the market.

Mona Lisa

This variety has a good taste. It refers to the mid-early culture. The variety is intended for dishes that will crunch. The tuber has an elongated and oval shape and a yellow peel. From one hectare you can collect up to 370 c. Presentation - it is from 80 to 98% of the established standard. Seed material requires storage at a temperature of at least 4 degrees.

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Such a variety appeared on the market in 2009. Originally a variety from Germany. It has excellent taste, unpretentious to weather conditions. The peel of the fetus is red and pink. The pulp of the fetus has a dark yellow color. During heat treatment, the tuber becomes friable. From one hectare you can collect up to 50 tons of fruits. The advantage of the variety is its easy adaptation to various weather conditions and watering. Great for making chips as well as french fries.


The variety is late. Harvest up to 12 tons from 1 ha. Differs in high safety. Such a variety may lie a whole season. The flesh of the tubers is yellowish. The peel is quite dense. When processing, the flesh is darker and has medium friability. Can be used for cooking fried foods and boiled dishes. It requires a lot of oxygen and light. The variety is not so demanding for watering. This kind is best planted in the second plot or experienced gardeners. Since special care and protection are required.


An early, universal variety that can bear fruit twice a year in the south of the country. The maximum possible yield is 450 centners per 1 hectare.The peel is yellow, the flesh of the tubers is cream-colored. Tubers are susceptible to disease. Culture requires germination and fertilization.


Timo has excellent taste, does not darken after heat treatment. The Colorado potato beetle is not particularly prevailing in culture. The variety pleases with a large crop of up to 1.5 tons per hundred square meters. The variety grows early, so you need to ensure that it does not lose its energy ahead of time and provide decent storage conditions. You can use Timo in various dishes.


Romano is a mid-early variety that can provide a high yield. From one hectare you can collect 3-4 tons of potatoes. The hearths are oval in shape and have a dense pink skin. The pulp has a light yellow or cream color. The vegetable is resistant to various diseases. The vegetable produces fried, boiled and baked dishes of excellent quality. In addition, Romano has excellent trade dress and drought tolerance. Harvest can be stored for a long time and easy to transport.

Potato storage rules

Storage preparation

  • dug potatoes require drying in the sun for several hours;
  • potatoes that have dried and peeled from the ground are sorted and laid out according to variety, size, purpose and degree of disease;
  • sorted vegetable requires processing from the formation of the fungus with special preparations.

How to store potatoes

  • the room must be disinfected;
  • there should not be rodents and other pests in the room;
  • the storage location can be a basement, a cellar, a balcony on which direct sunlight does not fall, a cool corridor;
  • it is best to store the crop in wooden crates;
  • place of storage and containers must be ventilated;
  • apples laid in containers with potatoes will not allow the fruits to age;
  • during the winter, the fruits need to be sorted out 2-3 times and sorted;
  • early varieties should be used first for food.

Technological methods to increase productivity

Reducing human costs is an important basis for the development of crop production. Increased productivity can be achieved using technological methods. The choice of method must be determined by climatic features and soil conditions.

Gulich Method

The essence of the method is to allocate the maximum possible area for plant development. This method allows you to get up to 16 kg from the bush. According to this technique, the site must be divided into sections meter per meter, as well as to fall asleep with manure that has been re-mixed. The plant should be planted in the middle of the square with the top down. The shoots that will appear need to be bent to the side and sprinkled with earth. There should be several such powders. In the process, a cone or multi-tiered bush with potatoes is formed. The plant requires abundant watering, fertilizer and spraying. It is in this case that we can say that the output from one square will reach 16 kg.

Mitlider method

The essence of this method is narrow beds and wide rows between them. Narrow beds are easier to handle. This technology can be seen in many home gardens. The first step is to dig and level the garden. Next, you need to divide the site into beds. You can do this with a rope. The width of the beds should be 0.5 meters, and the row spacing of about 1 meter. Each bed should have sides from the ground. The holes between each other should have a distance of thirty cm, as well as a depth of 10 cm. The hole is fertilized with a handful of ash and ten grams of superphosphate. It is important that mulching is required during planting. Potato does not require earthing up, and weeding, fertilizing and watering are faster due to narrow rows.

Dutch technology

Using this technology, you can collect up to 4.5 kg of crop per square meter. The area where cultivation will take place should have a large amount of humus and be even. Cultures alternate during cultivation and, having spoiled the fruit once, they can return to their original place after 3-4 years.Earth requires composting, which is applied in the spring one year before planting potatoes. Compost or manure requires up to 5 kg per square meter. In the fall, during digging, the land needs to be fertilized with rotted manure per 5 kg per square meter of land. In addition, you can add 50 grams of superphosphate and twenty grams of potassium salt. In autumn, the soil should be plowed to a depth of 25 cm, in spring, the soil is loosened with milling cutters all at the same depth. If the land is small, then loosening the soil should be done with a pitchfork.

Tubers for planting choose even. Their diameter should be 6 cm. A month before planting, the culture requires germination. When planted inside, the sprouts should reach from 5 to 10 mm. The landing of planting material is early. Up to 10 tubers should be planted per square meter. Planting depth 5 cm. It is worth raking soil on the tubers, forming a wave of 10 cm.

After two weeks, hilling is carried out, with the help of which a trapezoidal ridge is formed. The height of the ridge reaches 25 cm, and the width of the apex is 15 cm. A comb is needed so that moisture immediately flows to the roots of the potato. Further, hilling is not required, just enough once, and weeds are destroyed by chemical means. Disease control and preventive measures are carried out up to six times per season.

Watering per season is required more than two or three times. But everything will also depend on the amount of precipitation. The first mandatory watering should take place before flowering, then two weeks after the first watering and then three weeks after the second watering.

Harvesting for seed is carried out in August, and for food in September. Ten days before harvesting the potatoes, it is worth mowing the tops. Mowed tops will allow the nutrients to sink into the potatoes and pick up the fruit, as much as it takes strength. Storage of the harvest occurs in wooden crates.


Farmers and experienced gardeners and gardeners recommend the Timo variety for planting and eating. This variety has excellent qualities, excellent presentation and allows you to harvest twice a year. Romano and Arosa are also very successful. Such varieties are often recommended for purchase and planting.

Elite potato seeds require certain knowledge in the cultivation and care. In this regard, farmers recommend popular and common varieties for home use. Varieties from the elite collection are best planted with experience and certain knowledge.

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