How to grow seedlings without land

12.02.2018 Vegetables

You can grow seedlings in a variety of ways. As a rule, gardeners use the simplest and most popular of them, which have already been verified by other gardeners.

Such methods are suitable for almost all owners of country houses. But, how can you grow quality seedlings in an apartment? Indeed, the day is too short to saturate the plant, and in almost any case it will grow weak and unsuitable for "life."

There is an exit! You can turn to a fairly progressive, albeit not very popular technology - landless. Why it is so attractive, what advantages it has, and what is needed for its implementation - more on this later.

Two ways to plant seedlings without land

This technology is suitable for absolutely all cultures. Moreover, its main advantage is that it is possible to maintain the "tenderness" of the roots of plants, leaving it virtually untouched.

Due to this factor, after transplanting to free terrain, the plant adapts much more quickly to new conditions, and is better able to take root. Moreover, for landless growing seedlings do not need any sophisticated tools and serious knowledge in gardening.

For planting seeds, you can take almost any materials and containers that are definitely found in the household. Consider the 2 most popular ways to germinate plants without soil.

1 way: growing crops in plastic

Small plastic containers are an excellent solution for producing plants with strong sprouts. One condition - the container must be closed with a lid. You can find such containers in any hardware store - they are used to store various foods.

If there is no such container - nothing, you can do with an ordinary transparent plastic bottle from under mineral water. It needs to make a transverse slot, dividing into 2 parts. Now we will deal with landing issues in more detail.

  1. At the bottom of the container you need to lay several layers of toilet paper (about 10), or paper towels, and then moisten them with water so that it is well absorbed;
  2. Next, the seeds are evenly dispersed throughout the container and pressed down. They must “keep a distance” with respect to each other;
  3. Now the plants will form their vital systems without soil. Believe me, such conditions will be sufficient for them;
  4. The container must be closed with a lid (if a bottle is used, cover it with the second half) to get a "mini-greenhouse";
  5. Now our “garden” can be wrapped in a plastic bag, tied securely, and left in a warm place.

Watering such seedlings is not necessary. The fact is that the bag will provide the vegetation with heat and condensation will form. It is he who will become the "source" of moisture for the culture.

If all these conditions are met, then you can achieve an active growth of seedlings. And, after their appearance, seedlings can be left until the first leaves appear on it.

2 way: germination in sawdust

Sawdust is the second popular method of germinating seedlings of decent quality. Landless technology for germinating plants in sawdust is as simple a method as the previous one.

But, before disembarking, the sawdust needs to be disinfected, pouring them with boiling water, wait until they swell. This is also necessary so that the wood retains moisture better. Then, a container for seedlings is filled with sawdust with a layer of about 14 cm.

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Seeds need to be planted to a depth of not more than 2 cm, subject to a uniform grid. Now the container can be put in a warm place, and systematically moisten the sawdust as soon as they begin to dry.

After sprouting 2-3 small leaves on a plant, it should be transplanted into a separate pot or special containers for seedlings. This method also “protects” the plants, and does not injure them during transplantation, because sawdust sticks to the roots not very tightly.

Method Benefits

The use of landless technologies for seedling germination is advantageous in that:

  • You can save a lot of space, as the seedlings will stand on the windowsill. For example, to sprout 100 seeds, you can take only one container with a diameter of 20 cm;
  • The plant will not suffer from a "black leg", because this disease parasitizes only in the ground. This will significantly increase the quality and quantity of plants for further cultivation;
  • Significantly simplified plant care. It is only necessary to produce systematic hydration and provide sufficient heat;
  • Seedlings will develop in stages, they can be dived as they grow.

Using a landless method of growing seedlings, you can get a decent harvest in the future, as the plant will better adapt to new conditions. This will allow you to grow powerful bushes that are not susceptible to many diseases.


When growing plants without land, you need to consider some of the subtleties of these techniques. The most important thing is to take the timelines correctly. That is, it is better to sow planting material later, and not before.

If you neglect the terms, then the plants may become too large, stretch up, and their leaves will become pale. Therefore, the later they are sown - the better, and the more likely to get fast and strong shoots.


Vitaliy Nikolaevich, 28 years old, Kazan

“I had never thought that someone was germinating plants for planting in an apartment. Pretty interesting stuff, I really liked this idea. In any case, I will implement it. True, I don’t know yet what exactly to try to land ”



Galina Yurievna, 40 years old, Kuznetsk

“The landless method was used only by a couple, in severe colds. What can I say, the methods are effective - about 3 seedlings of red pepper were grown from 3 5-liter bottles. Then she dived into the pots, then - into the garden.The roots, in truth, were practically not injured - we can say that out of 100 plants, about 80 took root. The harvest was also great. The method works, and personally verified by me! ”

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    An interesting way, be sure to try to do it!

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