The distance between the beds when planting potatoes

3.06.2015 Potatoes

planting potatoesBefore deciding what distance between rows when planting potatoes, one will need to think about the correct planting time. This should be done when the soil temperature has already reached 8 degrees and above. Moreover, a depth of 10 cm is taken, and not the topmost layer. As a rule, for central Russia, the optimal time for planting potatoes in open ground is May.

Important! If you are late with the planting of potatoes, then you can safely reduce the final crop by at least 30%.

To get an early harvest, tubers need to be well germinated, and they can be planted in the soil when at a depth of the same 10 cm it has already warmed up to six degrees. Better plant potatoes sooner rather than later. So much lower are the overall risks of crop loss.

What distance to leave between the rows

So we got to a detailed consideration of the question of what is the distance between the rows when planting potatoes (not with a walk-behind tractor, but with a manual landing). Before planting, it is necessary to spread the tubers evenly over the area. You can immediately identify small grooves where each tuber will be planted.

To make the first marker correctly, you will need to pull the cord. An extremely prong is conducted along it. In principle, you can plant potatoes directly under this cord. But, from a practical point of view, this is completely inconvenient.

Advice! After the potatoes are planted, you can mulch it. This means sprinkling peat on three centimeters. You have to spend a little time and money, but this is a great way to increase the yield.

how to plant potatoes

The optimal indicators are the distance between the rows when planting potatoes under the walk-behind tractor or manually:

You may be interested in:
  • For early ripening varieties. It will be necessary to leave a distance of 70 to 75 cm;
  • For late ripening varieties. A distance of 80 cm is required, and best of all, if the site allows - 90 cm;

Advice! As for the density of planting, then you should focus on the size of the tubers that you selected. If they are small, then you can plant every 20 cm, but for large tubers, leave a distance of 28 cm or more.

As for heavy soils, it is important to pay attention to the depth when planting the tuber. It should not be more than 8 cm. Although, for light soils, an acceptable and recommended depth is 10 cm.

How to care after planting

Even if the conditions are met, what is the distance between the rows when planting potatoes, it is necessary to ensure proper care in the future. This is the only way to achieve an excellent harvest of delicious potatoes.

The main care for this crop is the loosening of the soil, the destruction of weeds. Potato harrowing will also be required. The first is done five days after landing. Then the harrowing is carried out when the sunrises appear and twice more the procedure must be carried out when the plant already appears on the surface.

distance between potato tubers

Other stages of proper potato care:

  • When the plant has sprouted, and formed clear rows, you can loosen between the rows. Loosening is necessary deeply, up to 14 cm for the first time and up to 8 cm for the second time;
  • The first earthing up of potatoes is carried out after the bushes have grown to 15 cm. The second time earthing up the potatoes is right before the tops are closed;
  • It is necessary to feed. This can be done during the first hilling or loosening of the soil. Feeding is especially important for late varieties of potatoes. Two feeding procedures are enough during the year;
  • The first feeding will go well if each bush is fertilized with two handfuls of humus with a large spoon of ammonium nitrate. You can also add some ash and earth;
  • The second top dressing is liquid. A large spoon of superphosphate and nitrophosphate is diluted in 10 liters of water. Be sure to water the bushes only at the root;

When caring for potatoes, it is important to fertilize it on time. This is done at the initial stage of growth. When the bushes began to bloom, top dressing can be stopped. If this is not done, then the tubers will ripen late, plus this, all nitrates will accumulate in them.

what distance to leave between tubers

As a rule, the moisture of the potato is also enough due to the rare summer rains. But, if you see that additional watering is required, then be sure to give water to the potatoes. In particular, watering is especially needed a couple of weeks after the appearance of sunrises, when the first buds appeared and at the very beginning of August. If there is insufficient water during these three periods, the yield will be low. What do you know about growing potatoes wisely without weeding and hilling?

Perhaps this is the basic information about what is the distance between the rows when planting potatoes and how to properly care for this plant. It’s hard to imagine a winter without potatoes. Therefore, no matter how simple the landing and subsequent care may seem, you need to devote a lot of time to these stages, being careful and attentive.

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