Strawberry variety "Elizabeth 2": description, reviews

14.08.2016 Strawberry

Strawberry Anyone who has already planted strawberries "Elizabeth - 2" on their site (variety description, reviews are given in this material) will immediately say that it meets all the basic requirements. And when you see the fruits of this variety, you are surprised at their beautiful regular shape, rich color and impressive size, it seems that this is a fake. The impression of unreality is enhanced by the glossy finish of the fruit. This variety was bred by Don breeders for a long time and since 2003 everything is gaining popularity among gardeners and gardeners. Strawberry Care this variety is not at all complicated.

Grade description

We have already given some information above, describing the fruits themselves of amazing beauty, we should only clarify that their weight reaches 40-60 g, for strawberries this is quite an impressive size. We note once again that the taste of the fruit is literally honey with a slight piquant presence of acidity, which only enriches the taste bouquet and emphasizes the sweetness. Due to the dense pulp of ripened fruit, strawberries of this variety are called “fleshy” by gardeners and emphasize its high transportable properties, which is important when growing it for sale.

Strawberry "Elizabeth - 2" (description of the variety, reviews and photos are provided here), refers to the repairing varieties that give the crop throughout the summer due to 2 and 3 times flowering. True, in the future we will talk about the fact that it is better to refuse the first crop by cutting off all the flower stalks.


You can collect the fruits of this delicious berry from May to late autumn, which is ideal, in practice it turns out from late June - early July to October, which is also a good indicator of the duration of fruiting. Of course, everyone is interested in how productive this variety is, with this indicator everything is also in order and with the right competent agricultural technology, you can collect up to 1.5 kg of fruits from one bush. And if you take into account that 4-6 bushes of this variety are allowed per square meter, then the harvested crop reaches 12 kg.

When describing this strawberry variety, it is worth noting such important characteristics as drought tolerance, significantly reduced susceptibility to diseases.

Landing rules

Basically, the planting rules for strawberries "Elizaveta-2" (variety description, photos, reviews) are exactly the same as for other similar species, here it is rather not the features that are important, but the thorough implementation of the recommendations of experienced gardeners. Only in this case you will receive from this variety the described high-quality fruits in a sufficiently large quantity. Immediately, we note that strawberries of the described variety propagate in three ways.


Rosette from mustache

When choosing this method of propagation, by the way the most popular, planting material should be selected correctly to ensure its high quality and not to damage the expected large crop. The fact is that if you do not identify some bushes specifically for propagation and grow full-fledged mustaches with well-developed rosettes on them, and regularly cut off the mustaches on other bushes, then the number and size of berries will not meet your expectations. Strawberry Planting Dates antennae, with this method are determined by gardeners at the end of July - August, with proper care they root well and after 4 weeks the first peduncles appear.


Of course, this method of propagation of strawberries "Elizabeth - 2" (description of the variety, reviews, photos) is more laborious and lengthy, from planting seeds to the appearance of the first peduncles takes 5-6 months. However, it is an acceptable alternative when there is a shortage of planting material from a mustache and the acquisition of "unknown what" in the market or even in a specialized store.

Small seeds are sown on a slightly compacted soil surface in boxes in early spring, covered and after emergence, seedlings are usually taken care of until they are planted in the open ground with three full leaves.

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Also a very common method of propagation of strawberries, if there are two-year-old bushes with a powerful root system. There is nothing complicated and time-consuming here, and the landing is similar to the rules for planting outlets from mustaches. So, having learned the methods of reproduction, we pay special attention before planting both the choice of the soil itself and the improvement of its fertility.

About a month before planting by the rosette method, we prepare the site, freeing it from weeds, this can be a simple digging, or the use of special chemicals. After clearing the land for planting strawberries “Elizaveta-2” (variety description, reviews, videos are quite accessible) with loamy soil and neutral pH, fill it with prepared substrate. In practice, it is better to prepare the soil yourself, using proven recipes, although you can also use the purchased one if you wish.

You can choose a recipe from the following recommendations:

• peat, turf land, humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 1;
• peat, turf land, sand in a ratio of 6: 3: 1;
• peat, sawdust in a ratio of 1: 2.

In addition, it is necessary to make mineral fertilizers, for example, Kemira at the rate of 80 g per m2, and for those who want to enjoy strawberries that are environmentally friendly from chemistry, it is advisable to add humus. A month before planting, the introduction of organic fertilizers is recommended: mullein (1:10), chicken droppings (1:20), wood ash.


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When planting, you should lay the sockets in a pre-prepared groove, 10-15 cm deep, carefully distribute the roots, sprinkle with soil so that the heart is on the surface. The planting pattern for this strawberry variety corresponds to: 60 - 70 cm between rows, 35 - 50 cm between bushes in a row, however, some gardeners reduce the distance between bushes to 26 cm.

In addition to the traditional method of growing strawberries "Elizabeth - 2" (variety description, reviews, video), you can use the increasingly popular ampel.

Strawberry Care

Any strawberry variety is very demanding on adequate lighting and watering, so you should pay special attention to this, planting planting material in the garden with the round-the-clock presence of the sun. Strawberries should be watered every two to three days, depending on weather conditions, so that the soil at a depth of 5 cm is constantly moist, but not watery. Watering from a hose is inadmissible, in order to avoid damage to young roots and their exposure, it is better to choose a sprinkling method or use a nozzle.

Immediately after planting, it is recommended to use such a popular and globally recognized agricultural industry as mulching, sheltering the root area of ​​each bush with material with good air exchange. For this purpose, you can use straw, dry grass, sawdust, etc., such a simple job will pay off by obtaining a higher crop, saving time on watering and loosening. Mandatory after each irrigation and rain loosening the soil, with the introduction of the mulching layer, you can not carry out at all.


Given the fact that this strawberry variety is quite fruitful with a long extended fruiting period, high demands are placed on regular fertilizer application. If you want to get the maximum possible number of berries for this variety, as well as increase their size, you should certainly make nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers.Most fertilizers must be applied before flowering and during it, then when fruiting takes effect, weekly dressing is required. And best to use bioactivator for plant growth, which will replace all other fertilizers.

Experienced gardeners are advised to definitely cut the first flower stalks, which will effectively neutralize the feature of strawberries "Elizabeth - 2" (grade description, reviews) - the appearance of the first crop with the presence of small berries. Thus, planting strawberries in July - August, and cutting off all the flower stalks, you will ensure a high yield with large berries throughout the next summer.

Despite the fact that this strawberry variety is resistant to disease, in rainy, unfavorable weather, you should still process the planting from gray rot, powdery mildew and brown spotting, for which preparations such as phytosporin and integral are used. You should also carry out preventive treatment from pests, including weevil.

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Comments on the article: one
  1. Avatar


    The variety is really excellent, though it was not the first time to get it. She was very presumptuous, did not heed the advice, and she did not take root. It’s a pity that four years ago such an article didn’t catch my eye, but now I’m already experienced. I would also advise top dressing from bread (yeast), the berry responds perfectly to it, tried it on my own experience.

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