Varieties of tomatoes for growing in greenhouses (Moscow region)

16.03.2015 Tomatoes

What tomatoes to grow in the suburbsTomatoes can be grown in open ground in order to harvest faster and delight him with double strength, it is better to grow some vegetables in greenhouse conditions. As for open ground, planting in a greenhouse will require sprouted home sprouts. We offer tomatoes: the best varieties for the Moscow Region in a greenhouse.

Important! A “variety” is a group of plants that have similar economic characteristics. But, within the framework of one variety, these characteristics can vary greatly. Hybrid varieties are very popular. Their essence is that tomatoes of the same variety with the best characteristics were crossed to obtain the maximum variety in all parameters. First-generation hybrids are designated F1.

The most popular varieties of tomatoes for growing in greenhouses

Hurricane F1

This is just a hybrid of the first generation, which refers to precocious varieties. That is, from the moment the first sunrises appear, the crop can be harvested already for 85, a maximum of 90 days. The first inflorescence will be above the leaf, and the next inflorescences will be in one or two leaves. In one inflorescence, as a rule, grows from 6 to 8 fruits. The fruits are distinguished by a round shape, smooth surface and uniform color. The average weight is small - 90 grams, but the yield of one bush often reaches ten kilograms.

Typhoon F1

Another hybrid for the greenhouse, which can be safely called precocious. The first tomatoes can be harvested already for 85-90 days from the day when the first sunrises were noted. Inflorescences will form every two leaves. The yield from one bush will be a maximum of 9 kilograms, the fruits themselves are quite small: 70 grams. As for the number of fruits in the inflorescence, it can be noted from 6 to 8 tomatoes, depending on the growing conditions.

Varieties of tomatoes for the suburbs

Friend F1

The hybrid is early ripe. That is, unlike early ripening varieties, it will yield a little later. But, all the same, the first tomatoes, in comparison with other varieties, can be eaten early. The plant is low, reaches about 70 centimeters. For growing in a greenhouse, it is also extremely convenient. The fruits will be round and weigh up to 90 grams. The peculiarity of this variety is the bright red color of each tomato. With one square meter you can get up to 8 kilograms of crop.

Semko-Sinbad F1

A promising early ripe hybrid, which many gardeners emit as being especially suitable for growing in greenhouses. Tomatoes from the moment the seedlings appear can be harvested already on 90-93 days. Inflorescences are formed every two leaves and give up to eight fruits, which is an average. The fruits have a uniform red color and a mass of 90 grams that is familiar to early-ripening varieties. Per square meter, the yield is up to 10 kilograms.

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Evangelism F1

According to reviews, tomatoes are the best varieties for Moscow region in the greenhouse of this variety are friendly and early ripening. True, the plant will be average in growth. On one inflorescence, it is possible to collect from 6 to 8 fruits. Tomatoes are round and have an average weight of 100 grams. Gardeners especially like the yield of the hybrid, which is up to 20 kilograms per square meter of beds.

Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse

Kostroma F1

This is a mid-season hybrid, which means fruiting will have to wait more than a hundred days. Typically, the ripening period of tomatoes is from 105 to 110 days. The plant will be medium in growth, and inflorescences are laid somewhere every three leaves. In one inflorescence, up to 9 fruits can form.Tomatoes of this hybrid variety differ in a rounded flat shape, and the average weight is 125 grams. As for productivity, they come from a square meter, it is quite high and starts at 17 kilograms.

Ilyich F1

An early ripe hybrid, but can only be grown in a high greenhouse. One long stalk is formed, on which many tomatoes ripen. The fruits differ, judging by the reviews, excellent tastes, as well as good weight. One tomato weighs an average of 150 grams. Another nice feature is resistance to diseases common at our latitudes.

F1 search

A hybrid that gives a large crop. The height of the plant is one meter, so if there is a low greenhouse, it is better to abandon the cultivation of this variety. But, if conditions allow, then the hybrid in the end will be pleased with the high palatability of the fruit. Plus, the variety is resistant to disease and tolerates temperature changes.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse: varieties

Samara F1

Domestic carpal tomatoes were once introduced by this first hybrid. Harvesting is already possible on the 90th day from the moment of the first sunrise, which means the variety is precocious. In height reaches average performance. Up to seven fruits are concentrated on one inflorescence, while the inflorescences themselves are formed somewhere every three leaves. Tomatoes are dense and have a mass of 80 grams. All fruits ripen at the same time, repeating each other in weight, size and shape. You can immediately harvest the brushes, which is extremely convenient and greatly saves time.

These are the main varieties of tomatoes for the Moscow region, which can be safely grown in greenhouse conditions. We remind once again that even for growing in a greenhouse in our middle lane, it is necessary to first germinate the seeds of the house and get strong seedlings. This is best done in early March, but specific dates depend and from the vegetative period of a particular variety, and even from indicators Lunar calendar.

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