Ways to speed up reddening of tomatoes in a greenhouse

16.09.2016 Tomatoes

chto-sdelat-chtoby-pomidory-bystree-krasneli-v-tepliceIf you are thinking about what to do so that the tomatoes blush faster in the greenhouse, but don’t know what to do, this material will help answer the main questions. It’s worth starting with the fact that tomatoes cannot ripen slowly for no apparent reason. So, you will have to pay close attention to your harvest, to understand what exactly is happening, how to make the fruits turn red faster.

Tomato development no matter what variety is grown, it goes through two stages. In the first month after the ovary, the fetus will grow rapidly, and then within 2-3 weeks it should fully ripen. If the vegetable has enough, then the tomato will blush gradually during this period. First, the fruit will be green, then brown, and then, gradually, it will turn red.

If in the indicated time period the tomatoes did not completely redden, this means that something is wrong with your harvest. If tomatoes need more than three weeks to redden, this does not happen for no reason.

Possible reasons why tomatoes blush slowly:
1. Unfavorable temperature for growth. This is the most common reason why tomatoes blush faster in the greenhouse. What to do in this situation? See if the fruits grow in conditions below 15 degrees Celsius or above 35 degrees Celsius. Due to the lowered or elevated temperature in the fruit, there is a violation of the synthesis of a substance that is responsible for the red color. In this situation, the tomatoes will not blush, but become orange, and next to the stalk there will be a yellow-green circle.
2. If tomatoes, and this can happen even in a greenhouse, are exposed to direct sunlight, this can also be the cause of the problem under consideration. The fruit simply bakes in the sun and does not have enough time to ripen normally. With this problem, the place next to the stalk will be yellow.
3. Also, a sharp drop in temperature, humidity or even lighting can have a negative effect on the redness of tomatoes.

4. Unevenly tomatoes in the greenhouse can ripen due to the fact that they grow too densely. Remember that the minimum distance between the bushes is 30 centimeters. If you do not follow this pattern, the fruits will be small or stop blushing.
5. If there is too much nitrogen in the soil and little potassium, this will lead to an uneven color of the crop during ripening. In this situation, the leaves will have a clear bronze hue, and the tomatoes will grow curved in shape. Fruits with such an imbalance of fertilizers in the soil will have voids inside the stems of the bushes will be thin, and with a strong imbalance, the leaves of the plant will curl.
6. What can I do to make tomatoes blush faster in the greenhouse? First of all, identify the cause of this behavior of the plant. In addition to the ones already mentioned, one more factor should be noted - if the stalk appears with a yellow spot, this suggests that the tomatoes belong to a particular variety. That is, regardless of how many tomatoes will be on the bush, they simply will not get because of the variety's full and uniform color. Only hybrids will stain evenly when ripened in a greenhouse.

Maturation and factors influencing it

Honestly, only one fact is fundamental here - variety of tomatoes. In the greenhouse You can get a rich harvest if you grow the cultivar "Orange", "Rose", "Octopus" (this is a tomato tree, which can be up to four meters in height and yield up to one and a half tons per season).


What to make tomatoes blush faster in the greenhouse

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Suppose a reason has been identified, but what to do next and what measures should be taken to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes and help the plant as much as possible? In order for the tomatoes to get the maximum of the autumn sun, you will need to remove unnecessary leaves, and turn the branches of tomatoes in the direction of the sun. This procedure is easiest to perform on a trellis.

Be sure to take this is a magic tool. With them, your tomatoes will grow very quickly.

You can carry out additional feeding with iodine, because the lack of this element is also an important cause of the described problem. Plants are sprayed, diluting ten drops of water with 35 drops of iodine.

Also, tomato bushes will need to be limited in nutrition. For this, a through incision must be made in the stem at a height of 10 cm from the soil. Insert a wooden plate into the notch. It will ensure the outflow of nutrients. Be sure to drag the stem across to enhance the outflow effect, if necessary in each specific situation.


Remember the gardener should that speed up reddening of tomatoes in the greenhouse regular removal of stepchildren and lower leaves will help. You need to remove all new shoots and leaves from the bottom up to the brushes on which the fruits ripen evenly. In autumn, it is imperative to prevent late blight, for which spray the bushes with garlic.

Some gardeners give an example to other tomatoes. They take a ripened beautiful fruit and put it next to unripe tomatoes. You will see that the method is effective and soon the tomato will begin to turn red. The thing is that a ripe fruit emits ethylene, which is a catalyst for an unripe fetus so that it starts to blush. As a rule, the green fruit with this method turns red within literally three days.

Another option is to feed vegetables with alcohol. It is necessary to introduce 0.5 milliliters of vodka into the nest of green tomato and observe accelerated redness, the fruit will ripen within a few weeks, and the chemical composition will be the same as a natural tomato.

What to make tomatoes blush faster in the greenhouse? In this material we give specific methods of what to do with such a strange, but not critical moment. But, before you engage in treatment, you need to understand: what exactly is the cause of delayed maturation.

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