Remedy for Colorado potato beetle Lightning: instructions for use

4.02.2018 Fertilizers and preparations

The Colorado potato beetle, a well-known pest with a bright yellow-brown color, with fiery orange tufts of larvae, brings a lot of troubles and troubles to gardeners. This bug is so tenacious that homeowners have to use chemical protective equipment, no matter how sad. One of the new tools - “Lightning” from the Colorado potato beetle, reviews already have serious, balanced.Before the beginning of the summer season, gardeners choose a tool that will protect the planting from the invasion of insects, and at the same time will be safe for humans. According to the reviews "Lightning" from the Colorado potato beetle, it is well established in relation to a relatively new drug of directed action. As it is called, it acts - quickly, efficiently. The result is lightning fast, and most importantly - you can use the drug on different horticultural crops, in accordance with the instructions.

Remedy for Colorado potato beetle Lightning: instructions for use, characterization

This bug, flown into the Russian expanse of their distant American Colorado, gives summer residents a lot of trouble. It multiplies so quickly that mineral and organic products cannot cope with it. Chemistry is used forcibly. Among the new drugs from the Colorado potato beetle “Lightning”, the reviews managed to earn both positive and negative, but most importantly, all confirm that this remedy works against the beetle.

Description of the remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Lightning

The composition of "Lightning" is designed so that deposited on the foliage of potato tops, they hold steady and are not washed off by precipitation. The special substance "Lightning" paralyzes beetles within half an hour after processing the garden. The effect is impressive when you see with your own eyes how beetles and their larvae, like hailstones, fall to the ground, strewn with its orange-yellow dots. Gardeners who did not expect such a result write reviews about the remedy from the Colorado potato beetle "Lightning", and recommend it to all their friends.

The drug is able to maintain its effect from 2 to 3 weeks, depending on the quality of processing, on the weather. Activity persists during rain if it does not start immediately after spraying. The Colorado potato beetle is tenacious, adaptive to different conditions, but it was the “lightning” that struck him on the spot, not giving time to come to his senses and get used to the action of the product. In addition, gardeners note the convenient use of the product, although special protection measures are required to work with it.

Important! Before processing the plantings with the Lightning preparation, consult the forecasts of weather forecasters. It is not recommended to carry out processing in the rain, or immediately before the rain. It is advisable that after processing the rain there should be at least a day, so that the product has time to become established on plants.

Compatibility with other drugs

"Lightning" is easily combined with other chemicals - pesticides, insecticides. However, you should first of all think about the purity of the resulting crop. Therefore, scientists agronomists recommend the use of different chemicals in turn. There are tools that, when used together, will give a good result.This should be read in the Instructions for the use of "Lightning" from the Colorado potato beetle, and at the same time in the Instructions for other chemicals. It is imperative to correlate the effect of using the product proposed by manufacturers with their own needs.

Incompatibility of "Lightning":

  • with alkaline reactive agents;
  • with substances of an acid-reactive group.

These funds are completely incompatible, this should be taken into account before you begin processing your garden.

Garden pest insecticides are made from chemical compounds. Their goal is to destroy insects that damage the potato plantations. Chemicals designed to destroy Colorado potato beetles act quickly and efficiently. Chemistry is pesticides and insecticides - in their composition there are substances that have a detrimental effect on pest beetles, but do not harm plants. Only for this they must be used correctly.

Must be considered! Before combining different chemicals, it is recommended that you carefully study their Instructions for use to accurately verify the compatibility of available products.

Benefits of the drug

When hordes of Colorado potato beetles appear in potato rows, one must not miss the moment, treat the plantings with a quick-acting preparation for gluttonous pests. At the same time, all gardeners want this drug to be safe for humans.

Such a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle is the Lightning preparation, it quickly and effectively acts on pests, and at the same time it is not toxic to humans, since it is a 3rd class hazard insecticide.

Advantages of Lightning:

  • easy use;
  • economical use - 2 ml per hundred square meters of plantation;
  • affordable price;
  • visible result in half an hour;
  • long activity of the active substance;
  • the ability to apply to different garden crops;
  • lack of phytotoxicity;
  • destroys a wide range of pests, insects at all stages of development;
  • in the class of synthetic pyrethroids "Lightning" is the most effective drug.

The composition of the "Lightning" contains components that interfere with washing off the active substance from the surface of the plant, so the activity of the active substance remains even on rainy days, for a long time, up to 3 weeks.

If the manufacturer’s recommendations for precautionary handling of the chemical product are correctly observed, the Lightning will produce a lightning effect on the beetles, and the person will be protected from the effects of chemicals on the skin and respiratory tract.

On a note! Chemical insecticides, including Lightning, are not susceptible to slugs and nematodes. To combat them, additional treatment with other chemicals should be carried out, given their compatibility with the agents already used on plants.

Protective period

For gardeners, the period of protection that they receive when treating plantations with chemicals is important. Preparations of previous years, this is still in the memory of modern gardeners, had to be treated after every rain, because they were washed off from plants. It was also bad that the chemical components were washed away into the ground, falling into root crops.

"Lightning" refers to a new generation of drugs. Its protective action period lasts more than 3 weeks. This is enough time for the population of Colorado beetles that settled on the plantation to die, and the “guests” flying from neighboring, untreated gardens.

The protective effect of "Lightning" is as a strong class insecticide. Preparations with such properties are characterized by low rates of persistence - long-term preservation of biological activity. The active substance is stored on the surface of leaves and stems.

As with the preparation of the intestinal-contact group, Lightning has a long period of protective action.It can be used in greenhouses against pests other than Colorado potato beetles, and on plants other than potatoes.

Know the technology! To achieve the highest possible duration of protective action, it is necessary to correctly apply the technology of applying the drug to the planting: apply the product evenly on the surface of the treated plants.

How to dilute Lightning

The release form in different packaging allows the use of "Lightning" on different landing areas. It is used in small summer cottages, for which small bottles are purchased; on the fields of farms for which the drug is poured into plastic jars. In the Instructions for the remedy for the Colorado potato beetle “Lightning”, the release forms and the rules for diluting the drug in water for the preparation of the working solution are indicated.


  • bottle of 10 ml;
  • ampoules of 2 ml;
  • polyethylene flasks - 4-5 l.

With proper dilution of the solution in use on different plants, the average flow rate is:

  • 0.1-0.6 l / ha of potatoes;
  • 2 ml per 10 l of water, respectively 10 l of the working mixture per hundred square meters of potatoes;
  • 2 ml per 10 l of water, a working mixture of 10 l - per 1 acre of roses or ornamental crops from a range of pests.

The drug is available in the form of an emulsion concentrate, which requires a special method of diluting the working mixture. Dilution technique: pour 2 liters of water into a bucket, pour the contents of the ampoule - 2 ml, thoroughly mix the emulsion until it is completely dissolved in water, bring the volume to 10 liters.

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Means Lightning: principle of action, composition

"Lightning" is an insecticide of a class of synthetic pyrethroids, has a contact-intestinal effect on insects, plus an acaricidal effect against ticks of various species. Such an extensive action allows the use of "Lightning" to protect field, vegetable, fruit, flower crops, from many pests. The active substance causes an irreversible reaction in the nerve cells of the insect, damages the membrane, blocks nerve conduction.

The composition of the drug:

  • the active chemical substance lambda-cygalotrin at a concentration of 50 g / l;
  • emulsion base.

The principle of operation of lambda-cygalotrin: penetrates the insect inside the cuticle, violates nerve conduction. The insect loses control of the muscles, its nutrition stops. All this happens a few minutes after the insect eats with a sheet of potato of the active substance. Result: paralysis occurs and the pest dies.

How to spray

The working composition should be poured into a sprayer with a regulator of uniformity of pollination. This is important: spray the plants evenly so that there is no more in one place, less in another. We must study the Instructions for the "Lightning" from the Colorado potato beetle in order to know how to process potato plantings.

Recommendations for spraying:

  • follow the instructions;
  • dilute the drug in the indicated proportions;
  • work in protective clothing;
  • do not allow the chemical to get on the skin;
  • spray potatoes in the evening, in dry weather;
  • spray during the growing season.

It is necessary to take into account possible resistance, the Colorado potato beetle easily gets used to new drugs. In order for the population to not develop the habit of "Lightning", treatment should be alternated with other means.

Instructions for use

Each chemical packaging contains instructions for use. It describes the drug, the active substance is indicated, against which insects the remedy is effective. Recommendations are given on the use of an agent against various pests on various plants. It contains the rules for preparing the working solution, the rules and time for spraying.

Instructions for the use of "Lightning" indicated that the drug is suitable for the treatment of all garden crops.They can spray plants, shrubs, flowers. "Lightning" is effective in the destruction of parasites: aphids, bugs, flies, cabbage moths, ticks. The drug gained the greatest effectiveness in the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle and pests of rose bushes.

Special instructions for the use of the working solution are given - spray the plants only with a freshly prepared composition, moisten the plant evenly. It is better to work with a sprayer that gives a fine spray so that the solution evenly falls on the upper and lower sides of the leaves. It is important to adhere to all the recommendations given in the instructions for use of the drug.

Safety Precautions and Toxicity

Toxic insecticides, which include the drug "Lightning", requires special measures to prevent poisoning. It is unacceptable to be careless with chemicals. During the processing of plantings with chemicals, special clothing should be put on to protect the body, be sure to use bandages or masks on the face, airways. Do not forget about protective gloves and glasses.

Despite the low toxicity for humans - “Lightning” refers to the 3rd class of toxicity for humans and to the 2nd class of toxicity for bees, it is not recommended to smoke, drink, chew gum during processing.

For processing, it is recommended to use special containers, which must be thoroughly washed after work, making sure that waste water does not enter the general sewer. It must be specially buried in a separate place to dump the remains of dangerous and toxic substances.

As a safety measure, immediately after work, remove clothing, send it for washing, do not leave until the next treatment. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the respiratory tract, eyes, wash hands with soap.

It is strictly forbidden to use "Lightning" in gardens located near natural reservoirs, since this drug destroys all aquatic biocenoses.

Rules for storing the drug

Dates and storage rules are indicated on each package of any packaging. There are indications of storage standards and in the instructions for use of the drug. Working mixtures with "Lightning" should be prepared immediately before work, the necessary volume of solution should be accurately calculated so that no residues remain. The diluted preparation cannot be stored until the next treatment.

Unopened ampoules, vials, jars should be stored only in the original packaging, not overfilling and not transferring to other bags, boxes so that after storage they do not get confused in the labeling of the drug. Storage is carried out in a closed, dry room with a cool temperature, in the parameters from -12 ° С to + 30 ° С.

It is advisable to specially allocate a storage room for pesticides, insecticides, far from finding food, fodder, combustible substances. Pets should not enter the room, children should not enter.

Shelf life of “Lightning” under the right storage conditions is 3 years from the date of production.


Lyudmila, the city of Oryol:

For the third year, we have been waging a war with the Colorado beetles as a whole family. We used different drugs because we know how quickly bugs get used to chemicals. In the store I was recommended "Lightning". We took a small bottle just to try. In fact, they saw the dead beetles fall from the bushes for an hour. Sprayed 2 times, as written in the instructions for use. This turned out to be enough for the bugs to completely disappear, and the neighbors would not fly to our garden.

Irina, the city of Kursk:

Colorado beetles literally torture, take so much power to destroy them. Appear immediately whole hordes on all rows of potatoes. On the advice of the saleswoman in the store, she decided to buy Lightning, read the instructions at home, realized that it’s easy to work with this tool, you can measure the drug with a measuring cap.

Processed potatoes, as always, with an ordinary broom, in the heat. Beetles were gone by evening. We were very happy and went on vacation.After half a month they returned, the potatoes are in order, there are no bugs. The second treatment did not even begin.

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