Tomato "Market Miracle": variety description, reviews, photos

1.05.2017 Tomatoes

Tomato There are more than a dozen different varieties of tomatoes. Red and pink, yellow and even black, vary in form and taste. What is special about the tomato Miracle Market? Why was it called so, really really luxurious tomatoes?

Origin country

This variety was obtained in Russia, domestic breeders by 2007. After which he showed himself perfectly every time he planted on free, open ground and in protected, greenhouse conditions, which pleased millions of gardeners. After all, not everyone has a greenhouse on the site.

Grade characteristics

"Market Miracle" is considered standard and semi-determinant variety of tomatoes, the bushes of which are obtained up to 120, less often 150 cm. More recommended on the contrary, as a variety of open ground, but also grows well in greenhouses. It has good resistance to many typical tomato diseases.

Tomatoes are considered to be medium late when about 110-120 days elapse from the moment the seedlings are planted until the first harvest.


• Ripe tomatoes of a classic, bright red color;
• The shape is often rounded and slightly elongated, medium;
• Weight somewhere between 200-300 is ripe fruit, but 600 grams are also found;
• Number of cameras 4-5;
• Dry matter 6%;
• Ready, harvested crop well transfers both transportation and subsequent storage.

Productivity, Consumption

That's the yield and the name of the variety becomes clear. Indeed, the Miracle of a market with high, stable performance. If you take good care, then with sq.m. get 12 and 14 kg of strong, beautiful tomato. For the greenhouse, the indicators are lower, 8-12 kg, but also not bad.

The fruits are medium, beautiful and even, they are convenient to use in the workpieces, fit. Great taste, they are extremely good and fresh. The balance of sugar with acids allows you to get wonderful juice or pasta from Market Miracle.

Grade Advantages

1. Excellent yield;
2. Unpretentious, which is rare for a tomato;
3. Resistant to many vegetable pests, also diseases;
4. They have a long fruiting period, which increases the yield;
5. Good general commercial qualities (well tolerates the road, long-term storage, looks great).

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Also, the ripening of the fruit is considered a feature of the variety. Ripe fruits are universal, they can be safely stored.

Read also:Tomatoes “Balcony Miracle” - harvest all year round

Among the shortcomings, one was noticed, the variety is extremely demanding on fertilizers, especially at the beginning of its development. However, tomatoes need fertilizer, this is normal.

How to grow

This species has recommendations for open ground, where tomatoes grow better, they feel more free and give a higher harvest. It is better to grow them in warmer and more even southern regions. For example, the Astrakhan region or the North Caucasus. However, other regions can use greenhouses or take risks, as is known from many reviews, the miracle of the market has been growing everywhere for several years.

To form a healthy plant, you need 1-2 stems, which require further pinching and pruning. Fertilizers: mixtures of potassium with phosphate, this is extremely important, especially when the bushes are just forming.

Diseases, various pests

Yes, the Miracle of the market is really extremely resistant to some diseases (alas, vegetables also have their own diseases, there is even cancer), this variety often suffers from brown rot.To cope with this scourge, you need to remove all infected fruits, and then reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer and reduce normal watering. Inspect thoroughly all bushes, leaving no infected fruit. To complete the treatment you need drugs "Hom" with "Oksis".

The most frequent “guest” among pests is the bear. It helps from her deep, thorough weeding of the entire area where the tomatoes grow. Sprinkle regularly by removing weeds. From the slugs a spoon of pepper will help on a bucket of irrigation water.

Other pests need to be collected manually when inspecting the bushes. Caterpillars, different bugs. You can treat the bushes with a mild soapy solution, this scares off many pests, the soap has a sharp, unpleasant odor for insects.

Proper care, regular inspections, watering and tomato fertilizers will give excellent results, high productivity. Tomatoes of “Market Miracle” look like a classic look, round and red, juicy, they are not only convenient to preserve or make pasta, but also used in cooking.

The feedback from the practitioners is ambiguous; they describe the characteristics of varieties from different manufacturers. It is worth buying seeds only in trusted sources!

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