Tomatoes “Balcony Miracle” - harvest all year round

30.04.2017 Tomatoes

tomatoes balcony miracle growingEach of us wants to eat fresh vegetables all year round, and many hostesses on the balcony or window sills grow green onions, parsley, dill and other greenfinch. In addition, you can still grow tomatoes. Yes, it’s not easy, but perhaps there is such a wonderful hybrid variety “Balcony Miracle”, which has long gained popularity among many hostesses. Today we find out what the balcony miracle tomatoes are, how to grow them, reviews, characteristics and description of the variety.
Read more: growing tomatoes according to the method of I.M. Maslova.

These are undersized compact bushes, a strong trunk, up to half a meter high. Tomatoes are bright red, in size reach up to 60 g, a very early variety, gives fruit after 90-100 days. Not picky, resistant to disease, does not require additional light, this small bush yields up to 2 kg, it tastes very sweet. You can grow in pots, in containers and wooden boxes. The peculiarity of this variety: does not require pinching, does not need to be tied. Having planted such a variety on your balcony, you will be sure that fresh, ecological tomatoes will be on your table all year round. To enjoy fresh fruits in winter, seed planting should be done in the month of August.

Agricultural technology of tomatoes "Balcony Miracle"

Before planting tomatoes, you need to prepare the soil, which you can prepare yourself or buy ready-made. The soil should be loose and fertile. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then you will need to take in equal parts: humus, peat soil and soddy soil. Before planting for a couple of days, the soil is watered with warm water.


How to grow tomatoes Balcony miracle on the windowsill

It is not necessary to soak and treat with manganese solution seeds of this variety, but if you want, there will be no harm from this. Seeds are planted in moist soil, two seeds each (if both have sprouted, then one weaker seedling is simply removed) in separate cups, without fail making holes at the bottom (drainage holes). Cover with a film to create a favorable temperature, which should be approximately 20-25 degrees during the day and not lower than 17 degrees at night. Remove the film after the appearance of the first shoots and be sure to put it in the sun. A week later, the shoots are transferred to a cooler place, left there for 6-7 days and returned to a warm, bright place, then the grown tomatoes will be happy.

tomato on the windowsill
  • When the seedlings grow a little, say, so, by 10 centimeters in height, then they are transplanted to a permanent place of residence.
    See also: Tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse - planting and care.
  • Proper care is required to ensure a good harvest. Although the variety is not particularly demanding, it still needs care and knowledge of some rules:
  • It is necessary to water indoor tomatoes in the winter and autumn variety of balcony miracles once a week, more often in summer and spring. Water on the ground, trying not to fall on the leaves.
  • During the flowering of tomatoes, the balcony miracle, the bush should be slightly shaken, for better pollination.
    Feed during flowering and fruit set.
  • Variety tomato balcony miracle does not require much light, like other varieties, but still it is better to choose a sunny place on the balcony.
  • Fertilize constantly the soil.

Problems due to which tomatoes can grow poorly:

  • Lack of ventilation;
  • Not too good lighting;
  • Frequent watering can ruin the entire bush;
  • Dry soil;
  • Too frequent fertilizing - oversaturation;
  • Do not water with cold water;
  • They are afraid of drafts, so you need to clean them in another place during ventilation;
  • It is best to water with settled water;
  • A sharp temperature drop on the windowsill is harmful to them.

In the open ground: in addition to the fact that the variety “Balcony Wonder” grows well and gives a harvest at home, it can also be grown in open ground. The only difference is that in the open ground, tomato is easily exposed to late blight disease.

When to plant balcony tomatoes

balcony tomatoes

At what time of the year to plant, you decide, because it can bear fruit all year. For example, if you go to eat fresh tomatoes in the month of January, just on New Year's Eve, then you should start planting them at the end of September.

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Tomatoes variety balcony miracle growing a house in winter, nuances: growing this variety in winter is as easy as at other times of the year, you just need additional lighting. You can install lamps above the pots and turn them on in the morning and evening.


Nikolay, 46 years old

My opinion about these fruits is the best. For the third year, our entire small family eats salads from fresh small tomatoes year-round. Tomatoes really deserve the rightful love of many lovers of fresh vegetables. True, I have never collected a crop of up to two kilograms from one bush, but this does not upset us at all. We have a lot of pots, there is also room on the windowsill, there is enough harvest, my wife pickles several jars even for the winter for a change.

Alena, 44 years old

I really love flowers, greens, I love to care for them, and even more happy if the greens in pots also bear fruit. Last year, planted a sample of three seeds of a balcony miracle. Accepted, the seedlings were strong, and it went. Guys, these are such delicious tomatoes, try it, you won’t regret it. Today I have 8 bushes on the loggia.

tomatoes on the windowsill photo

Nadezhda, 37 years old

I want to share my impressions of the “Balcony Miracle” dwarf tomato. Frankly, my first seedlings disappointed me a little, two of the three bushes almost did not produce a crop. But for the first time I tried tomato balcony red, I simply fell in love with them. I bought more seeds, by the way, their price is very affordable, and planted everything as it should according to the rules and continued to care for seedlings according to all requirements. Now I don’t even know how much tomatoes cost in the market. I have a beautiful harvest, we eat our clean, family-friendly fruits. So, whoever is interested in tomato balcony miracle growing it simply and effectively, the harvest will always please.

Marina, 27 years old

I still grow sugar balcony tomato, it is slightly different in taste from the above, but also good, the crop is excellent, the taste is amazing, I recommend it.

We told you how in the winter you can grow fresh tomatoes and greenfinch on your room territory if you have a balcony. This is so millet and healthy - to have fresh, vitamin-rich fruits on hand! Be sure to try this option of growing tomatoes, and you will see how much joy this process will entice you in all respects. And your household, oh, how grateful you will be for such work. Good luck and a good balcony harvest!

Read more: varieties of tomatoes with a photo and description for the Moscow region.

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