We shelter roses in the Middle lane: ways, tips

4.08.2017 the Rose

The middle zone of Russia, a region with seasonal climatic changes and fairly severe winters. Queen of flowers, rose, southern plant. Therefore, genetically, it does not have a seasonal dormant period. But this beautiful flower won the hearts of Russians long ago, and it is actively cultivated by many gardeners. But how to hide roses for the winter in the Middle lane to protect a delicate bush from winter cold?

Before buying a bush for planting on the site, you need to be aware that you will have to work hard to protect it from frost. It is better to purchase winter-hardy varieties of roses, which are now quite a lot, especially Canadian breeding. They also need to be covered, but they are more adapted to the cold, and the risk of losing the bush is much less. Varietal roses with flowers of delicate colors (white, yellow, cream) are more vulnerable, in contrast to rich red, burgundy.

Buy only bushes grafted on rose hips, this significantly extends their life cycle. At times, the cold resistance of the plant increases.

Most of the flowers tolerate frost -4.5 degrees. When the temperature is set to zero, photosynthesis and growth ceases, the bush goes into a dormant state. That is why the final part of the shelter is recommended to be carried out during the period of the onset of frost in November, the first half.

Preparing the bush for winter

It is necessary to prepare a rose for wintering in stages, so that the plant gradually tunes in to the state of suspended animation.


  1. To prepare the bush for winter, you need to start in July. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers and additives are removed from the diet of fertilizing. Further top dressing is done only with the content of phosphorus and potassium. Organics and nitrogen stimulate the plant to grow and bloom, and the gardener needs to prepare the plant for winter.
  2. In August, we reduce watering to a minimum.
  3. In September, it is recommended to fertilize the bush with Kalimagnesia. Potassium gives strength to the roots, and magnesium stimulates flowering in the new season. During this period, you can begin to trim the leaves with secateurs, gradually limiting the process of photosynthesis.
  4. At the end of September, beginning of October, weed, removing all weeds.

To properly cover the roses for the winter in central Russia, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures for the wintering of the plant.

The second stage of preparation pruning

Before trimming, water the roses abundantly. We prepare dry fertile soil in bags for hilling the bush for the winter. The earth is mixed with peat and sand, left under a canopy. But how to do cropping?

There are general recommendations for gardeners, but each of them chooses their own pruning method.

Why do it in late autumn:

  1. Rejuvenate the bush. Old shoots, young, not stiff and unripe, are removed. If left, they will begin to disappear and rot under cover. Leave new shoots, on which the bark appeared on average up to 7 pieces. Although 5 is enough, but if something suddenly freezes, it can be cut in the spring.
  2. The shape of the bush is laid for next year. To do this, leave branches that are directed in different directions and do not interfere with each other. This will contribute to good ventilation and even distribution of sunlight.

Thus, sleeping buds are stimulated to form future shoots and flowering.

It is a good preventative for pests and diseases.

Before pruning, you need to clean the branches of the foliage with a pruner.They do this so that the foliage does not rot and does not provoke illness. It is clear that not all bushes can do this. For example, on curly roses. For preventive purposes, they are treated with iron or honey containing solutions.

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How to prune roses?

The secateurs should be sharp, the cut is done in centimeter from the kidney along the oblique.

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The choice of pruning: short, medium or gentle, depends on the variety of roses and the preferences of the rose grower. Floribunda can leave more shoots. To make flowering more active, do a medium pruning. In ground covers, it is enough to cut off only the tops. For tea hybrid varieties, short (2.3) buds or medium pruning (6.8 buds) will be optimal. Medium for standard varieties, roses of English selection.

As a rule, gardeners experimentally select a method convenient for them. After this, it is necessary to collect the remains of branches, leaves and burn them. Destroying, thus, pests and affected leaves.

Penultimate stage of preparation

After the remains of the trimmed bush are removed, the earth around the bush is dug up. You can make a small amount of fertilizer, but not nitrogen.

It is important to remember that you can only cover the bush with roses on dry ground. If it rains in the region, then they make a special canopy from the film.

We cover the bush with spruce branches

We learn how to cover roses for the winter in the middle lane with spruce branches, in a simple, affordable way.

If in your region the winters are relatively warm, rarely there are severe frosts, then you can cover the bush with spruce branches.

On a bush prepared for wintering, pour the mixture previously prepared in bags: soil, peat, sand (about 1 bucket somewhere). The mound must be higher than the site of vaccination of the plant. Next, cover with fir branches. Fallen snow will create shelter for the plant. During the winter, it is recommended to throw snow on the shelter several times.

In the case when the medium or gentle pruning is done, the bush must first be bent to the ground. They do this using various kinds of devices: hooks made of hard wire, fittings, greenhouse arcs, etc. Try to do this procedure gradually in several stages, so as not to break the branches. They bend the bush only in the direction of vaccination. Then sprinkle the root with the prepared mixture with the ground, and cover with fir branches. On the ground where the bush lies, you can lay foam or boards.

It is important, in no case should you insulate with foliage, straw, compost. Since they will overheat, rot, thereby provoking illness. Only oak leaves that are not affected by this process are allowed.

Shelter with sawdust

In Central Russia, roses can be covered for the winter with sawdust (see photo below). This method is suitable for regions with relatively warm winters and dry soils. If the occurrence of groundwater is not deep, then sawdust with the ground attract moisture and freeze. This can lead to the death of the bush, individual stems.

The method consists in the fact that sawdust, which is an additional insulation, is mixed with the prepared composition. In addition, the bush is wrapped with non-woven insulation and tied. This sheltering technique is most suitable for stiff erect bushes.

The most reliable way to shelter roses, non-woven insulation on the frame

The most effective way of shelter is air-dry, using non-woven insulation. The most famous of them is spanbond, depending on the manufacturers the names may be different. I make them from polymer fibers. They have several advantages:

  1. They do not pass water, but at the same time, steam passes through them, like through a membrane. Therefore, the plant under it can breathe.
  2. They are a good insulation. The thicker the material, the warmer.
  3. It lets in light, so after the roses open in the spring, they are not stressed by the bright sun. You need to get a light spanbond.
  4. Sufficiently durable material, resistant to ultraviolet, temperature extremes. It can serve up to 5 years.
  5. In addition, the material is affordable.

Above the bush, with spoiled roots, they build a frame. It can be made of wooden panels, reinforcing building mesh, special arcs, plastic boxes. Cover the top with non-woven material, and fix the ends of the material with something heavy. You can sprinkle with earth. Before frost, one sidewall is left open, when stable cold weather is established, it is closed. In such a house, the plant overwinter at an average temperature of 4 degrees.

Each gardener brings something from himself to the step-by-step process of sheltering roses for the winter in the Middle lane. For example, make frame umbrellas with spanbond.

Garden decoration, rose - a delicate southern plant that needs protection from the cold.

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