Rosa Cordana mix - home care after the store and can it be planted in open ground?

26.03.2019 the Rose

Almost every florist draws attention to the beautiful rosebuds, which can decorate the interior of the house with luxurious flowers. Thanks to the work of breeders, varieties of miniature roses have appeared that can be grown in flowerpots at home. One of the popular species is the Cordana mix rose, because it is not as fastidious in care as other varieties of its species, and is well suited for breeding at home, but an important condition for the full development of the plant is its proper transplantation after purchase in a store.

When growing this variety, you should choose a bright place for the flowerpot, as well as constantly maintain an optimal level of humidity and monitor the absence of parasites that can damage the flower. Mini roses are also suitable for planting on flower beds, for which they have received the name of curbs, because they tolerate street conditions well.

Feature Cordana Mix

Cordana is a miniature plant bred by breeders for temperate countries. She came to us from the subtropics of the Northern Hemisphere. The flower feels good both in gardens and in pots on the windowsills of houses and apartments.

This variety has several typical features:

You may be interested in:
  • lack of aroma, which allows it to grow people prone to allergic reactions to flowering;
  • plant height up to 30 cm;
  • small leaves of an emerald shade;
  • the buds are the same in shape as the classic flower;
  • the color scheme consists of white, red, pink and yellow;
  • for the mix variety, the presence of buds of different shades on one bush is characteristic;
  • long flowering period;
  • rapid development of the bush with proper care;
  • fast regeneration;
  • lush flowering.

This variety is finicky in care and requires constant attention from the grower. But when creating the right conditions for life, the rose will delight with plentiful and long flowering.

Cordana variety has two varieties that are popular with flower growers growing indoor roses:

  1. The classic has bushes of medium splendor, small leaves of a standard form and flower buds up to 5 cm.

  2. Grande is distinguished by large foliage and flowers that reach 8 cm.


Despite the fact that this variety is dwarf, in its beauty it is no different from large roses and the presence of such a bush in the house will decorate any room, giving it an unusual charm, especially during the flowering period.

Cordana mix rose care at home after shopping

After the purchase, it is important to properly care for Cordana, as she is quite picky. The adaptation period takes several weeks for the plant. Usually, during adaptation, the flower can wither and even discard leaves, so the main thing is to arrange for it the correct development conditions in the future.


Rose loves the color of the sunshine and the window sill on the south side is perfect for her, which will allow the flower to receive enough light.

However, avoid direct sunlight at high temperatures, as they burn the delicate foliage of the plant.

In winter, you can illuminate the plant with phytolamps for full growth.

Temperature and watering

Comfortable air temperature for roses - + 15-20 degrees year-round. Do not place a flowerpot near heating appliances in the winter. The flower does not tolerate temperature extremes and drafts.

A high level of humidity promotes good flower growth, so you should regularly spray the foliage with warm water. Also, a fountain, an aquarium or an air humidifier in the room where the rose is located will be a good solution.

An ornamental plant is very fond of moisture, and proper watering will be the key to its beautiful appearance and long flowering period. Focus on water needs should be on the upper soil layer, if it is dry - it's time to water. In the warmer months, more abundant watering is needed than in winter. But you should not allow stagnation of water in a flowerpot, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. With a strong overdrying of the soil, the plant will also not be able to fully develop and bloom in time.


Experienced flower growers are advised to transplant a home rose immediately after purchase, for this you need to do the following:

  1. Pour flower in a pot abundantly.
  2. Soak the selected flowerpot for a few hours in water. Be sure to make holes in it.
  3. Put a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot.
  4. Get the bush out of the pot very carefully, being careful not to damage the roots.
  5. Transfer the flower into a new flowerpot and fill it with a specially prepared substrate.

In order for Cordana to begin to get used to faster in a new tank, it is recommended to transplant into the phase of the growing moon. The flower is transplanted if necessary to increase the pot or replace the substrate, based on the development of the plant.

How to make a rose bloom?

Since this variety is grown precisely because of beautiful flowers, the grower wants to make the decorative bush bloom longer. For this purpose, it is recommended to prune wilted flowers in a timely manner. Such a simple and simple way will extend the flowering time of the bush and get the maximum number of new buds on the plant.

At the end of the flowering period, it is necessary to cut the bush, otherwise it will not bloom next year. The Cordana variety rarely gives extra shoots, but still you need to remove dried buds, adult branches, as well as crooked and unnecessary shoots.

For the winter, 3-4 buds are left, of which a young bush with flowers will bloom in the spring.

The rose needs constant feeding, fertilizer can be applied immediately after watering, but at the same time, the growth phase and season should be taken into account. It is recommended to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers during the active vegetation period, in the spring.

In summer, during flowering, potassium-phosphorus fertilizing is suitable, and in the autumn-winter period, feeding is not required, since at this time the flower is resting. Fertilizing should be done once every two weeks, more frequent use of top dressing is inappropriate, since excess can harm the flower.


The simplest and most popular method of propagating roses is cuttings, which is carried out from May to August. It is enough to cut young cuttings at an angle of 45 ° and put them in the water until the roots are let out. You can also add a growth stimulator to the water to speed up the procedure.

Propagation by cuttings
Propagation by cuttings

After the roots grow up, you can safely plant the cuttings in flowerpots with suitable soil. Usually this process takes 1-2 weeks.When planting several of these sprouts in one pot, you can immediately get a small bush in 2-3 months.

Diseases, pests and control measures

The reasons for the deterioration of the state of a mix variety rose can be both diseases characteristic of flowers and the presence of insects that have a detrimental effect on the bush. Among the diseases of the Cordana variety, one can distinguish:

  1. Powdery Mildew It appears white plaque on the leaves and stem. For the treatment of this fungal disease, it is recommended to trim the affected parts of the plant and transplant it into another soil.

    Powdery mildew
    Powdery mildew
  2. Rust. Can be detected by the appearance of red spots on the greenery. For struggle suitable pruning and loosening of the soil.
  3. Black spotting. Darkening and drying of the leaves is characteristic. To eradicate the disease, you need to prune the flower and treat it with special chemicals, such as Fitosporin or Oksikhom.

For the prevention of pests, the plant should be sprayed with insecticides (Actara, Actellik) or apply them along with watering. Indoor flower can suffer from spider mites, aphids, mealybugs and other insects, especially during the growing season, so such prevention is very important for him.

It is important to prevent infection by pests, since getting rid of them without consequences for the plant is almost impossible.

Is it possible to plant a Cordana Mix rose in open ground

Indoor Kordana grows well and develops in the open ground, it can be planted in the garden or in the flowerbed. Experts recommend planting plants that have reached the age of 3 or more years.

Cultivation agricultural

The process of growing Cordana in gardens and flower beds is not much different from indoor care. The plant needs to provide certain conditions:

  • the location is western or southwest, with enough light, but without direct sunlight, especially in the hot summer months;
  • timely watering, while the soil should not dry out;
  • spraying foliage in the evening, especially at temperatures above +25 degrees;
  • continuous loosening of the topsoil;
  • the composition of the soil should be nutritious, but not very dense, add peat if necessary;
  • in the summer months, mulching the soil in order to prevent root overheating will not be out of place;

  • water stagnation is unacceptable at any time for years, having noticed it, you should immediately reduce the number of irrigation;
  • the use of top dressing several times during the growing season;
  • weed removal as they occur;
  • pruning the bush in the fall after flowering to maintain shape and ensure successful vegetation for the next season.

The bushes will comfortably grow near other plants, since the roots of the rose are small and they need a little space. The main thing is a sufficient amount of nutrient components in the ground and the availability of timely watering.

Shelter for the winter

When growing a mini rose in the open ground, you need to prepare it for the winter cold and help the plant survive them. Preparation for frost should consist of several stages:

  1. Pruning a bush in the fall to a height of 10-15 cm.
  2. Hilling the bush with compost.
  3. Shelter with natural materials (fir branches, sawdust, leaves) or with plastic wrap, plastic bottles.

If it is not possible to transplant the rose into the greenhouse before spring, it is necessary to cover it for the winter, since the flower cannot survive the frosty winter without these measures.

Common Growing Questions

How to choose a pot for a plant?
A miniature rose does not need a large pot, as the roots do not need a lot of space. At the first transplant, a pot is suitable for a couple of centimeters more than bought with a flower. The presence of holes at the bottom of the tank to remove excess moisture is mandatory.

What if there are no buds?
There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • inappropriate flower maintenance;
  • the option of improper pruning of the rose is possible, after which flowering will not occur;
  • excess nitrogen fertilizers can also cause a lack of buds.
How often do they transplant a rose at home?
Mandatory is a flower transplant after purchase in a store. In the future, the frequency of the procedure will depend on how the plant develops. It should be transplanted only if necessary, change the pot to a more spacious one.
What is the best time to propagate a plant?
A period of its active growth is suitable for planting a rose. From May to August, you can propagate the plant by cuttings and by the spring you can grow a full-fledged bush.

Variety Kordana mix, although capricious in care, but still allows you to grow beautiful bushes with an abundance of small flowers of different shades in the house and garden. You can use a flower in the form of decoration not only of the interior indoors, but also of the outside.

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