Tasty and healthy dogwood jam with bone

5.10.2018 Winter blanks

dogwood jam

Dogwood - a bush that bears fruit with oval-oblong red berries. Vitamins contained in berries strengthen blood vessels, protect capillaries from fragility.

Dogwood jam is very tasty and healthy. It helps with fever, bronchitis, sore throat and other symptoms of colds.

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It is possible to harvest this delicacy for the winter with bones and without them. Pitted jam is softer and softer, but the stone gives it a wonderful smell and takes much less time, because you do not need to bother and pick out the seeds from small berries.

Some housewives in order to cook jam faster and remove unnecessary natural astringency of berries, blanch them.

To do this, you need to lower the fruits in a sieve in boiling water and hold them there for no more than two minutes. A step-by-step recipe will tell you how to cook the jam itself.


  • dogwood - 1 kg.,
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.,
  • water - 0.4 liters.


How to cook dogwood jam

Wash the dogwood and get rid of spoiled berries. Pour into a pot with thick walls.


Add sugar to the berries and shake the pan. Do not mix.

add sugar

Add water, mix well and cook the mixture. From time to time to remove the emerging foam. Boil until it boils. Remove jam from heat and let cool for 5 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, put the mass in a boil again, bring to a boil and cook while stirring for about 3-5 minutes. Repeat cooling and boiling the mixture another 1-2 times.


Pour cornel jam into washed with soda and sterilized glass containers.

close in jars

Roll up, turn over the jars, cover them with a towel and leave until they are completely cooled. It is recommended to store the workpiece in the dark and dry.

ready-made jam

In winter, it can be served with tea, pastries or a small amount of jam to relieve symptoms and prevent colds. After the jar is opened, it must be stored in the refrigerator, tightly closing the lid.

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